>tfw identify as a conservative republican but hate stupid-ass hillbilly rednecks
Do lefties feel the same way about the Basketball Americans in their party as well?
>tfw identify as a conservative republican but hate stupid-ass hillbilly rednecks
Do lefties feel the same way about the Basketball Americans in their party as well?
Other urls found in this thread:
What is a basket ball American? New to Sup Forums and not American. Not saying I agree with everyone here, I just like the memes and tears
Why do you hate rednecks? Rednecks =/ white trash. Rednecks love guns, freedom, booze and hard work. Stop the self hate. White trash gibs recipients get the rope though
Nice gif! Keep it up
>I agree with everyone here
>Sup Forums is one person
personally I'm fine with rednecks, they can be kinda loud and obnoxious though
man ain't nobody messing with that snek
Sup Forums has some serious identity problems.
The term "redneck" comes from the red neck rebellions in America where lefties and Unions for coal miners were striking and wearing red bandanas for their group! Modern "rednecks" are called such because it's a derogatory term used to describe unproductive white country hill trash who are often alcoholics and meth heads. Don't confuse good country folk with white trash ie rednecks! fuck rednecks and commies!
Lefties have it way worse, they struggle really fucking hard to keep all these minorities from fighting each other. They do so by joining in simple mindless chants, and finding a common enemy, white people.
Pretty sure it's the red tan from white people being in the boiling Texas fields all day.
pretty much
In my experience there are three types of rednecks:
1. Bro tier sensible country folk, aka, the nicest and best people on the planet
2. Cletus and the brood, inbred retards who generate all redneck stereotypes
3. Welfare queens, rednecks who are actually democrats because their existence is taking meth, complaining about how their land dried up, and collecting their government paycheck
>calling the working class white trash/rednecks/ hillbillies
Fuck off kike.
Hitler never said anything like this about his people in Mein Kampf, even the ones hit worst by the jewish subversion of the time.
It's from sun burns you faggot.
You will eventually come to our side.
Thanks man. Never get enough love around here :)
The term redneck is from the coal miner strikes like I said! try google! en.wikipedia.org
Spotted a jew using wiki.
you did?? what'd you do look in the mirror asshole? you're a fucking idiot and you have no idea who I am. I'm no jew. Lol "jews use wiki derrr...." WTF kind of bs logic is that!? try no to drool on yourself when you tie your shoes dumbfuck
Classism is bluepilled
I was just messing man. Don't get so upset fag.
this is not entirely accurate. I think there is a type of white trash that is more ghetto/nigger influenced. These are the bad types. BUT there is also a type that is proper white trash. I come from a long line of white trash. We are millionaire ranchers, real estate developers, lawyers, doctors, professors, etc. In other words, we have a fuck ton of money, and real estate, raw land, and majority ownership in successful private ventures,...but we are still white trash. It's more about not giving a shit about outward appearances, materialism, etc. Its fun to look poor and see how people treat you and then see how that changes when they find out you got money. You see a person's true self.
If you attended our family reunion you'd think we were poor ghetto white trash. But don't let images deceive you. I truly wish everyone could be wealthy white trash. It's breathtaking.
OP here. Jesus Christ you guys get caught up in semantics here. I guess I meant to say "white trash" instead of rednecks; I was hoping you would know where I was coming from though.
Long story short, I would much rather have my political party be more Somerset County, NJ (Chris Christie-land) than Bumblefuck, Alabama.
Just get the hell out of Alabama shithole already! seriously there are much better states in the US. Wasn't alabama some kind of prison colony?
generally people consider cash poor as poor because they only understand paper money and paper assets. I own 30 acres and im not poor but I dont have cash to spend on expensie cars because, 1. they are shit and 2. NA is best Miatata.
stop being a fag.
all the racist rednecks I've met (we've got a lot in this province) have actually been decent people. usually they're the hardest workers too