Great news, a 77 year old weed growing faggot has been locked up for ten years, with any luck he will die in prison. The streets are now a little bit cleaner after this dangerous criminal who probably sold mind altering substances to kids has been locked up. It's great to see that these pieces of shit are being locked up before they can deal this harmful plant to more kids and ruin more lives.

Is his penalty harsh enough or should he have gotten the death penalty?

Other urls found in this thread:

death to all degenerates

Skunk genuinely causes mental illness

Bet he was a drug-selling hippie in the 60s as well; who knows what damage he has done?


Let degenerate stoners die.
Let the rich smart private jail owners make a bank.

I hope this old cocksucker gets raped to death lol.


What have the CIA and your secret intelligence community been doing for decades? This dude got locked up because his opperation was large enough to be competative.

wtf? I love the government now!

More of these degenerates need to get imprisoned

There's 3 weed stores in a 3 minute walking distance from my house and one just got shut down recently, can't wait for the other 2 to go

It's quite possible that with the lengthily career he has had he has killed thousands of young people with his drugs, sad.

>tfw never tried weed
Who here /goodboy/?

>all the nerd virgins ITT

You're on a Christian board, no one here has ever smoked weed. Weed is only for brain damaged liberals.

when the left completely takes over in a few decades we'll replace some literal who confederate statue with one honoring his service

its fine


old man whiskers should have gotten away with it.

This pic made me salivate for some reason. Why?

Flag tells me you own a prison or two in the God Blessed US of A.

This. I smoke hella loud and I'm a far right conservative with a stable job, fiancé, and baby boy. No degeneracy here just daily optimism lol.

>people are having fun so let's ruin their lives

t. miserable assfag loser

0/10 bait

He should have shown them his white privilege card. he would have walked that day with little more than a fine

cuz ur not gay. Now make Franco proud and overthrow the separatists.

Neck yourself stoner cunt.

I would but I have a dinner to get to, right after I toke this fattie with my buddy. What are your plans for the day, user? Cheetohs and Starcraft?

He will be released because of his age.

I can't wait for all the pakis in the UK to be banned by May.
Truly the leafs of europe


Yeah I'm sure weed has killed millions of people you moron.

Never go full retard, even with weed. Its nothing more than another herbal supplement to take everyday.
I ingest everyday but this is the ultimate cringe to me.

Proof weed smoking and being a wigger go hand in hand

>herbal supplement
Do us stoners a favor and put it down, it's not for you

Nah bro, I'm just hip. I still hate niggers.

I'd eat Taylor's ass for days. I'd suck off a gang of prison niggers for the privilege of giving her cornthrower a tongue bath!

Right on mein bruder, I'll ash a blunt for you tonight

>celebrate 4/20 every year

why do some of /ourguys/ hate stoners? they're all 420 this, 420 that. sounds pretty based to me desu.

I'll do the same, potna. :))

I'm stoner as fuck and I hate 4/20. Why announce to the world that you smoke weed using a holiday or a time of day? It's degenerate. Pot use should be kept relatively private, like a glass of scotch at the end of the day.

Wish the judge could have bashed his head with the gavel. All users and dealers should be executed on sight

Okay calm down there duerte.
How does it feel to know that I'm exhaling a massive hit of some fine ass, high potency wax as I type this?

He should have been rolled in a giant paper and progressively immolated, starting with the feet

This dude's handlebar mustache is ugly as fuck.

stoner chicks are incredibly easy to fuck because it's all they do

wrap it up, Sup Forumsacks

Like nothing, I can only hope some day you're killed in some circumstance related to drug use or possession like a cop tasing you and you enter a fatal heart rhythm

>baby boy
>not married
>smokes ganj

In case you haven't fucking caught on yet, there is a near-perfect correspondence between the following degenerate ideas:
support for race-mixing;
support for the liberal agenda;
support for homosexuality;
support for open borders;
support for affirmative action;
support for drug legalization.
In short, nothing of value was lost.

>large enough to be competitive with the CIA

>Yeah I'm sure weed has killed millions of people you moron.
It does brain damage and (thanks to a recent definitive study) we now know it absolutely DOES cause lung cancer.
Go eat some methyl-mercury if your personal standard is "anything that doesn't kill you is fine." I'll enjoy watching you drooling and pissing yourself for the rest of your life.

Lmfaoooooo this is gold. Why must virgin pussy faggots like you refer to pot as if it's a hard drug? It's literally way better for you than legal substances like alcohol and tobacco. Also, fucktard, the chances of me being tased to death are extremely low considering I'm white in a small southern town.

Pretty fucking stupid, this guys goes to jail for 10 years for growing some weed while people who make liquor and cigarettes don't have any trouble with the law. Alcohol and tobacco are way worse for society than weed is, yet they're both legal.


I'm gonna need sauce on this study you speak of, along with proof of brain damage. I know some pretty chronic lifetime users in their old age who are happy, healthy, and still functioning. I also know lifetime tobacco and alcohol users who are physically and mentally fucked.

>10 years of prison for elderly for not bending to abrahamic pharmacy and growing his own medicine
Your Islamisation is almost complete.

Prison, the poor mans retirement plan.

To hell with the CIA psyop that has weaponized a degenerate weed sub culture, I smoke a couple times a week but only at the end of the day before dinner, reading time, or bed.

>harmful plant

Don't cut yourself on that edge kiddo

I bet you can count all your social experiences on one hand.

Don't smoke weed kids. Smoke meth, it is much better for you.

death should be a release, not a punishment
he should be strung with piano wire around his testicles whilst hoy wax is poured down his gaping arsehole

The ONLY good thing about whites with dreads is how much they piss off liberals. Seriously, they're ugly as fuck.

Death penalty.

Weed is trash and dumb to smoke.

thank you greatest ally

>like a cop tasing you and you enter a fatal heart rhythm
>"having the same characteristics or qualities as; similar to."
Just hoping that you die in a way that wouldn't have happened if you didn't use. Not that hard to understand, but I suppose
>It's literally way better for you than legal
substances like alcohol and tobacco
Just like how Sarin is better for you than Vx

>Anti-weed shilling increases as prescription drug abuse decreases


I know you're being sarcastic but good.

she looks like she smells bad

Tell me more about your Taylor Swift asshole fantasies. Please. Eat her ass for me!

it's also a ton of fun if you don't smoke often

go to bed taylor you're drunk

Mfw these virgin non social life having faggot cucks revealed theirselves by replying something autistic to the only post ITT with an attractive girl. My m o t h e r f u c k i n sides

never heard so many christians wishing death on people

This. Thank you.

You sound like a nigger.

Hitler never banned weed or drugs at all for that matter, he just encouraged temperance and sterilized severe addicts. Jailing people over drugs is retarded and not conservative or traditional at all.


Alcohol harms the liver and brain too in severe users. By your logic you need to throw the entire industry in jail from farmers to brewers and all the associated employees of companies selling it.

Once again, just a stoner, who hates niggers. I do embrace stoner culture though. Believe it or not, both can be done.

but she looks like she had a yeast infection
is that the kind of woman you go for?

How can you tell she has a yeast infection from that picture??

Sup Forums has a big contrarian streak. When weed was totally illegal and the normies were afraid of it Sup Forums was shilling for marijuana legalization and calling out the drug war as a Jewish scam.

Greatest ally wisest ally

But dude bro he was a violent menace to society and needed to be put down. I'm sure there was literally nothing decent about him, just a degenerate monster. Don't get so worked up.

True faithful Mary Jane users have always pushed for full legalization because we realize how harmless and stress releiving it can be.

she has a dirty 'I've only had 3 dicks up me today' look about her

It's literally a plant

>harmful plant

I am 100% against destroying the lives by imprisoning non-violent people regardless of their faults.

I love that guy and his faces after those massive hits.. makes my day lol

>let the rich smart private jail owners make a bank

lol you guys are in for some real butthurt. You'll be seeing more and more and more weed until you are dead.

There's no stopping it

Jews have always hated marijuana secretly. This is because it releases chemicals in the brain that allow free thinking and new perspectives. You find out thing about yourself and the world you would've previously never realized before toking. I had no idea about the new problem or the liberal destruction of our society until I used marijuana and psychedelics. Highly recommended.

so is hemlock faggot

The dabfags are the ones who ruined everything. "Hey guise how can we turn this mild drug into the new crack? I brought some butane let's see what happens when we spray weed with it"

>I know some pretty chronic lifetime users
Basically what you're telling me is you are as stupid as they are, so you don't see any problem. You clearly don't understand the difference between a trend and outliers, and between science and (YOUR) anecdotes.
This is science, you worthless piece of shit:

Into the trash it goes



>when we spray weed with it
user, please, tell me you don't honestly believe that's how wax is created???

spotted another virgin.