How do we stop the black genocide?
We don't, let the niggers die out.
fuck off whitey
Giving love rather than hate.
We need more memes like this.
This is a good meme. Lets get this rolling, post it all over social medias to black people pronto.
Blacks are killing their race and are ashamed of their heritage.
Accelerate it to completion.
Genocide over.
stop the black genocide
Who cares?
I'm totally not saging this thread. Plz don't ban me mods.
Brits were prone to race.mixing, that's why afro-americans have 20% euro dna... they are no pure africans
Africa is teeming with niggers, they are projected to be half of Earth's population by the end of the century, it's the exact opposite of genocide, through international aid we help them breed.
send them all back to Africa
>three ugly women
I don't get it
Well for starters you can stop pouring cream into your coffee.
I think it's great that this sheboon realizes that mixing with a shitskin is the equivalent of actually destroying your bloodline. Is she, dare I say, /ourcoon/?
>that skull shape
Girl on the left isn't a true black either
I do wonder what will happen to the 13% black people when whites and their guilt no longer have enough votes. Asians and latinos are super racist against blacks. Will they end gibs, will they vote for forced emigration, or a full ethnic cleanse?
by accelerating it until it no longer becomes possible
I wish I could find lewds of black girls like that chick on the right. Pornhub never fails to disappoint me
You don't
>muh black genocide
>muh white genocide
which one is it now?
we need twitter to get on this immediately
tweet at black lives matter feminists because those are the ones who will get triggered the most
So what do you call that? A banana? Yellowed? Minged?
Abortion kills 50% of unborn black babies.
Who wants abortion? Feminists.
Who are the Feminists? JEWS
sic em niggers
>A banana? Yellowed? Minged?
also this is a brilliant psyops make the blacks believe that the're is a black genocide.
What do you wonder about. US will become Brasil. Whites will reside in a few segregaed areas. Nogs in favellas, cause no gibs. But no decent paying jobs either. Socialistic healthcare etc.
>reclaim our original nationality
That's stupid whites have TFR below 2,1 and intermix turning multiracial while the Kangz give birth to 12 children in Africa - so the blacks have no problem with some that intermix.
Now how can you say no to that?
My ideas weren't good, but that isn't as good as 'blacked'
That is possible. But if rule of law weakens (and the usa presidential system is more likely to) that is when democracies lead to (active) genocides. See also the book, a world on fire.
Blacks genocide themselves all the time. Those that are smart choose to willingly get bleached. Blacks are less accepting,so mixed breeds will often side to whites cause of a solid family structure. Blacks despite having the number advantage are slicing their knee caps off while claiming to be great.
American blacks are different to real Africans. Real Africans can't stand them and I have a friend from South A. who married a white guy despite having two fully black kids. No surprise the kids are happy.
Beyonce is like the top 1% of blacks.
She is absolutely not reflective of the masses of blacks, and they certainly aren't bleaching themselves.
Mhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.....Ow, weren't they informed? A Pan-human race is only one color and it ain't black y'all
Go back to Sup Forums. you deranged mentally ill nigger
Ice Cube?!?!
this guy gets it
Lose the name, faggot.
It's a great idea, a lot of black people actually agree.
Every single famous black person get skin bleachings man. Michael Jackson, Sammy Sosa, Beyonce, etc. etc.
Oh that explains why the UK would be 100% white until your ugly mob started mass immigration rolling. Even now the white population is a smaller percentage from immigration, not miscegenation, but nice try you sly turd, I see you behind that meme flag.
>do your part to get alimony
No, you get "Culturally enriched"
Considering that black people had wealthier communities under segregation, I would almost go so far to say that blacks would have more wealth and power in society if the KKK had ruled over their cities, rather than the Democrats.
> See also the book, a world on fire.
See the South Africa , Rhodesia, thats it.
>tries to pick the best-looking African woman
>she still has literal pubes as hair
how can other ethnies even compete?
Beyoncé reminds me of this cartoon:
Do you really think the Nazis cared if black men bred with their trashy whore women? No it was all a ploy to breed blacks out of existence.
Also important to note is that Malcolm X's interim solution to the white problem was to INCREASE segregation by blacks taking complete control of the communities they shopped at, rather than shopping at a store owned by Goldberg
By producing more memes like this. We have to stop niggers from wrongly thinking that people like Obama or Tiger Woods are blacks.
>Considering that black people had wealthier communities under segregation
They've got to understand (believe) that every time they race mix they destroy their race.
>African woman
>African-American people are being bred out of existence