TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>PRES TRUMP STRANGE RALLY @Huntsville AL 9/22/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #33 9/22/17
>This Week @State 9/22/17
>TrumpTV Weekly Update #9 (Joy Villa) 9/15/17
>Pres Trump departing for Huntsville AL 9/22/17
>Pres Trump meets/w roach leader erdogan 9/22/17
>FLotUS Melania goes gardening @WH 9/22/17
>WH Video - FLotUS Melania @WH Kitchen/Garden event 9/22/17
>WH Video - Pres Trump @72nd Session of UNGA 9/22/17
>VP Pence Healthcare rally in Anderson IN 9/22/17
>VP Pence w/ME Gov LePage on healthcare 9/22/17
>EnSec Perry Nat'l Labs tour Vol 1-5 9/22/17
>SoS T-Rex "Shaping The Peace" photo op 9/22/17
>USAF Lt Gen Harrigan @ NYFPC Briefing on Airpower vs isis 9/22/17
>StateDep Briefing w/Spec Pres Envoy McGurk on isis status 9/22/17
>Foreign Press Brief w/StateDep Asst Sec Thornton 9/22/17
>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>American Hero
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/sg/ sent the Jordanian spammer.
go tell 'em to knock it off.
Let's do a little thought experiment, Sup Forums
>Graham-Cassidy gets passed (it won't)
>18 states gain federal money while 32 states lose federal money
>there are 35 Democrats in those 18 states that gained money via the GOP bill
>the GOP uses this as a hammer to vote them out, saying the GOP is doing what's best for the state and those Democrats voted against it
>Republican gain in 2018: 35 seats
>there are 133 Republicans in those 32 states that lost money via the GOP bill
>the DNC uses this as a hammer to vote them out, saying the GOP put politics ahead of the people of their own state
>Republican total loss in 2018: 98 seats
>Democrats now have a massive 292-143 control of the House of Representatives
What the hell are they thinking? Whether it passes or not, this is a dream come true for Democrats and Nancy Pelosi.
Trump is going to regret what he said. #TakeAKnee is trending worldwide.
Death to Pop Culture
Trump's news cycles.
/sg/ raids /ptg/ again, no surprise
there are still people who defend it itt
Melissa Francis is a yummy mummy
nobody cares.
60+ posts by the sperging jordanian last thread
He wants more protests. It was bait.
And a durka durka mohammed jihad to you too, young lady.
amazing akhi ! you have so much power and stamina, you are amazing mr urduni
Oh, didn't notice you there, Drumpfkin. What's that squishing sound, you ask. Oh, just the sound of the teeny, tiny brains of MAGgAts being squashed once they're pathetic orange gets impeached.
You know what they say, Humpty Drumpfty sat on a wall, Humpty Drumpfty had a great fall!
/sg/ niggers are the worst. and they have been at it for months
>A fucking airfield
Imagine being that much of a loser that's how you spend a saturday
ameen inshallah akhi
subhanallah !
Reminder, NASCAR is /ourspectatorsport/
Defend this Islamophobes. I friggin dear you to
alhamdulillah habibi
/sg/ doesn't like al-Jordani either
Drumpf shits his pants everyday
This will be great! Hit the NFL and ESPN right in the pocketbook. Short DIS on Monday!
Yeah I'm sure Trump will regret calling people out who actively divided this country
The people who are pissed off don't watch the NFL, and the people who do will take Trump's side and stop watching.
>Trump rescinded Steph Curry's invitation to the White House because he was being a little bitch
good. you either fully respect the office or you can fuck off
drumpflets shake in fear when they hear the word "urduni"
Humpty Drumpty did not build a wall
Humpty Drumpty had a great fall
All of the drumpflets and the pttards
couldn't put Drumpty together again
Drumpity broke his promise on wars
The lion of Syria cut off his balls
Putin and Xinping laughed at his dick
Bill Mitchell settled on his asshole to lick
Drumpity's presidency turned to shite
America's now less than 50% white
Niggers and spics, the kikes at the top
Didn't we vote for the bullshit to stop?
Drumpf he tried washing his shame out with water
All while a jew was fucking his daughter
And making the choices on every adventure
And you thought I suffered from dementia?
Oh little trumplets, look at you now
You were all duped and we all know how
Your IQs so low, we should just pull the cord
When will you realize, Sup Forums isn't your board?
Burgerland's passing now into the grave
The world will not miss you, the gay things you gave
Pretty soon you will look like Brazil
And that little trumptards, is the true redpill
It's now getting late, so I bid you adieu
Hilldog's the name, with my guitar too
And as you are niggerfied, one thing you'll see
You're already wishing you voted for me
>A fucking airfield where 4 men died
Either way, this will reflect greatly on their ratings
Heads are gonna roll
Trump knew exactly what he did,
>60+ spam posts
>not banned
Hillary won the popular vote. Meanwhile Dotard Man gets Russia to interfere and tamper with the election and he still didn't win the popular vote.
And you just know that liberals will be seething
>people tune in for the national anthem across all the nfl games
>tune out as soon as it's over, because fuck handegg, causing massive ratings drops
>nfl forced to "bend the knee", so to speak, and fires offenders
everything went better than expected
ameen inshallah akhi
oh shit, 4 sand niggers died, guess we got to raid /ptg/ until the end of time
>not realizing he's baiting you into a sperg-feast
Leftists never learn
bi'zinillah habibi
he avoids bans, and proudly boasts about it
this is what happens when you try and live peacefully with muslims
Mods are shit.
>A fucking airfield where 4 retard who don't understand what 'We will fucking bomb your airfield' mean died.
I really wish these people would take a knee, actually.
>Trump will regret making a bunch of twitter liberals who didn't watch football to begin with encouraging the thing that's already killing
Niggerball's ratings
he's done for now
>successfully sues the NFL
>with triple damages he's awarded three dollars
>USFL declares bankruptcy
And to think, people act surprised whenever he steps on his own dick.
A lot of people said the only way the NFL dies is it killing itself, and indeed it is. Fuck em
>one shitposter that shits up both threads
>muh /sg/ raids /ptg/ please mods help please
mashallah brother
what's his malfunction?
Short term fix is to filter "lah". all his posts refer to allah or mashmallah or subhuminallah
>nazi flag (instant liberal)
>divide and conquer distractions
You ate the Jordanian spammer, and you are in truth a Jew.
We've been getting it 2 days straight
its not us its we didn't send eny one for fuck sake just stob whit the blame game
ameen subhanallah
what did he mean by this?
You voted for Drumpf for economic populism, he gave you Goldman Sachs.
You voted for Drumpf to end foreign interventionism, he's expanded it.
You voted for Drumpf to kill bad trade deals, his renegociation NAFTA resembles TPP.
You voted for Drumpf to drain the swamp, he's now become the swamp.
You voted for Drumpf because he wasn't a social conservative, he's not transformed into Mike Pence.
You voted for Drumpf because he wasn't like every other Republican, he's now embraced the GOP establishment.
You voted for Drumpf for tax cuts, his tax plan raises taxes on the middle class and poor.
You voted for Drumpf for healthcare for all, his plan guts healthcare.
You voted for Drumpf to protect medicare, medicaid, and social security, his budget plan cuts all three.
You voted for Drumpf for better relations with Russia, we are now in a new Cold War.
You voted for Drumpf to create jobs, no jobs bill has passed Congress
You voted for Drumpf to end gridlock in Congress, it's more gridlock than under Obama.
You voted for Drumpf to label China a currency manipulator, he's now China's BFF.
You voted for Drumpf to expose Saudi involvement in 9/11, he's signed a 300 billion dollar arms deal with the Kingdom.
You voted for Drumpf to build the wall, the wall isn't being built.
You voted for Drumpf to come up with a plan to defeat ISIS in 30 days, and still no plan.
You voted for Drumpf to repeal Obamacare, still no repeal.
You voted for Drumpf for infrastructure reform, he hasn't talked about it since the election.
You voted for Drumpf to get Drumpf, you get Drumpf tweets, and his daughter and son in law.
You voted for Drumpf so you didn't get scandals like we would under Hillary, Drumpf now has more scandals than Hillary.
Just another thread slave.
Same issue his prophet had: Schizophrenia.
How am I supposed to spend my saturday
Al urduni they are suspecting /sg/ for sending you, are they this ignorant ?
More like E-Sports. Dominated by Japan, South Korea and Sup Forumsirgins, all Trump supporters.
It's even stupider than that. Assad had advance warning via the Russians unless Putin hung him out to dry. Nobody died there who Assad (or at least Putin) didn't want dead.
/sg/ is dead half the time, posters regulary spend their time here instead
and yesterday, the thread fucking died while they were raiding this placed. /sg/ is just a pathetic circle jerk at this point
*are, shit. Phoneposting at it again.
The age old adage will always be true
>All of /sg/ is itt all of a sudden
This shows how u dumb the average drumpflet is, al urduni is too great, no one sends him, he chooses his own path, /sg/ already bowed before him
The Jordanian is working good for you?
Greetings from /SG/
>4 sand niggers died
That's disappointing. We can do better than that
>watching the NFL
He's bored.
Surprised he hit 60+ here, he normally gets to 45 before vetting banned on /sg/
Complacency is kicking in.
average drumpflet looks like this
I'm sure your constant shitposting against them doesn't motivate them at all. Fucking cocksucker.
I would like to apologize, on behalf of /sg/, for the behaviour of JordanFag, and his spam on the previous /ptg/ thread.
He does not represent /sg/ in any way.
We are a board of peace.
No counter-raids pls.
Please accept this rare Assad as a forgiveness-offering
College handegg, going outside, chores, etc.
>Ask a flag
#TakeAKnee Dotards
>Get told to GTFO by /sg/.
>Think /ptg/ wants you.
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
I know that. That's how petty these stupid niggers are
You realize that /rY1qmeuO/ is happy that the Jordanian is shitting up this general, right? In fact, it looks like he encouraged it.
See Two, actually. is also from the other thread.
He has been shitting/sg/ for days and we got him banned a few times. Just keep reporting him.
Esports is a late-Roman style distraction of an ambitionless, feminized, sickly male class
ssij mi pałe suko xd
I haven't been there in weeks, even to lurk. And I don't shit post there, only shizos like sweden keep saying that
My little Drumpfkin, i'm in both generals.
If it's a pathetic dying circlejerk then stop posting about it all the fucking time and let it die.
>"the working class is suffering"
>"instead of lower taxes for workers lets give more bailouts to banks!"
>"healthcare is an issue"
>"instead of introducing single payer/medicare lets fuck around with a bunch of weird as fuck compromises that dont work and only makes the insurance comps and hospitals rich as fuck!"
>"education is to expensive"
>"lets not introduce a public alternative lets instead fuck around with all these weird schemes that fuck the student still but make the uni/college rich as shit"
how come americans dont just do the most simple option?
I was talking about the samefagging sandnigger
>/sg/ is just a pathetic circle jerk at this point
>Imagine being that much of a loser that's how you spend a saturday
Are you talking about yourself, my little Drumpfkin?
Spending a nice saturday by defending your orange dictator on a basket weaving forum?
>All these wrong statements
Wew, to be this ignorant