What does pol think of Franco and Salazar?

These two were not fascist but they were conservative authoritarian dictators.

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good times

Truly respect him and he is missed. He was the last great leader of Portugal and we need Salazar now more than ever.

Two great leaders

It seemed their countries were improving until the socialists took over.

I am curious how you feel on Salazar since you are Portuguese.

Ideal government.
No cucked like democracies and no retarded like hitler.

I mean, the amount of indoctrination you get ever since you're born is surreal. Salazar is like a cuss word around here. Most people don't even get to have their own opinions, they just base off of what they feed them

It is pretty obvious why this is the case. The people that overthrew his government a few years after his death control the media and education.

Both Franco and Salazar show that lefties care more about their politics than conservatives.

Nices numerals. Checked.

It's amazing how Portugal hasn't really even attempted to be an actual country since Salazar.

>not fascist


Most Western countries have not seemed like its own unique country since the 90's.

Basically since end of WW2

Countries still had their own unique identities for a while afterward, or at least through the 1960s.

Franco was not comfortable with actual spanish fascists and saw them as useful idiots.

>These two were not fascist

Not faascist? portugal looked like


That video literally shares footage with the waffen ss.

I donĀ“t think so, it's all about portugal and their 30's militias...

waffen ss is literally in the video title.

Nice try Connie shill. Our great Leader kicked out the nazi and fascist party out of Portugal.

General Franco is great for winding up anarcho types, just his very name is enough to silence them when they rant about how great "anarchy" is

Maybe because spanish and portugese volunteers were in the ss in the scond world war. And you see them in the clip.

But Salazar did not support them and even wrote a book against nazism during the 1930s.

Salazar was a Catholic-Nationalist.
I think he was the greatest Portuguese of the XX century:

-Saved us from the (((masonic))) II republic who was going to degenerate in Civil War in the 20s. Really, murderings all the time, bombs exploding, people starving we had everything.
- How did he got to the government? He was an academic expert in finance. However, he was also a deeply Catholic Christian man. Who were being persecuted in the 20s.
-Becomes Minister of finance (Treasury?) and gets the country on track. In fact, he gets so important that governments and presidents arrive and go away and he maintains his position as Minister.
-Eventually, he becomes the leader of the Government as "President of the Council".
-Creates the aparatus to persecute communists and anarchists.
-Declares the (((masonry))) illegal, ending their power in the country.
-Develops our colonies in Africa. Angola and Mozambique become great places to live and almost 10% of the Portuguese eventually go there to live.
-Supports Franco during the Civil War in Spain without intervening very harshly, sparing us from the war.
-Carefully manoeuvres between Hitler and Churchill, not endangering our alliance with Britain, making money of the Germans and checking a possible Spanish-German invasion of Portugal.
-Allows great architecture all through the country.
-Pretty nice and decent society with not that much opposition until the 60s or late 50s.
-Left us in the top 10 countries in the world in term of Gold Reserves.
-Fought for the colonies, as he said: "Quickly, and with strenght" even though "Proudly alone". Even against both the Americans and the Soviet Union. And he kept the fight until his death.
-Under his rule the Portuguese "Commandos" are created in Africa and Portugal becomes revered in the "security" community for having the best counter-insurgent capabilities (strategically wise, mostly).

That's the positives.

Kind of true...

Spain was better then than usa now, free edu, free healthcare, good wages, everyone owned houses constantly growing economy.

Name of the book please, never heard of such thing.... also Portugal was the only country in the world that declared 3 days of national mourning for the dead of Htler in 45.

And before

Como se Levanta um Estado ("How to Raise a State")

He criticizes the Nuremberg Laws in it.

No, not fascist. Salazar was a Catholic and unequivocally recognized the role of the Church as being paramount to Portuguese national identity. Fascism was identified by Pope Pius XI as statolatry, and Salazar would have been keenly aware of this.

PIDE also drove the fascists underground. I think it's fair to say that Salazar viewed fascism as a cancer, albeit one not so malignant as socialism.

writing some things about those laws in not what you have wrote....

You have no much ideia how was spain and portugal in those years, they were clearly both pro axis.



Being pro-Axis and being fascist are not equivocal. Salazar was not a fascist. Period.

There was also a large commie movement in those countries too dummy. That is not a sign of state support.

What is your ideological bent?

In theory only musso was a fascist... but all those euro leaders of spain, portugal, italy, germany, croatia, Buf in england..... of the time were fascist oriented,

Nice video, although there are a few photos of the (((I republic))).
Noticed the bus at 0:57 with a tenant of Salazar's thought: Everything for the Nation, Nothing against the Nation. Great slogan back then. Our MAGA.

Hi there,

As the Leaf pointed out Salazar was not a fascist in the sense that the Pope tells us that fascism is the worshipping of the state. Salazar was a Catholic. And a Nationalist.

Also, the regime of Salazar pre-dates that of Hitler or Franco, or any one you might call fascist except for Mussolini's Italy. But Mussolini's regime was very different from ours. As was its purpose and the situation to which it responded to. Albeit there were similarities in the grander context.

In the first decades of Salazar rule, there was this group that was considered more fascist: Lusitanian Integralists.
They were more Nationalistic, less Catholic. They were more in tuned with workers and unions and some of them were sindicalists. These guys were closer to Hitler than to Salazar. They wrote great books. They intended however to switch things a little and instead of creating a swastika regime, they intended to fight modernity (communism, liberalism, etc.) by bringing in what they called "Traditional Portuguese Monarchy": A form of Traditional Monarchy limited not by a constitution or a parliament but by the Nobles, the Municipalities and the Worker Unions...

Every country has its specific History. And even though we can lump all those people together as fascists, to simplify things... when we picture an Hitler or a Mussolini and claim that the others were fascist "like them"... we are occulting much, much of the other regimes. The left enjoys this. They want to throw every semi-Conservative form of thinking right there with Hitler killing six quadrillion Jews.

What works in Spain will not necessarily work in Portugal and so on.