Why does this white man hate his own race, and family history so much? What happened to him in his life that he turned against his own people so harshly? Why does he insist on LARPing as a black man? Is it for the money?
Obviously because he likes attention, 'power'(kek), and feeling like the HolyVictim in our secular narratives.
Not complicated
>Is it for the money?
90% this. Whites have no sense of identity in the broader sense. When one white hates another for their race or their advocacy for their race, the mere thought that what they're doing might be treason does not even cross their mind. So it is morally permissable to most whites to be doing what Talcum X does, but as for why he goes to such lengths to betray his own race can only be explained by financial incentives.
Why is he so light skinned if his father was black
fetal alcohol syndrome by the looks of it
has he gotten a DNA test?
His school bully probably told him he had a nigger jaw and nigger lips and he believed it. The dude was just fucking around but he took it seriously.
It's common among non-blacks to joke around that someone who isn't black has black traits.
The guy is probably just a straight white with berid/alpine ancestry but he believes one ancestor must have been a nigger.
This is why you should never joke around about shit like this with a white. You're gonna have a white blue eyed, blonde boy with greek statue style big curls in his hair who is going to think he's a nigger because his hair isn't completely straight like that of a Chinese person.
Why do nogs think about this clown?
I think his excuse was that his mother cheated a lot, and I guess he just assumed that she fucked a nigger.
Someone needs to get some of his DNA and prove he has less than 0% black in him. It would destroy the entire BLM movement.
Pretty sure he was bullied, kind of like Bob Chipman where he prescribes the ills of society to be the fault of his bullies and people like his bullies. Most likely a wigger and being attacked by southern white males made him hate himself and his race so much he created a persona where he could be accepted and victimized as a black man.
Not a single nigger cares what some "Twitter Activist" says. They just want to nig.
You realize he is basically a ring leader of BLM activity right?
So niggers are brown now? Is there anything they wasn't n shietttt?
Someone actually challenged him $50,000 donated to a charity if he took a DNA test. He wouldn't do it.
Is he blue eyed?
Because that would of been a tax write off for the white man, now if he was gonna give him personally 5 million he would do it. That way a black man benefits and a white man dont
He got called a shitskin because of his brown eyes, he created a fake persona as a nigger to play the victim card
he was a wigger growing up and decided to just continue down that path
>Talcum X
LMAO 0% black without his lil preteen groid stache/goatee
i asked 2 black girls i work with if they had heard of him and they said no. i showed them a pic of him and told them people make fun of him and call him talcum x and they started laughing their asses off.
Not even gay but that Greek fucker is built for sex
Deep down inside Shaun knows he a fraud, he hates the fact that he is white, he hates the fact that every nigger knows hes white, Shaun should fucking hang himself
Why even bother posting here? It's like an actual Sup Forumsster going to a BLM site and trying to slide their posts.
BLM flag needs to be removed for good, and shawn kangz a fucking lying piece of shit benefiting from chimps like you. He's no different than Rachel Dolezal
It's not illegal in the united states to pull dna from a publicly discarded item.
Hes a quadroon or worse that got made fun of in high school. I get the idea that he was a total douche, because at that time in the 80s when he was growing up everyone wanted a token black...it was even better when they were half white or better.
he realized early on that the power of gibs is real. he also realized that blending in makes him less likely to get his ass beat for being a weak lil white boy. Im sure he was bullied hard.
>blocks your path
White people hate everybody and bitch about everything! If a white man had a black dick would he beat it to death?
Do you think he'll ever grow out his hair again?
No, he probably goes to the barbershop every single day to maintain that look.
Their color is literally brown you fucking idiot do you know what black is. Im sure you believe there is natural black hair and eyes too tard. Whites arent actually white well atleast albinos are but mosts whites arent white whitem