Geert is out of control bros how do we stop him
Geert is out of control bros how do we stop him
No fucking way
the absolute madman
>that feel when you're so redpilled you want to countersignal anti-islamic sentiments
It gets better
joining him in sucking of our jewish masters like the shabbos goys we are
Amazing that sharing an image like this deep in west europe means his life will now be in danger.
not that i give a fuck about pictures of Muhammed but i hope he gets carbombed for this, i don't like his hair
the thing is, it won't be Wilders getting blown up, it'll be about 20 of his constituents sitting in a cafe or train station or something when ISIS decides to retaliate. fuck that asshole for pointlessly provoking conflict
>pointlessly provoking conflict
If they silence you, they lose
Wacky paki detected.
>bumping for literally the most based Euro Twitter you can follow
>wahh someone made fun of my magic man in the sky but I don't have the balls to get him since he's a politician surrounded by armed men.
>It's his fault if I blow up 20 kids in a school I'm a peaceful guy from a peaceful religion
You muslims make more mental gymnastics than the stormfags.
Welp there goes the country.
Muzzie riots incoming.
Based. He is right about Islam. Fuck political correctness.
Q: how does a smartphone replace the dildo?
>he doesn't shove his mobile up his arse
>idb4 gets assasinated
also what a conflict baiting faggot he wan'ts it let him have it.
he posts this type of shit all the time so no one cares about it anymore.
and who cares about him to begin with now we have /ourguy/ thierry.
>tfw you realize that Geert is a Jew
>what is a vibration function
Hes bodyguarded 7/24 because of muslim madmen, so either way hes a dead man walking. He should use his situation to go hard on muslims.
He has a Jewish grandmother AND is married to a Hungarian Jew.
>I hope he gets carbombed because I don't like his hair
Nigga what
it's ok for kikes to be anti-everyone else but not ok for anyone to be anti-semite
too week to satisfy anyone, i tried with a chick once
>Linking a video by a butthurt muslim the "Verdant Servant" who is comitting Taqiyya against muslim enemies.
Im tired of faggots who cant multitask enemies and always choose one side. Grow some brain and say no to semites of all kinds.
>don't like his hair
>Donald is his president
>Literally lived in Israel
>Jewish grandmother
>Im tired of faggots who cant multitask enemies
You should NEVER support kikes you retard, this is just redirection from Jews, when Jews are the ones who import muslims/nigs into Europe, and then use a bait and switch to them rally support from non Jews (for Israel), simply kosher nationalism.
If you dare question them, you'll get labelled anti semite, get sent to jail, or (back in the kike founded and kike controlled USSR), killed.
I agree. Now, Dutch embassies around the world have to increase their security at the risk of being attacked.
>when Jews are the ones who import muslims/nigs into Europe
Yes.....Merkel and all the other non-Jewish European leaders do not have anything to do with the foreign invasion
Blame the Jews and you can absolve every other religion of treason, you weak minded douchenozzle
>Not a Jew
>Blame the Jews
Sure, they're at fault.
huh? what yuo say bisch?