Monthly Oricon franchise sales for May 2016. This means anything they track (disk sales, manga/ln sales, OP/ED sales)

Monthly Oricon franchise sales for May 2016. This means anything they track (disk sales, manga/ln sales, OP/ED sales).

>#1 Girls und Panzer (2.1b yen, 19.5m $)
>#2 Arashi (1.1b yen, 10.8m $)
>#3 Star Wars (960m yen, 9m $)

>#4 Haikyuu!!
>#5 Osomatsu-san
>#6 Kuroko no Basuke
>#7 Boku no Hero Academia
>#8 Ajin
>#9 Arslan Senki
>#10 Fairy Tail

>#11 Kingdom
>#12 Kamen Rider
>#13 Owari no Seraph
>#14 Shokugeki no Soma
>#15 Gintama
>#16 Terra Formars
>#17 Boku dake ga Inai Machi
>#18 Bleach
>#19 Magi
>#20 Gundam


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Where is Monogatari ?

>>#1 Girls und Panzer (2.1b yen, 19.5m $)


That franchise should show off its superiority to other fujobait shows


Where's angry Monogatari guy anyway?

>Fujobait show
My only mistake was replying

ITT we summon the monogatarifag

Almost double Rank 2 and 3 which aren't even anime

>all that fujoshit

>#1 Girls und Panzer (2.1b yen, 19.5m $)

Gay sells, there isn't much else to it.
On the other hand #1 is the correct kind of gay which is great

what is the appeal of girls und panzer?

before anyone says cute girls doing cute things it's still rather aimless and the tanks are cgi and the tech talk is basic and uninteresting

Nice. GuP on the spot where it deserves to be.

I love this retard (the one in the picture, not you user).

>>#13 Owari no Seraph

Everything good about sports anime and cute girls except for once the sport is actually fun.

Fun things are fun, user. Link related.

>#7 Boku no Hero Academia

it seems that this series is not a complete failure

>the tech talk is basic and uninteresting
See, this is the reason the show's so badly viewed outside of it's core fanbase. The kind of laypeople who live their free time watching and picking apart anime to rate it (now, i'm not accusing anybody and saying that you read reviews) don't see beyond the action scenes and the cute girls.
The historical references, the anal attention to technical detail and all the small details and references in the background (that you either pick up or you don't, because the show calls no attention to them) fly over most people's heads and the milfags that should be able to spot them usually get triggered by the pink tanks that move unhistorically fast and leave.
It has a killer OST and the cgi is done well enough that in a few spots you can't tell if it's 3d made to look like 2d, 2d made to match the 3d around it or blended 2d and 3d

The same reason why RKB sells. At this point, I'm surprised why no one ever followed this cute girls sport formula despite it's been battle-proven.

>the one in the picture, not you user

Does that mean that user is still a retard, but you just don't love him?

>franchise sales
Manga is selling. Anime is awful.

Boku no Pico Academia

GUP is a successful franchise but why do they have so little merchandise compared to LL and Madoka?

Cause you have to go to Ooarai to buy them while LL and Madoka have shits all over Tokyo.

The plot is very basic but the characters, setting and even the tanks are well thought out to the last detail, the whole GuP world is so vivid and the characters have such unique personalities.

I'd say it's so popular because you can tell the people involved loved making it and it shows.

Girls and tanks.

Oricon doesn't count merchandise sales?
I imagine Kamen Rider/Gundam would be higher if they counted toys and the like.

I'm surprised Kingdom got so high.

Well that's a load of shit

The characters are all very basic and bland stereotypes.

don't think the existence of a real life schematic makes it interesting. it's there, but unless it's commentated on in some way or elaborated through animation it's just there. serves no particular purpose, tantamount to religious symbolism

>unless it's commentated on in some way
That's why i like the show and why you and most other people don't. There's a whole layer of details that you don't see unless you expect it and look specifically for it. The show's full of historical references and subtle nods to itself and it never calls attention to them.
They could make them obvious, spell them out to the viewer at some later time, expose the whole audience to them instead of a few people who were paying attention. Maybe gain some value with the reviewers. Instead they kept them in as easter eggs for their target audience
You're never spoonfed the reference.You either read the specific obscure book where that drawing is taken from and remember it, or you don't and it's lost.
I suppose you'd made up your mind about it as soon as you posted, so this is probably futile.

Much lower. Actually lower than it deserves. It wasn't a bad movie, even if that one fan is a moron.
I enjoyed it

Pornogatari is dead



All their merchandise get released before the series exist

Fuck, that's a nice reference

Most of those fujoshit shows are pretty good surprisingly.

Manga, games and music and then lol anime what the christ happened basically. All of a sudden everything feels dominated by Bandai Visual titles I'm noticing. Gundam the Origin comes out this week too as does an idolmaster concert and love live single so that's going to go on for a while yet.

It got rolled by GuP. Horrible timing for the movie to come out, they should have just done in 2012 lie they'd initially planned when it was still at its peak popularity and before GuP was a thing.

>Monthly Oricon franchise sales for May 2016.
Still gets me annoyed that what we eventually get to see is still based on sales in Japan and completely ignores sales overseas. If that was done, we'd get to see more things we like instead of having to put up with what eventually gets out because it was popular domestically.

>>#1 Girls und Panzer (2.1b yen, 19.5m $)

I kind of can't help but notice they were practically the only major content producer not to go full bore into the whole LN thing at the top of the decade and just stay the course with their own long term plans and weather the storm while everyone else committed to light novel adaptations as their sole business strategy for anime productions during the formats boom and the short term gains it offered. I mean there was that brief experiment with Horizon on The Middle of Nowhere which sold like 20K which they then proceeded to just walk away from but that's about it. I'm not seeing a whole lot of LN titles in that media list this month either I'm noticing. Hell outside of GuP and 1960s sensation Osomatsu I'm not seeing a whole lot of franchises with anime as its core format period.

Cute girls doing tank things in a cute way.

worst girl

>tfw you will never live in a country where anime is the #1 selling bd
