At their meeting on May 3rd the Kanonji city council officially voted to spend 22.8 million yen for Yuuki Yuuna Yuusha de Aru the anime.
So season two is probably under way. They have taken public money now so they probably cant afford to not produce a season two in the next couple years or they might be asked to pay it back. Or otherwise get into a sticky legal situations.
Yuuki Yuuna/NoWaYu/WaSuYu news!
Other urls found in this thread:
Crap. Grabbed the wrong photo
Didn't that happen a few months back already? I could swear I've seen this news before.
It was proposed a few months ago. This is the actual vote to budget the money. Doesn't say when the check will actually cut though.
Well, time to open a bottle of champagne then.
This is an anime you know? And it has more than one ongoing manga.
Also, thanks for the bump, the thread was about to die spontaneously, but thanks to you it's back to the front page. Have a (you) in return.
Have another bump, faggot.
Go back to and kill yourself.
Although, I am excited. Hopefully the money goes into production for season two and it's not one of those take the money and run type situations.
>22.8 million yen
How many episodes is that worth?
>22.8 million
That's $210k, only worth for 1 episode, maybe an OVA or VN.
They once said that they need 400 million yen to make both WaSuYu movie and S2.
I've never been to a single /u/ YuYuYu thread, the Sup Forums threads are more than sufficient. I'm not going to start going there now because some faggot suddenly decided that YuYuYu shouldn't be posted on Sup Forums just because it has lesbians.
Will they ever produce season 2?
There will be legal problems now if they don't make some kind of animation now. They took public money.
No one can say that for sure, but it's certainly possible. We still have two big announcements and at least one of the new projects should be revealed this November. Probably a WaSuYu movie because NoWaYu isn't going to end sometime soon and I doubt they will announce a new major installment before the end of LN.
Take it easy, user.
The city isn't the only sponsor.
But the Yuuki Yuuna production committee does not know how to merchandize properly.
You still cannot buy this after two years.
And this was tweeted by one of the staff members so its not like fan art they don't have rights to.
These girls deserve a dicking or two.
Fuck, I wish I had some happy vintage mahou shoujos, but all I have is smug and sad ones.
Well, here is a Tougo
I doubt its WaSuYu because it was the city who paid it, therefore, the content must take place within the city.
I want to see more of my little angel
she wont see or hear you anymore
perfect girlfriend for Sup Forums
What if they make pachinko?
Thank Japanese Goverment
Fuck Abe though
I just want to see her smile again!
>mitcher meier used to draw amazing vividred, symphogear, and strike witches asses
>now he only draws walmart madoka
Life sucks
Nothing wrong with drawing adorable but brave little girls!
I want to teach my future daughter to lift a bit.
I still cant believe he ignored Pandora.
He must not like dolljoints. Since otherwise everything about Nene and Clarion was right up his alley.
Cultural Shintoism > Cultural Marxism.
Make Shikoku Heroic Again
Build The Wall... Oh wait.
>Fuck Abe though
Abe did nothing wrong
I pray we get some decent Pandora doujins.
Teach your daughter karate, yoga and massage.
I wish VividRed didn't have too many hands doing the writing. The character designs are incredible, the idea good and most refreshingly the military there aren't just useless fodder
Now you really have to explain further.
>I doubt they will announce a new major installment before the end of LN.
They just might, if I'm not mistaken WaSuYu wasn't finished yet when YuYuYu aired.
It's also probably not a good idea to have big hiatuses without new content, so if they intend to go through with it they should at least announce it and maybe start production before or just as NoWaYu ends.
And I wanted to see if Akane's Mom becomes Vivid White or if that is just fan art.
Having one of the Moms join her daughters magical girl troup would be a neat change.
Those are Yuuki Yuuna's skills. Her Dad taught her Karate and massage and her Mom taught her Yoga. Those are actually their jobs, Dad is a karate instructor and massuse and Mom teaches yoga.
This is how Yuuna became "Godhand". And can make girls orgasm without touching their genitals or even fully undressing
Except Sacrifice Yukarin to the fertility Gods
She will get better soon
Is that why Yuuna has such a pure and unblemished heart?
Truly a happy family
>a city paying for a lesbian anime
What are they, homos? Lmao
They just love slurping big noodles.
>tfw Gokumi's last update was on May 20, making this the longest inactive period of their twitter since conception
I believe in second season when I will see announcement and for now to me second season never.
They're a rather shitty studio but I'm still fond of them only for making this anime.
Don't bully
No bully but he has a point, their other stuff is alright at best.
When Yuuna and Karin reach high school age will they be as fit looking as Bee and Monkey from the monogatari series?
No one can out/fit/ Karin!
But, Yuuna does without even trying, just by the way she lives her life.
Karate and yoga are just part of her day, its how she spends time with her family. There are hints that she might have ADHD and her parents started this routine when she was still a toddler because she would not sit still and kept getting into trouble unless she was kept constantly occupied until she fell asleep.
Even as a Jr high schooler she has a yoga mat and a pilate's ball in her bedroom because she has to exercise between subjects in her homework or she becomes figity and cant concentrate.
Now you really need to tell me more. I know from the show that she's also a frequent liar because she's being way too nice, but I didn't know about this ADHD stuff
Well we don't know about the other Yuuna, but its obvious from her behavior that Yuuna is pretty hyper, and easily bored. She outright states she hates to read real books and prefers manga and videos.
Even now it shows that her genki-ness is controlled from something that could become very annoying really fast. So she is well adjusted and well socialized so it doesn't affect her like it could, but its because she has put work into it.
Frequent liar? Yuuki Yuuna? Maybe Takashima Yuuna is but Yuuki?
Yuuki Yuuna is not as dumb as she acts, its just become habit from being a kid who did unintentionally wreck things and hurt people from not being able to control herself. She has since found its also a good way to get to know people.
Will KaRin have a body as good as KaRen does here by the time KaRin is sixteen or seventeen?
Why are you obsessed with the bodies of underage girls user? You're not a dirty disgusting pervert are you?
Oh, as late as sixth grade Yuuna did something thoughtless and hurt someone who was a good friend of hers. Because they were not going to see each other the next year, due to Yuuna being the only one from her grade school picked to go to Sanshu Middle School (because she had been secretly drafted as a yuusha) she walked all the way to the other girls house to apologise.
Yuuna then became very depressed, which lasted till the day Tougou moved in next door.
If by "dirty disgusting pervert" you mean "junior high age lesbian" then yes, yes I am.
post feet
I feel I've missed out on a lot by being a filthy anime-only secondary; too bad I have a Yuuna-tier attention span too
Will Karin make it to her seventeeth birthday?
Its a shame there are not enough places where her genkiness can be released without causing property damage or injury to others.
This is an interesting question. Will they kill off any of the main characters or will they just go through psychological trauma as their YuMP kohai red shirts die around them?
this is the best I can do for you
I doubt it, it feels wrong removing one color permanently.
I'm tentatively excited.
Pandora was great, though. Easily earned its place in the Appleseed/GiTS universe by the end.
The last 4koma chapter introduced us to possibly some of the future YuMPs (Yuusha, Mass Production Type).
It's never too late. The novels aren't really that long.
Will they eat the red tsundere alive?
There's not enough mahou shoujo for adults. It wouldn't be as much as for a second season, but I'd be excited for anything else comparable.
Itsuki has Karin wrapped around her finger.
Karin wants to be called oneechan and have imouto so bad you can see the pain.
Remember the manga chapter where Itski was feeling worthless at home so she asked Sonoko and Tougou to teach her and how Karin circled and circled around Itsuki in the cafeteria till she found out what the problem was?
If my Gundam knowledge serves me well, the MP suits are going to look many times better than the prototype systems.
>There's not enough mahou shoujo for adults
Bullshit, there is not enough little girl focused Mahou Shoujo nowadays. Its all idol idol idol, godammit, we are in Sally's 50th anniversary and all Toei did was a meh Precure season
But the surviving six are not going to have the same suits returned to them either.
I just hope Tougou retains her tenticles. I just find the idea of a maho shoujo with her own naughty tenticles to be too adorable.
But Flying Witch is the true 50th celebration for Sally.
I never watched sally myself, but overall clasic magical girls were less comfy and more hectic.
I like Flying Witch, but overall I think user is looking for stuff like:
Now that I think about it, isn't it likely that her tentacles were kind of like the things that appeared on Karin's limbs? Prosthetics of sorts?
Yes. If we had seen Sonoko move she probably would have moved the same as Tougou.
That's how Karin would have kept moving too in non mankai hero mode, her suit would have wielded her other sword and she would have pogoed around.
Tougou had at least two tenticles dedicated to keeping her legs out of the way harm, it showed when she went to lay down in prone position.
If Sonoko Mankai'd 20 times, then which 20 of her body parts failed?
Flying Witch looks comfy, I'm saving it for the end of the year, when Toei obligatorily mess up and makes me depressed over magical girls again (I already consider 80's Sally a mess up, but Toei can go beyond that for sure)
Apparently Takahiro at first wanted her to look more like a silent hill nurse, but as YuYuYu became more and more soft the idea was dropped.
So basically, we have no idea beyond her left eye and all of her limbs?
Anyone have the compilation of posts in threads corresponding to its stalker rank?
God, the day we broke into single digit territory was certainly a glorious one also flooded the threads with shitposters but oh well, can't win them all.
I think she had one working hand.
Its easier to list the things that were working.
Oh, I used to have that image, even had my post about checking out those singles
Do we assume organ failure, then? Because considering how many faculties she does have working, it's hard to come up with 20 that she lost.
>I spent a lot of time hyping the shit out of the chance of single digits
>then the numbers drop a little
>then they go up again and right into singles
That and Symphogear selling completely washed over the bitter taste of the whole post-madoka situation. I hope season 2 gets announced before Toei messes up my year.
It's surprising that she could still hear and speak. The number 20 must have been pulled out of a hat without much consideration.
>before Toei messes up my year.
Explain. Is that about
Yea I think she had some organ failure and things like bladder control, bowl control ect.
But also they probably didn't think when they gave her 21 fairies.
I figured as much, but I'd like to see them try to justify it. Although I suppose basically all of her organs except her brain could be non-functional but it's fine since she can't die.
That actually makes sense.
Karin already got herself an imouto named Tomiko. I just know that this little cutie will become a hero and get killed off/crippled for life in S2.
Do you guys have a mega folder or something like that for this series? I am kind of new to the magical girl stuff and id like to make this my first
We've got a pastebin.