America in 2017 is Russia in 1917

A survey conducted by Brookings Institute Fellow among American students showed the following results:
1) 44% of students believe that the right to "hate speech" is not included in the First Amendment to the American Constitution (ie the right to freedom of speech).

2) 20% of students are ready to use violence in order not to allow the performances of their political opponents.

3) 62% of students of leftist convictions believe that it is necessary to disrupt the speeches of people of other political beliefs (only 39% among the students of right-wing views)

4) 53% of students believe that universities should not allow speakers whose speeches can be "offensive" for certain groups of people

We see an extremely negative trend towards the radicalization of American students toward leftist ideologies. Some of them are ready to personally determine what is "hate speech" (for the left is any speech by conservative activists), the other part is ready to use physical or moral violence (in the best traditions of crazy revolutionaries of past centuries). They do not respect the Constitution, the law and the natural right of people to promote their political beliefs.

We also see a lot of similarities with pre-revolutionary Russia:

1) Radical, aggressive students, ready for terrorist attacks and violence for the sake of promoting their ideas.

2) The professors support and strengthen the evil inclinations of these young people.

3) Uncertain officials who are trying to please everyone make everything all the worse.

4) The Church is forgotten and despised; Pastors care not about serving God and the People, but about the benefits and money.

5) A large number of foreign funds and NGOs working to undermine statehood.

All this allows us to talk about the high probability of a civil war (cold or hot).

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hate to tell you but everyone under 28 should be put to death to cull the idiots.

No, it is not.

Your "Radical, aggressive students" are just fat, lazy emasculated middle class kids.

Drop that proxy, John.


Yes, is it.
Now there is an escalation of the situation with the help of the media.
A typical method of the "orange revolution".
The only thing that is required now from the millenials is the creation of noise and extras.
The soldiers of the revolution will be completely different people.

Кaкoe eщё пpoкcи?

The only thing they're gonna overthrow is daddy's credit card balance though.

Purge when?

The russian empire couldn't achieve world revolution but the the us can. Careful what you wish for otherwise only the hopes for yellowstone eruption and the survival of the following global extinction event will remain.

Read about Orange Revolutions (Ukraine, Arab Spring, etc.).

This is a typical scenario of Orange Revolutions:

1) Mass protests of students and liberals.
2) Brutal suppression by the state.
3) The mass uprising of the whole people
4) Demolition of the current government.

It was in Libya, Syria, Ukraine and even in dozens of countries.
They always follow the standard plans.

Soon I hope.

I'm afraid of this scenario.

If the socialistis post-revolutionary US decides to start the world socialist revolution, only a full-scale nuclear strike on American soil can stop them.

The American military-industrial complex is the most powerful in the world.

And now imagine the New Red Army armed with American weapons and trained according to American standards.


The US is nothing like the Communists of the Soviet union. You should know Vlad that the core constituencies of communism are industrial workers, soldiers, and intellectuals. The American right controls the military and controls the proletariat. What the left has control over is the lumpenproletariat, A.k.a. people who do not produce surplus value. Because of this the left cannot rely on coercion to implement it's agenda because the right owns all the warrior demographics. If the left manages to seize control of either the working classes or the military , then the left can rely on coercion for its aims.

Look into the Spanish Civil War to get a more accurate conflict about the situation in the United States .

Good. Fuck america, let it suffer. They deserve it.

It's working! :D

American Communism (let's call it Revolutionary Judaism to be precise) won't take the same character as it did in Russia. Here it will be Jews leading a collection of aggrieved ethnic minorities against whites, and the end result won't be Soviet-Style Communism but left-wing capitalism

yer country didn't go bonkers after it collapse and they won't

and they are pretty strong so far so lay off your wet dreams for now

also ruling the world is responsibility not fun, things can go VERY bad if you are not careful enough

Just like the Spanish Civil War where ethnic minorities rebelled against the Castillion population. Again look into the Spanish Civil War and the English Civil War to get an accurate perspective what a US Civil War would be like. The left cannot win on Coercion it has to win democratically in order to succeed.

The lefts certainly hope it will be.

yeah but point 3 would be "the people" taking to the streets and BTFO the lefty fags.

Really makes me think who won the cold war

Industrial workers were less than 10% of population in the Russian Empire and most of them supported monarchy, proto-fascism or right-wing SRs (non-marxist socialists), officers supported monarchy and proto-fascism and soldiers just wanted to go home because they were conscripted peasants.
Bolsheviks don't give a shit if soicety wants communism or not, they just force people into it. That's the entire point of Leninism. They form a vanguard party and play on society's conflicts. In Russia's case they promised to give land to the peasants and independence to minorities.

At which point it reverts to step 2 snd you get brutally suppressed by the state.

>The American right controls the military and controls the proletariat

The American right (including the neoconservatives) do not control anything.
Almost the entire GOR consists of RINO.
Also I remind you that whites make up 54% of the US population.

The modern left does not make sense to rely on the workers. They were replaced by various minorities.

> end result won't be Soviet-Style Communism but left-wing capitalism

First time? Yes. The US will look like a modern EU with a huge amount of regulation.

Then, when the economy finally dies, the Gulag begins.

>All this allows us to talk about the high probability of a civil war (cold or hot).
>cold civil war
What did you mean by this?

noice pic, mate

We just swapped places.

Russia is trying to become capitalistic and God-fearing, the US and Europe are communist and atheistic.

i don't know that much about the Russian revolution, was it another case of Jews leading ethnic minorities against the natives (Russians)? I know about the jewish leadership but not much about the rank and file

They meant the north will win again

Minorities like Cossacks, Kazakhs and Poles were actually against Communism and fought for the Right during the conflict. And it was the military that defected which gave Communists their ability to implement coercion. The vanguard couldn't do it alone by themselves. Then again, you probably have a psy-op behind your post, so this argument is like talking to a wall.

>red blooded Americans own most of the guns in the US
>military still not subverted by communists
>american military industrial complex incredibly powerful
nice try Vlad but a bunch of angsty university students are going to beat the largest standing army in the world (American gun owners)

no we don't

Like a Cold War between US and USSR: periodical armed clashes, economic, cultural and ideological confrontation.

Conditional California will compete with conditional Texas.

Try building an army out of druggies, criminals, and failures user.

Also, the military is loyal to the constitution, which keeps this nation together. The military won't fight for Globalism.

And how many communist countries are still left?

History teaches us more advanced states turn to fascism not communism.
Fascism: Germany, Italy, Spain, Japan.
Communism: Russian Empire, China, other shit states scattered around Latin America, South East Asia.

No. We're just reliving the 60's.

How many capitalist? EUSSR is basically crypto-socialism and so is current US system. Are you claiming that your shitty country isn't being brainwashed as we speak? Communist manifesto is currently the most read book in American colleges

Oy vey

what happens when they actually do ban and confiscate all (most of) the guns?

>if they do that, the gun owners won't stand for it!

lol. TPTB could do literally anything they fucking want and no one would ever do anything about it.

Just like (((they))) intended for this year.
Notice anything in this image?
It's a little TOO accurate. Almost...orchestrated

And the real blame is the american public education, which they're still indoctrinating kids in their bullshit commie philosophy. its not just going to stop at this generation, but the one after this is going to be even worse.

get ready pol, you think its bad now? its only going to get worse in the next coming decades.

Nah if they outright confiscated guns there would be a bloodbath. But either way even if you're right and no one did anything, ZOG still wouldn't do that because why would they be retarded and even take the chance? All they have to do is keep flooding us with immigrants and chip away at our gun rights.

>The military won't fight for Globalism.

Syria, Lybia, Afganistan, Yugoslavia, etc.
Yes, they are.

> bunch of angsty university students are going to beat the largest standing army in the world

Students are just extras, useful idiots.
Kill you will be completely different people.

By the way, I do not see any cases of using weapons against the left.
In case of a real need to use weapons, Americans do not use it.
Because "muh law", "muh Constitution", "muh peaceful solution"
Well, or you just take it away, like in California.


Not really. Explain

what exactly did they predict?


That's the point user. Who are these "completely different people?"

foreign mercenaries

Cossacks are not minorities, they are russians/ukrainians/poles, united in the Cossacks ideology.

We don't have to keep sending you guns, fag

Everyone you want to put to death is the direct result of their upbringing, a world created by Baby Boomers. Can't blame a pool of people with roughly the same genetics ( i am referring to whites in this, not everyone else) turning out badly because Boomers decided to have a race to the bottom.

Ban all baby boomers from educational and political positions, problems solves itself.

Thankfully Sup Forums is a national socialist board and has no problem with political violence.

Mercs fight wars, but don't win them.


I had a crazy theory developing over this year, but hear me out:

According to the Perestrokia Deception idea (see link), the elites of the Soviet Union society decided to let the USSR collapse and allow the Eastern European countries (such as Russia) to wither away. This was allowed because the conspirators of the USSR wanted to transplant their soviet system onto another existing system, such as the EU and the UN, and continue their goal of world communism by way of deception.

An interesting idea when you consider that the Bolshevik leaders of 1917 were largely not even Russian.

>Bolsheviks don't give a shit if soicety wants communism or not, they just force people into it.
that is where the US and Russia would differ. it is quite easy to force unarmed serfs to accept something, but trying to do that to the heavily armed rural population of US would have very different results. If you think they would just bender over in civil war conditions you don't know how fucking crazy they are, our bloodiest war was the one where we fought our own people over economic conditions; and that was with muskets.

I don't like that idea.

The West will fall if it comes to that.
Time to learn Mandarin and head east.

Fuck, you made me remember that video.

>2) 20% of studeents are ready to use violence in order not to allow the performances of their political opponents.
Sounds good to me. The left had their chance and they blew it. Why should the right to free speech be extended to them if all they do with it is call for the deaths of white people?

I have done some pretty considerable research into the era and I have to disagree. America is more similar to Weimar Germany, but the similarities are few and far between.

America isn't suffering the same economic and social problems that faced Germany, let alone Russia... As you are fully aware, the social dynamics of your country were fucked and the rich-poor divide was massive. While the Tear was working on industrializing the country, it wasn't going quickly enough for a society that had only recently ended serfdom. Russia wasn't as spiritually degenerate as the United States is now and was comparatively extremely conservative.

If you drew parallels with America and Weimar Germany, you can identify a lot of common memes... But what made both Germany and Russia ripe for revolution was economic stagnation, war time deprivation that exacerbated already poor living conditions and extremely restrictive and humiliating peace treaties that were foisted upon them.

America has 6 million jews just like rusdia in 1917 too, maybe bernie will be our trotsky.

If we learned one thing in the 2016 election, it's that POLLS ARE BULLSHIT AND ARE USED TO MANUFACTURE OPINION. I'm sure this is another garbage poll, the goal of which is to make weak-minded people go, "oh, maybe we should eliminate the 1st amendment!"

>middle class kids
93% of Americans make under 100k a year.

Actually... Now that I think about it... This Islamic migration scheme and all of the effort being placed into appeasing these people seems a hell of a lot like a shadow peace treaty... And it has the effects of humiliating the populace of western nations that are still fully capable of no fighting.

And that's why your second amendment is so important but yet so unique in the world.
If they take away your guns it's only a matter of time and you will be fucked.

Except the personal would start from near scratch as half the army remains loyal to the constitution and kill the other half/get killed


Foreign mercenaries, foreign volunteers, various domestic organizations financed by foreigners (Remember the Black Panthers or Rote Armee Fraktion? They were funded by the KGB. Now it will be BLM-like paramilitary funded by Soros), revolutionaries, etc.

Also, during the Civil War, the Soviets used the tactics of "Military Communism"

tl;dr: They took all the food from the peasants and fed her their soldiers.
In the condition of mass starvation, people went to fight for the Soviets for food

Everyone pretends there's this massive communist uprising taking place in the USA, but the communist subversion in Russia and elsewhere had an intellectual core and a will to force their untested theories. The communists in the modern USA are overwhelmingly pampered middle-class white kids, especially women, who've never faced any hardship at all in their lives, and of course low-IQ niggers and Hispanic illegals. They're completely oblivious to the fact communism HAS BEEN TRIED and failed spectacularly. The working classes, IE: the people the commies tried to recruit a century ago, fucking hate these neo-communists, so it's just a confederation of useless rabble, a group who, if they all died tomorrow, wouldn't cause any impact on the country whatsoever.

What's going to happen is that the neo-commies will inevitably get tired of being kept out of power, and then they'll start killing people, at which point the last wall of restraint the rest of the country has against them will be dissolved. Then you'll start getting incidents where, for example, a communist gathering gets blown up or firebombed and the local police don't arrest anyone. In other words, exactly what ended up happening in 1930s Germany.

Commies are dangerous because they're too stupid to realize they're stupid, but ultimately the threat of force will end them.

And Russia in 2017 is like USA in 1917.

Lmfao is this true? Can I get a sauce?

They all look warm and comfy af.

I wonder if anything good might come out of it.
The snowflaky types will perish in the civil war, nigger will die being used as cannon fodder, so in the end we might see a resurgence of real socialism.
Maybe it has only failed every time it was tried because the wrong people tried it.

>In other words, exactly what ended up happening in 1930s Germany.

So when will you burgers start to form your SA?

Communism is pretty bad ass though.

The problem is that the US Armed Forces would never join a communist revolution en masse. In Russia, a very large amount of the army supported Lenin over the SRs and even fewer supported white forces.

In America, you would see, at bare minimum, 74% of the US Armed Forces supporting the constitution, the republic and its principles... You would not have a considerable number of troops going over to a Soviet cause, like in Russia.

For a successful revolution to take place, Hitler identified the need to have the support of one or more of three key institutions in the government itself... The police, the armed forces or the legislative branches... Leftists control next to no support in any of those things.

Neo-liberals effective launched a world wide revolution during the recession... By forcing an economic crisis, they secured the support of the legislatures of national governments.

The revolution has already occurred... Neo-liberals bankers and merchant seized the mechanisms of state power and what is happening right now is counter revolution and groups like ANTIFA are being used to crush this counter revolutionary activity.

The Russian Civil War was an absolutely brutal conflict that lasted four years.

No one gives a fuck about the constitution, soldiers are losers who want to have social value and money, mercenaries, offer a soldier more money and he would desert.

You don't get it user.

Except now there are droves of utterly ruined millennials to take those empty positions. We need to ban all boomers from any influential position, and then gas all millennials. Like a diseased crop being tilled under the dirt.

>Second Revolution hit's in USA
>Loyalist army pops up called White Army
>It's full of only whites...

By 1917 there had been thousands of political murders in Russia including a dead czar

Russia had 6 million kikes, it was Israel vs Russia at that point

Winter is coming for the enemies of the white race.

You're damn right.

These posts hit the nail on the head.

please. kys if you don't give a shit about the constitution. thanks bb

well this is the result of "participation awards" , being the "last winner" etc

helicopter parenting and pandering to kids by idiot counselors from the 90s

As soon as the current mob of Radical Traditionalists, NatSoc, pagan LARPers, and the centrist goonies in identitarian groups stop fucking about and realize they need to unify into one force with one ideology. They're not serious, and that's the problem. The youth-driven Right in America currently looks like college-aged angry kids wanting to carry out petty guerrilla actions that look good on Youtube but don't mean much, and uncharismatic country-club ethnocentrists like Richard Spencer who have no connection to the average man whatsoever.

Go on double-chan sometime and you'll see these groups in action. They act like complete fucking autists, because they are, and they're also painfully unaware of it. You can't talk to a NatSoc on there and tell them how to create an outreach which brings in new recruits and money the way Hitler's crew did. They'll just start shrieking
and pretend their frog memes will magically create a putsch movement.

It's pathetic.

thats clickbait, socio-economically its not even remotely close

You must be unfamiliar with American history, it has always been like this. The campus brews the idiot who is isolated to their own non-functional campus life based ideas. From Eugene Debs to the old miner's unions (and old unions in general), it has always been around but never gained any significant foothold.

I'm actively learning Russian, I know it's a pipe dream and Russia has a ton of fucking issues but I respect them pushing orthodoxy, and battling degeneracy on many fronts. I would love to retire to Russia in the next 10-20 years. Only thing I would miss is my guns.

They will grow up to see how adults do things.

Is this bait?

Ivan knows

You are not intelligent enough to be participating in this debate.

No, I forgot I had meme flag on. I would rather live in a corrupt shithole like Russia than here if the left keeps winning the culture war.