To prevent election fraud the AfD needs as many Wahlbeobachter as possible. Every citizen got the right to be there when they count the votes! Just go there a few minutes before 6pm. You don't need to do anything else.
It's literally because we let them. If we don't sign up as Wahlhelfer, of course the leftists will queue to do the job. That's one thing the right has to learn, to participate in the democratic process more. Leftists are activists from early on, they are eager to volunteer and infiltrate, and if they find themselves among only likeminded individuals, they are of course tempted to manipulate.
If you don't want to be Wahlhelfer, at least be a Wahlbeobachter, go to the polls at 17:45 latest, tell them you want to be Wahlbeobachter, make your cross, wait a few minutes and then watch them. Make sure there are no pencils or pens or erasers or any such material on the desks when the counting starts. Take a look at those votes that are ruled invalid, to see if they indeed are and all invalid votes are treated equally (not the same "defect" counting as invalid at one party and valid at another). Make sure nobody tears up some ballot or otherwise destroy them (well, naturally). Be friendly, don't disturb, just watch, and photos are not allowed until after the counting is finished.
If you don't want to put your fate and the fate of the nation into the hands of leftist cunts, do it yourself or at least watch them. The latter only takes a few minutes of your time.
Bentley Taylor
Reminder that german women are going to throw out any AfD ballots because they cant get enough nigger cocks into their rancid fuckholes.
Are you too dumb to read? I know German women will do everything to get the AfD as low as possible but posting images by obvious fake twitter accounts is retarted.
Aaron Fisher
complete bullshit. You won't get paid for 4 women and 23 children. pure propaganda. are a real dumbed-down degenerate faggot.
Parker Sanchez
>anyone *somebody, dammit
Juan Rivera
I truly hope for major voting fraud being discovered.
Kayden Roberts
thats gold if published in rainbow press
Jose Brown
Why don't you try it, faggot? Oh wait, I just answered it myself.
Nolan Rivera
The government pays 1000-3000 a month for literally every single illegal immigrant who is here. Fuck off, shill.
Bentley Harris
Internal In memoriam Yuri Bezmenov argumentative edition, extended edition
- They are fully normie compatible and designed to get normies thinking and idiots to sperg. - They might serve as guidlines to do quick'n dirty meming effective to the occasion. - They shall be used on twitter, vanitybook and discussion boards of newspapers. - They can be reframed in question form easily, sometimes the right question is most effective. - In the order given, the form one overall coherent big argument.
>Es ist doch völlig egal, ob man die afd nun mag oder nicht.
>Die ganze diskussion ist doch eh hinfällig.
>Es gibt ja eh keine realistische Chance auf eine Regierungsbeteiligung der afd, selbst wenn die 20% erreichen.
>Dennoch ist die afd im Moment die einzig glaubwürdige Opposition.
>Ein hoher Prozentzahl für die afd ist die einzige Möglichkeit, Merkel auch innerhalb der cdu einhalt zu gebieten.
>Ein hoher prozentzahl für die afd ist die einzige Möglichkeit, der Politik und den Medien einen Denkzettel zu verpassen.
>Das wird durch eine offensichtliche gleichgeschaltete Hetzkampange der gegen die afd bezeugt.
>Eine Kampagne, die von den msm gemeinsam und im Interesse der etablierten Politik betrieben wird.
>Diese Hetzkampagne besteht im wesentlichen aus manipulierten Emotionen und künstlicher Aufregung.
>Es gibt einen Grund, weshalb eine solche Hetzkampagne stattfindet.
>Es ist die schiere Panik und die Anerkenntnis des eigenen Versagens. Diese Leute wissen ja (hoffentlich) am besten, was sie getan haben, >und sie wissen, dass sie einen betrug an den deutschen begangen haben,
>Sie haben über die letzten Jahre demonstriert, dass sie nicht die charakterliche Eignung und das Format haben, das Land verantwortungsvoll zu führen.
> Es ist überhaupt nicht mehr klar, ob Merkel überhaupt noch deutsche Interessen vertritt.
Henry Edwards
Links to spread on fag networks, normie compatible and well reasoned:
Bayern am Start? Warum ist die CSU eigentlich so ein vercuckter Haufen geworden?
Denkt ihr die AfD wird in Bayern mit hoher Prozentzahl überraschen und Seehofer muss abdanken?
Wyatt Torres
no faggot. you only get money if you gopt acepted asylum.
"Der Vergleich mit den Zahlen aus den Vorjahren, die das Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) bereits veröffentlicht hat, zeigt, dass es 2015 zwar so viele Asylanträge gibt wie nie zuvor (Knapp 444.000 von Januar bis Dezember), die Anerkennungsquote als Asylberechtigte aber bei unter einem Prozent. Zwar wurden im Jahr 2015 mehr als 137.000 Flüchtlingen die rechtliche Stellung als Zuschauer zuerkannt, doch dies bedeutet nicht automatisch die Gewährung von Asyl."
"Laut Gesetz müssen alle Asylbewerber während ihrer ersten Monate in Deutschland, üblicherweise sind es bis zu drei Monate, in zentralen Erstaufnahmeeinrichtungen bleiben. Dort wird ihnen der "notwendige Bedarf" in Form von Unterkunft, Kleidung und Gemeinschaftsverpflegung gestellt. Zusätzlich bekommen Flüchtlinge ein Taschengeld in bar ausgezahlt, für eine volljährige Einzelperson sind das 143 Euro im Monat.
Nachdem die Asylbewerber die Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung verlassen haben, haben sie Anspruch auf Leistungen im Wert von insgesamt 287 bis 359 Euro im Monat, angelehnt an die Hartz-IV-Regelsätze. Das Taschengeld ist hier inklusive. Alleinstehende erhalten mehr als einzelne Erwachsene, die sich einen Haushalt teilen. Für Kinder erhalten die Erziehungsberechtigten einen nach Alter gestaffelten Betrag, für leistungsberechtigte Kinder bis zur Vollendung des sechsten Lebensjahres etwa sind das 84 Euro."
...what now FAGGOT?
Austin Hall
Lol, you Krauts are getting fucked by a woman with Polish ancestry, I wonder why though
Jayden Evans
>Use contraception. >Blame "Christcucks" when Germany is being overrun with sandniggers. You have only yourself to blame.
Caleb Murphy
I think they have Landtagswahlen soon, depending on how badly Merkel fucks up (Jamaica, e.g.) the voters might leave them in droves.
Christian Reyes
Die CSU ist seit Jahren nur noch die Bitch der CDU. Franz Josef dreht sich im Grab um. Die AfD wird Morgen auch in Bayern gut abschneiden.
Samuel Jones
fuck off, virgin nerd
Gavin Bell
Ready for another 8 years of Merkel?
Jose Hernandez
Ryan Bell
Angel Fisher
They are the puppets of the USA until 2097 They will always have rigged elections
Fuck off, race traitor. If you're getting laid, why aren't you breeding?
Luis Brooks
>Doesn't know the difference between cost and actually handing out literal money to people
Luis Adams
because they have nothing to justify their betrayal. generations were robbed of their own offspring for questinable economic policies and to claim the title 'exportweltmeister'. and, to add insult to injury, some questionable demography was imported
When CDU/CSU get less than 30% the CSU might cancel their weird alliance, right?
Jace Wood
Go and kys.
Joshua Sullivan
BRiD dood wat nou?
Robert Wright
Jackson Gutierrez
Yeah, but I'm trying to BTFO the white genocide participants in this thread.
Juan Russell
Brandon Wood
>Personally participate in white genocide. >Cry "But I'm German!" >Cry "Christcuck!" You're still a fucking race traitor, faggot.
Landon Torres
Nolan Nguyen
if < 30%, merkle is canceled. yass, das rite, i said canceled, not chancellor
Bentley Thompson
Easton Cox
Back to r/HIV
Connor Bell
Shut up jesus freak.
Owen Watson
White genocide is fucking boggus, people just don´t have children, because the most of them are filthy serfs, who never evolved enough brainpower to resist the propaganda like christianity or television
Jeremiah Murphy
David Peterson
AFD needs the majority with is hard to accomplish
Easton Foster
Post more Beta SPD Fags please
Colton Hernandez
>Meine Freundin in einer großen Redaktion in München: „Hier wetten die meisten die AfD auf 17 Prozent …“ Ein befreundeter Blattmacher in der Schweiz: AfD 17 Prozent! Yes! They know!
>1 7 % >7 >%
Caleb Perez
btw they made it
Jaxon Carter
Reminder that Grüne want white genocide.
Parker Sullivan
Nicholas Watson
Just in time?
Ian Bennett
Lost my wallet and a nice friendly Refugee gave it back to me (pic related), after I counted my money I noticed that he even put additional 700€ in it. What a friendly refugee.
Aaron Perez
Liam Gutierrez
I'm sure you donate to African population growth programs regularly faggot.
>intentionally stunts the German population based on some Pagan greed and some Atheist dogma >blames Christianity Christianity says not to use contraception, you retard. Don't blame it for your sinful extinctionist shit.
Christian Sanders
KYS faggot.
Jayden Adams
They collected ~700k till the 15th that was the original goal
Gabriel Perry
behave, focus
Luis Sullivan
was meinte er damit?
Carson Wood
Here's another secret I acquired with my time machine: Merkel will be gone by the end of the year! CDU will have enormous losses, and she'll get booted by her own party. No coalition will have been formed until February, next year.
So you are telling me policies decouraging whites from having children, or make it impossible to buy houses with enough room to raise children, voting legislation that makes it impossible to have one parent raise a child and at the same time having childless politicians voting for more gibs for them and their childless friends from the private economy, as also wasting billions over billions for gibs for foreigners in the country and abroad, as opening the borders and markets for your countrymen to depress wages is not white Genocide. What else can one expect from a salv profiting from the west
Brandon Morgan
Oliver Rivera
300k for 15% party is not bad
James Jackson
>Christianity forbids contraception! >Christianity is executing white genocide because Muslims are reproducing faster than white people! >I use contraception! KYS Christfreak! Make up your minds retards. Atheism will drive Germany to extinction.
Jack Perez
Down's oder einfach nur häßlich?
Ethan Thomas
legit. I am saying this all along. if cdu bleeds vote to afd like a feminist on his period, merkle is fair game.
reminder: expectations for cdu were adjusted from 40% to 34% in just 40 days. 40% was the expactation. They are going to pretend 34% had been the expectation all along, nothing to see here. cdu near nervous breakdown now go anons go
Joshua Mitchell
Christianity cucked people by limiting their ideas for hundreds of years Thus, people are just getting easily indoctrinated, because they have already being indoctrinated by another doctrine, it´s simple
The people I know, who are christians are always voting for the party with the same ideology as Merkel´s, you are having a hard time convincing them to vote for anyone else
Henry Howard
if the Digits confirm some positive news screencap it please. i am fucking depressed now
Jose Gutierrez
Abortion is eugenic. Christianity is cancer.
Levi Barnes
It's like Weimarer Republik all over again
Gabriel Gutierrez
Jason Martinez
That dude can't be serious. If the afd wants to run ads in Russian tv they can. CDU is printing flyers in Turkish is that "Turkish influence " on the election?
Lincoln Lopez
Stupid english, party as in Feier, not Partei
David Green
>Sergej >pretends to not know about Russlanddeutsche What a faggot
Jonathan Collins
Justin Cruz
the similarities are obvious
Camden Foster
Henry Morris
thank god that faggot can't vote yet. He's actually helping every other party except for the spd.
Liam Ward
>Limit your ideas to "Don't go extinct." >Stop limiting them, extinction is now OK as long as each individual chooses to do so. >Participate. >Blame Christianity. Then once Christians vote CDU even though it's corrupted: >Try to make anti-CDU content. >Atheist Germanons are too assmad about the concept they're doing something wrong to even attempt to spread it. I don't speak German. Those assholes over there who speak it are the only ones who can persuade Christian voters, who are a minority of the CDU according to most of what I've seen, and a majority of the AfD, and they're too assmad that they need to stop one fucking mortal sin to do it. They just hate personal responsibility and want consequences-free sex -- that's all there is to it.
Josiah Nelson
Interesting, but that is already known, that plastics and tin make you less fertile. That is why communists never tried to distribute them in their countries.
Politicians are loving money, mate If you have children, you are basicly getting money from a state, and that is why they want people to be gay and everyone having a single-person apartments.
They also receive pay for the refugee from multinational organisations, for being solidary
Elijah Reed
the article says these are between 15 and 18 yo. this i d say is likely going by their faces
Isaiah Sanders
Anthony Russell
true. he will be killed by sand nigger before he reaches the age of 18
Andrew Sullivan
Any of you willing to be Wahlbeobachter? I can't really force myself to, help me