ITT: Shows everybody forgot except you

ITT: Shows everybody forgot except you.

Looking at the art it's probably for the best...

Nah, the art is pretty good, actually. Better than a ton of shit anime thst people still remember.

Get out.

I heard the anime is pretty shit compared to VN.
I wonder when we get the VN translated.

It was bad and deserves to be forgotten.

I remember it mainly because I have the pc game.
Sucks they had nothing in common though.

Whatever happened to this anyways?

A rare case of the staff themselves forgetting they were supposed to make a second cour.

Was the character design done by the Monogatari guy? It doesn't look that bad.


Did that even get a disc release?

They also forgot to release the BDs.


Less than two years ago, and its probably just as well nobody remembers it.

>When we get the VN translated

Video game adaptions never seem to turn out well

Like with pic related?

They STILL haven't? What the hell.


I'm pretty sure this show gave me my /ss/ fetish.

For a cliche-ridden harem anime, it was still pretty good

I bought the DVDs a few years ago and I still haven't finished it, but I haven't forgot

>forgetting Galaxy Angel
>forgetting best girl Forte

You didn't forget him, right Sup Forums?

It was bad, but having bunny girls (As in plural) made in OK in my book

>most of these shows aired in the early 2000s
Well what does that tell us

It's still a pretty iconic show

Sup Forums is underage and b&


honestly still fap to the CG sets every now and then, shame it never got translated.

the art is great and Mii is the sexiest loli ever


it means, older shows are shit.

I'm still waiting for popotan vn translation

Found this years ago while going through the Princess Tutu staff stuff, adorable as fuck, Gyu was horrible though