>mfw jesus says every man is a son of god not mattering what he does
>mfw americans somewhat believe that a man that doesnt work is worse than someone that does therefore not entitled to healthcare or other basic social benefits
you guys arent christians but jewish
Americans arent christians
Read the Book again faggot.
"You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."
>Somebody who contributes to society receives more adoration from the society than somebody who doesn't.
Where in the Bible does it ever say other people have to work for you purely because you were born?
If you believe that accumulation of capital is the ultimate goal to the point of denying basic rights toward someone you arent christian at all
>worshiping a kike
What basic rights are being denied? Entitlements aren't rights. The right to bear arms doesn't mean everybody gets a free rifle.
>killed by kikes
anyone hated by kikes is alright
>healthcare is an entitlement comparable to bear arms
Thank you for agreeing that entitlements are not the same thing as rights.
thank you for making a stupid comparison that probably everyone that isnt american will laugh at you
>You are missrepresenting Christianity and the American way of life to promote your shit tier leftist ideology.
Go enjoy your corrupt politicians and government that does jack shit but spend your money.
2 Thessalonians 3:10
For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat.
Healthcare is a fucking service.
Not a right.
Go visit a private clinic sometime.
You will be surprised by the professionalism and the lack of waiting lists...
It's cheaper too.
>caring about money to the point of denying health toward others
tell me how is this christian?
Christianity is a kike scam that only retards believe
How is it Christian to serve selfish individuals when the Bible literally speaks in opposition to that?
tell me where does it speak? literally the whole new testament speaks about how christians should not succumb to evil by becoming evil themselves. Like how they should set an example, to giving arm when they ask for a hand and proving so faithful to the point of surrendering yourself to christ. You guys are so antichristians and selfish that is funny
>worship a shitskin because other shitskins didn't like him
I'm sure that makes sense to your mongrel brain, spic.
That's in the Talmud (about non Jews serving kikes), muh dik speshul seed. Which makes sense that Calvin would adopt this into his theology, as he studied under a rabbi. However helping the less fortunate and giving alms is REQUIRED.
>you guys aren't christians but jewish
Sounds like you think theres a difference, heeb.
Fuck off low IQ stormnigger. You're at the bottom of society.
But I'm Catholic? Amd what the hell is wrong with encouraging a good work ethnic anyway; Probably makes the difference between your failed country and America
once again no argument just mocking. If you can explain why healthcare is so different then do so.
Triggered, libercuck? I just know you love your open borders so Pedro and Jamal can fuck your gf.
My guess is he is Brazilian who knows his country is fucked so he is lashing out on a Taiwanese Pingpong table
the fact that people's lives hang on it and that fact that people shouldnt die simply because they dont have money
the fact that not mattering their history and work everyone got something to contribute to society and people shouldnt be so adamant about work and money to the point of letting of their families and friends for it. Enjoying life and raising families are number one priority while work and money are simply society consequences and not the main priority lile in the US
...You do know the Anglo-Saxons converted without much fanfare right? Also the Anglo-Saxons high point was fighting off the Vikings with actuall civilization
Hell, even the Irish were able to convert pretty much everyone north of Northumbria to at least the Irish version of Christianity, so Anglo-Saxon polytheism was not long lasting
Also that helmet was most likely a ceremonial one
Have you even been to America? People live fine in rural areas.
>people shouldn't die simply because they don't have money
Says the guy all worked up over which variation of a god who created death because someone ate his apple.
There is no God. That is all.
And Brazilians aren't even human so I don't know why u have a big statue of Jesus not gonna help you one bit.
Ah so that atheism heresy has finally arrived in the tread; Don't worry, I tolerate your religion
>you guys arent christians but jewish
there is no difference.
If only they kept that Emperor they had, maybe they might have had a chance
Yes I have been to florida. And yes I know the US is huge, it is just that the most american catholics I have talked especially italian-american ones are basically protestants with a catholic identity. I mean even your catholic priests are different
this. OP didn't even read the bible, but pretends to know what Jesus said lol
>random quotes without context sure proves I am wrong!!
Fuck you and fuck your semetic god. This has nothing to do with religion. Think of it like a village. If everyone in the village works but one guy doesn't what does the village do? They will kill or at least severely beat the lazy one. Why? Because by not producing anything he is consuming resources which are essential to the survival of the tribe. This is literally the same thing, the tribe is just bigger. Fuck you commie
Oh so your going to go there then.
Let ask you a question then: How can you call yourself Chatholic when are all Crypto-Pagan scum
All of Latin America should be excommunicated for heresies like "narco-saints" in Mexico or that bullshit lady on a hill thing. Mary should be venerated, but that's no excuse for trying to bend that wording to worship
Latin America was a fucking mistake: Catholicism and the USA would have been better off it never existed
kek become protestant then, cause we are more catholic than everywhere across the globe