Why are youtube comments so red-pilled?
Why are youtube comments so red-pilled?
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They're not. Just shallow and needlessly cruel in order to feel better about themselves.
Fuck that kid will be ugly
There was literally a comment with 100+ upvotes saying she'll be a single mom based on statistics/nigger fathers. These are comments by leftist teens btw.
White women love carrying abominations and dating monsters so virtue signal. It's like walking a mutated mutt around all day.
Can someone translate this niggerspeak into English?
Everyone knows that youtube commentators are pewdiepie teen nazis, not neckbeard teen commies
Have you ever met a polak that gets tired of trolling Normie's? I sure haven't.
finna means "is going to"
Finna boing. But Finna translates to "feeling like doing a". That's it, really.
a woman from finland
It comes from "fiend to" like wanna comes from "want to". It has transformed into meaning "going to" out of pure stupidity and misunderstanding among the nogs themselves.
>What the hell is going on?
An arab (Armenian people are either Turkic or arabs) and a negro make a kid. Nothing personnel
And I know that saying "fiend to" is retarded in the first place
Maybe everyone is a racist Nazi, Youtube is just the only platform that allows us to get away with it. Also checked.
They will do cosmetic surgeons on the baby, mark my words
Can someone post some pics of these 2 for those of us who don't follow hollowood?
Better question, why are you on the TMZ youtube channel looking up cardashian lore?
How is this redpilled thinking travis scott is ugly isn't a controversial or uniquely right wing position lmao.
because the Sup Forums demographic happens to coincide with the raging adolescent demographic known to inhabit the youtube comments section
It's on the Youtube trending tab (#2 atm).
>half decent looking non-white woman with plastic surgery
>ugly communist nigger
Fuck I feel bad for that baby
How is he a communist wtf
Depends on the vid. Some audiences are more red pilled than others. The ones under Colbert sketches and such are retarded.
the kids are alt right
The kids are the main consumers of that niggers music lmao
>Why are youtube comments so red-pilled?
Nah. It's edgy teenagers who can be anonymous so they spout racist sentiments for the sake of being edgy. Notice how there are no facts in these comments, just ugly stereotypes.
Dont care what anyone says, nigs make some catchy grooves
>using jewtube
This is a travis scott music video thread now
I bet you haven't heard of le based black man lmao
Do you see that communist pin on the right side of his sweater?
Jenners and Kardashians are not european, so I don't give a fuck if non-whites and coons with with one another.
At least we don't worship effeminate males
And? Just because he's African-American doesn't mean she'll be a "single mother." Again, ugly stereotype. Kanye is still with Kim, but that doesn't fit the narrative.
finna muslima
>Notice how there are no facts in these comments
There are, they're literally upvoting comments like pic related.
>statistics are nothing but ugly stereotypes
They sympathize with her having a nigger. They love her so hard to ignore the (((truth)))
He probably too dumb to even know what that symbol means.
lmao thats just vapid appropriation of political aesthetics. Street fashion has been doing this for years. I highly doubt travis scott is a commie (mainly because I doubt he's ever read a book)
I guess this means Kanye is a neo-confederate truly /ourguy/.
We bout to have a Son of a Bitch Jenner
Serious answer?
It's one of the few major websites today that isn't a social network, albeit not entirely a "forum" in the traditional sense. You want to know the difference? Well, a "forum" is a place where people meet, in threads, arranged in categories, all in a tree pattern. A social network revolves around not a "forum", but a "person", or one's opinion, there is no centralization, no "place" to be, no unique pattern, and mainly isolated hubs. Youtube isn't a social network, nor a forum, it revolves around content, ranked by views, each of one being a "place" for people to meet, arranged in some major trees, without much isolation, and now that it reached critical mass, information flows freely, political correctness is out the door, and it's undergoing what the early internet witnessed years ago.
So yeah it's becoming another Sup Forums, and that's a great thing.
It's a derivation of Redneck, which is a derivation of Old South.
>Finna --> Fixin' ta --> Fixing to --> Fit to be --> It's fitting
Those nig tier comments are far from redpilled. Wy do you use such a wretched example to prove your point?
Look at your fingers as you type, then type "finna", then "gonna".
whether you're racist or not, how can anybody find that guy attractive?
>So yeah it's becoming another Sup Forums, and that's a great thing.
Nonwhites and traps? Sign me up!
That is one ugly negro.