the dude he was wrestling with took bullets from the cops belt so the cop was afraid he was going to throw the bullets at him so he shot him 7 times
rip emo twink boy
the dude he was wrestling with took bullets from the cops belt so the cop was afraid he was going to throw the bullets at him so he shot him 7 times
rip emo twink boy
He stole munition from a cop, what would you want to happen?
Be happy your police force still has balls and doesn't shit their pants at the sight of mudslimes like the EU cuck police
rip emo twink boy
emos still exist? well not anymore but there actually was an one emo left. what year is it?
Kek darwin award
Good, wh*Te are scum anyway.
I thought the use of force continuum for American police was 1 level of force greater than the force being used by the suspect, you can't make a bullet work without a gun so we are going to assume (make an ass of you and me) that the officer was in fear that:
1) twink boy was going to throw the magazine or throw individual bullets at him (still not lethal force)
2) try to attack the cop with the magazine (which could possibly be made of polymer plastics and have 7-11 ((get it)) little metal bullets inside) (((also still not lethal force)))
great job Huntington beach pd
really makes you wonder what crime he was suspected of committing that even started this interaction
Rip last emo boy
I want this cop to hang
You play stupid games you win stupid prices
Fuck off nigger lover
>handholdless trans libfag
>try to steal cops gun
>thinks mag holders are the gun cuz its black and sorta long like a handle
>get executed by alpha male
The world goes on.
If it was a nog that got shot I wouldagree with you
but it was a qt3.14 boi, and that's unforgivable.
wheres the video?
>assault armed cop
>expect not to die
why dont these idiots dont understand that real world isnt harry potter and game of thrones?
uncalled for, white people cant throw hard enough to hurt someone by throwing bullets
Oh well, he was never going to amount to anything anyway.
serves him right
Boot lickers always defend this shit.
Got a source, faggot?
>struggling with twink
>the cop see's his mag get taken
>gets tired of struggling
>nonchalantly takes his gun out
>casually lets the kid get up
>blasts him just because he didnt want to deal with it anymore
this is murder
This cop did god's work, good for him. I hope
he walks free and gets an award for his heroism.
And why would I care? One less retard to be aware of.
Play nigger games get nigger prizes
>Wrestling munitions from a cop
>not expecting to get shot
Brainlet BTFO
play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
ah video?
Uncalled for, mahmooood raped just 5 women
Nigger faggot I dare you to do something similar to a cop and see what happens
Or maybe the cop thought he had a gun and no bullets
And nothing of value was lost.
>thug attacks cop
>cop defends themselves
>Sup Forums defends thug
Also, thanks for the charged image and sentence. That should fare better than posting a fucking article about it
>pulls "something" off his belt
>realizes it could be a knife
>immediately grabs for gun as he begs him to drop it and surrender
>Lethal force is used prior to any damage to the officer at such a small distance
why steal bullets if you have no gun? the officer probably assumed he had one since he needed the ammunition so bad he'd steal from a cop
i'm glad we white folks as a people showed how we're not racist by killing our own fellows.
R.I.P. emo boy, you're going down in world history as a templar of race relations, racial and social justice etc.
truly a sacrificial lamb worth worshipping
>steal munitions from police officer
>get shot
he wanted the cops bullets, so he got 7 extra
good. one less degenerate.
That shit was wrong dude. That cop is a coward.
Dumbass deserved it but bootlicking cucks on Sup Forums never cease to amaze me. How can you claim to be red pilled yet shout about blue lives matter when cops are double digit IQ mongrels that are just ZOG foot soldiers enforcing what they decide the goyim can and can't do.
What makes this even more outrageous is that the emo is a protected species.
gee its not all over the judeocorporate media
Odd, eh, lads?
They were kinder gardeners, man.
Shouldn't have tried to take a cops gun.
>emo boy steals bullets
>cop gives him some more
cute. they would have been perfect for one another.
I bet you feel sorry for idiots who climb into lion pens and get mauled to death too
Was a kid
Post the fucking article
Post the fucking article
Post the fucking article
I'm not making an opinion until I know the full story
got it with sound?
haahhaahah im dying most emo death ever
what a spaz lmao
Resist the cops and you're too dumb to live
Yes, it is.
>be American
>get shot
>do a little dance
One less Bernie Bro.
>*Justified murder
i-is he ded? his shoes didn't come off
Pretty hard to think someone has your gun when you have your gun in your hand
then again I always forget my glasses on my face I guess thats why they DON'T TRUST ME TO EXECUTE THE LAWS ON THE LAND user
No because then they kill the lion.
If you have to shoot a tiny skinny kid 7 times because you got emotional you are a punk bitch.
A real man would have just beat his ass.
Kek, what a retard
yeah, don't get into a situation where you're taking shit off cop's belts and fighting with them. alsokill yourself
you are a wicked fool
Cops are dangerous animals that nonetheless provide a valuable service. Short of inventing perfect robot AI, these dangerous animals with guns are really the only choice we've got for keeping the peace. So until that AI comes along, how about not trying to fuck with the dangerous animals with firearms?
the imbecile kid made his choice
Not a magazine! Look more like a baton
Fuck that little faggot
weak meme
>death slump
No one cares. If the stupid faggot wouldn't have done what he did, he wouldn't have gotten shot.
RIP emo twink boy
You will be stealing bullets in heaven now
This from a fucking Canadian.
Did you forget to hide your flag leaf?
Thug deserved it. One less animal on the streets
It is fake news.
that REALLY made my morning
>force continuum
You watch too many Hollyjew (((movies))) plebbitor. There is no AD&D table on weapon use.
Now go call your token negro friend a nigger to his face and remember that while he's kicking and stomping your faggot teeth in he's "unarmed and thus completely harmless."
>wicked gaysex
>I'll take this over here thanks
>do a spazy dance
>blarg im ded
Well that's a little awkward
>Be fag
>Get shot
fucking faggots
Poste video with sound
OP is a faggot
Nothing value etc
>Doesn't even post an article before accussing it of being fake
Wew lad, one step at a time now
So you're telling me that if I yell about how I'm going to bash your head in and then reach for your tool belt but grab the tape measure instead of the hammer, you'd be perfectly fine with me just walking away?
Stop making excuses for dumb motherfuckers. Stop trying to lay blame on the police.
>let me show you the dance of my people
Emo are faggots
Taking an officer's magazine is considered a life threatening action. The officer was justified.
>but its just a magazine!
The officer did not know if he had a gun of his own and was going to use the bullets against him. Glocks are extremely common guns and the risk was too great to use non lethal force.
t. Armed Guard
I sometimes forget most people here were pussy shut ins even as teens.
*dances akwardly*
you ain't getting no tip if you don't dance
Emo twink lives matter.
>he shot him 7 times
HOLY SHIT IT IS SEPTEMBER 23TH!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!1!
He stood long before hiting the ground for being an emo lulz
Good riddance.
I'm not for cops acting like they're in Fallujah, but I agree with this statement.
Also checked.
t. failed police academy
ahahaha! That's tasty! Deserved every round.
Couldn't even die with honor.