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>men can only impregnate one woman
Actually, I can get behind this: if enough black women got BLEACH'd it would introduce some better material to their gene pool. A few generations of giving negresses the BWC and the nigger problem would be solved entirely. After all, US Blacks are already about 10 IQ points smarter than African blacks thanks to guys like Thomas Jefferson indulging in some periodic dark chocolate.
>Thomas Jefferson indulging in some periodic dark chocolate.
Disgusting, you know that niggers sweat is piss, right? that's why their BO is so repulsive.
Ironically the only white men that would look to raise a family with a black woman isn't likely to have children with anyone else.
>Admitting that african DNA ruins bloodlines
Wew lad. How can one sheboon be so based?
Wait. We can use this to our advantage
Calm down that's probably someone's sock account.
So she is saying that nigger genes are bad, lel
have you heard of a place called Brazil by chance
Mfw my dark ass beaner girlfriend just had our first child and am now questioning her motives
Sauce on this? Cause I've been wondering for years what that smell is and whether its all just in my head.
top fucking kek
Half a year ago a black women in her 20s came across in a pub on a Saturday night and she almost immediately told me that she wants my BWC. And she had it of course. She fucked like an ape of course but my cock appreciated that. Also I do receive a lot of ceducing looks both from black and Muslim women. I don't know why - I'm an average apart from my 6.5 ft height
my ancestors are smiling on me, race mixer. can you say the same?
Pretty good. I allow you to meme it now.
OMFG so much typos caz of the mobile that you now probably think that I'm a degenerate
>you will never go on safari in africa and get lost from your hunting party and you stumble onto an uncontacted tribe who thinks your white skin means you were sent from the gods so they capture you and force you to impregnate every woman in the village before they let you go
Yes because I'm slaying beaner poon while you are slaying zero poon leaf faggot lol
Nah I just think you're a liar. Although now I am actually considering the possibility of you also being a fucking retard.
nah your just making fucked up children
We need to reduce blacks, not increase their number.
Ironically T, Jefferson himself
>They secrete less by the kidneys, and more by the glands of the skin, which gives them a very strong and disagreeable odor.
You won't find any modern literature that's honest about niggers.
>yfw this means Jefferson was into water sports
lol, who knows, back in the day people were not afraid of being video-recorded.
you can't even steal a meme, newfag?
Is this you Richard
Uhmmmm, sweetie..
That would actually destroy the non-whites bloodline. Sperm is cheaper than eggs, which are smaller in supply.
There is a reason that Jewish heritage is passed through the mother alone.
I think shes saying turn the kid that you just birthed into a monster/failure to "destroy" whitey.
She basically is advocating abusing ones own children.
These libs are disgusting animals. The way they think is so evil and sick.
> After all, US Blacks are already about 10 IQ points smarter than African blacks
Africans are smarter than their American bros and sis though. It's not about racemixng, even though racemixing is a threat for both whites and blacks. Such people have unstable mentality.
Would be just fine if black women knew how to raise children. But history has proven that they don't.
>impregnate black chick
>impregnate white chick
>BLEACH a nigger's bloodline while continuing yours
Don't tell them
So they're like Toads? Like, dare I say... KEK?
My kid is pretty beautiful, unlike the offspring you will never have due to your mild autism and antisocial attitude bahahaha.
Yeah, I kinda agree with this, the mutts will be on our side, no one likes a nigger.
I dont like it but shes right
Dark women seducing white men will end racism
Whites dont ditch their kids as much as blacks do
Maybe your grandkids will look white
All that does is give the enemy more anti-white troops and satisfies their agenda.
translation: I am a big bullshiter who posts fake news, and you wont find any real articles on the bullshit I post.
You fucking big bullshitter. Stop posting fake news.
nigger, how did you dodge that bullet?
you will not be so lucky next time, nigger
imagine being this afraid of us
how did you conclude that?
Waaaaay ahead of you, faggots, pic related
You're not supposed to stay with her though.
That's a fine fetish you've got going there, burgerbro
Ew. You ever see woman in the heart of Africa? Especially tribal ones?
>women giving tactical advice
Let us join in laughter
Where do i get one?
its cheap lotion that gives off that smell....dont be retarded bro its not piss
Sweetie I can impregnate more than one woman at a time, that's not how this meme works
No joke I came inside a black woman like 2 weeks ago and she might be pregnant.
>Hordes of raping negresses
Some fates are worse than death desu.
>destroy his bloodline
all of our sweat is piss, you misquided lithuanian
>not realizing it's the Y that matters
Nigger logic
niggers like to fight racism with racism
Nice lets fuck them ebonies then.
Jesus Christ I love the polish.
White men don't find Sheboons attractive. Wont work.
Exactly. Have one negroid baby and 12 pure white babies. The 14% will become the 7% real fucking quick.