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@stephencurry30 not @realdonaldtrump
errgo, lebron is ourgoy and was shitting on stephencurry for being a nigger. Learn to read
Why didn’t Drumpf just let Curry get his spin out like a good goy?
100k likes in less than 30 minutes
Is he referring Curry a bum or Trump?
It didn't work for Obama's tweet which everyone literally forgot about the next day.
Basketball American with no educations opinion who makes money mostly through the exploitation of third world slave labor for high margin style brand footware. Don't forget the ludicrous tax brakes for the team owners who have their stadiums paid for by the tax payers.
Really makes you think.
Trumps winning on this one.
No you idiot, he's pointing out Stephen Curry ain't going. He called Trump a bum in that tweet.
I don't understand american. Can someone translate into english?
Trump curse on LeBron and Curry. They gonna have a losing season this year.
bet your dick is getting harder and harder as the based blackie gets 6 gorillion nigger likes
Why do niggers write in the same retarded way they speak? They don't have an accent online, so they're actually going out of their way to sound retarded. What is the point?
Then he should have @'d donald trump. dumb nigger unintentionally took trump's side.
Somebody should audit his Twitter followers to see how many are fake
Who’s this nigger monkey calling the President a bum.
if invited denied invite it does not suddenly mean there is no invite you utter retard
How can Trump be a bum? He's a rich president man. Only niggers are bums
>they're actually going out of their way to sound retarded. What is the point?
You didn't know that? Yeah they can all speak normally, they do it as a joke sometimes amongst themselves. The "white voice".
They talk like niggers so other niggers won't judge them.
I hate niggers
Black people live on twitter, just another reason they never get any work done
Unga bunga where duh white women at?
Lol they took the bait. They are being more political, and now sports is fucking dead.
Literally no one likes Lebron except for Fairweather niggers
Why do people care about the opinions of athletes and celebrities? They generally bring nothing of value to the world aside from entertainment.
Invites to the White House should be exclusive to something like great scientists and important political figures, not for niggers that can throw a ball inside a basket.
James the kike puppet confirmed racist against whites.
>I invite niggur
>Niggur says 'no, i wont go'
>Therefore, there was no invite
Sound logic, champ
@KingJames Looks like just another faggot with a blue check mark talking shit to the president while his career fades
>Who’s this nigger monkey
I don't know, a basketball American I think. One of those sports to keep the masses stupid. Not surprising they picked such a stupid one.
just another monkey in a monkey "sport"
lebron is a worthless bum compared to trump, funny that he uses the word, but niggers are reading the tweet like this "u bum @stephencurry" and will think it's "shots fired" "GADDIIIIIIM" etc. against curry
He was still invited, which means there was an invite..
Does this mean normies will finally stop paying to watch sportsball since it's full of commie niggers?
I know they stopped watching tv and movies because of leftist Jews so I'd like to think Trump will kill sports as well.
I don't want niggers to think throwing a ball is a job anymore.
Because normies lack the capacity to think outside the herd.
Why do black people always sound like retards?
Took me a minute to decode this tweet.
This niggers have been getting awfully uppity lately.
Why do americans pay niggers millions of dollars to watch them throw a ball around? Sportscucks make me less sympathetic for your degrading country.
the fucking butthurt trump has caused all levels of American life is so wonderful
LeBron is a dumb nigger, he got brownie points from the entire media for his "courageous response" to a hate crime that likely never happened:
I have not watched basketball since the Michael Jordan, Karl Malone, Reggie Miler 90'era and will never watch again. It has become too ghetto and too politicized and the top players are all shitheads.
I never understood the appeal of watching sports
One of the most hated niggers on earth. Fuck you lechoke.
Thanks for removing all doubt you are just the same of a nigger as the likes of KD and Curry himself. Time to send these faggots packing and start white washing these sports leagues.
clinton/soros/brock keep throwing money at them just to say asinine shit on twitter
no wonder they lost so fucking bigly
>Why do people care about the opinions of athletes and celebrities?
All of them insulted Trump and many even campaigned through online videos for people to vote Hillary, and she still lost.
>He thinks Trump was only talking about Curry when in fact he disinvited the whole team
Normies watch it to memorize stats/game outcomes and talk to other normies about it.
Most people i know who are into sports acknowledge they don't actually care about sports and only ever watch it because other people are.
Nigger doesn't have a grasp on punctuation. Why should his opinion matter?
I like to bet on the games sometimes. Makes it more exciting.
I can't wait until all professional sports crash and burn and athletic people are forced to get real jobs
Boycott the NBA too, boycott all nigger sports.
The worst mistake we ever made was letting niggers influence our culture. Letting them become millionaires for playing games is a close second.
drumpfanzees BTFO
betting on black ppl
an American tradition for the past 250 years
USA, the only shithole in the world where low IQ niggers can insult their president on twitter and get 100K likes in 10 minutes.
Big man so scared to tweet using trumps twitter handle
How do we turn these memes into dreams?
Who the fuck even likes this nigger. He is extremely hated and derserves the hate. Now he is going to be hated by trumpcucks even more.
Why don't you trade stocks or derivatives instead of giving niggers fame and money?
LeBron is just salty that his shit team lost in the Finals again.
Trump just destroyed the NBA and NFL.
Without straight white dudes spending on NBA and NFL, they're done.
I legit have no idea either
Who says I don't? Also, I'm talking about smallish cash bets between friends.
lebron looks like a cuck,a weak pathetic man.
if a man doesn't unironically like sports he's gay fagget and you know it
Uppity basketniggers! Sup Forums, demand your dads and grandpas stop watching nigball asap.
>Time to turn those hoops into loops, if you catch my drift
i like college football and NHL. both groups of players actually care about what theyre doing. makes for an enjoyable watch.
I don't speak Ooga booga, translation please?
>Why do people care about the opinions of athletes and celebrities? They generally bring nothing of value to the world aside from entertainment.
Why are they so bad at English?
Without fantasy sports, straight white guys would have already left professional sports in droves.
Its gonna be funny in 5 years when NFL claims bankruptcy. The NFL will beg the US govt for a bailout.
Screen cap this --- NFL/NBA dead by 2022.
ESPN overpaid for the rights for NBA and when ESPN fails, NBA will be the next domino, then NFL will fall as well.
You imply you don't by betting on niggers and enabling their careers when there are better alternatives.
Says the guy from a homosexual country.
Because Steph curry speaks for your whole team dipshit. My question is who seriously cares, athletes are actually the dumbest people around. Dumber than ditch diggers.
It keeps millions of violent losers from becoming dangerous by getting their aggression out playing/watching games
Low IQ
>If I don't go, I was never invited in the first place
Sounds like a nog to me.
I'm American and I still don't understand this. Is there a consensus as to what this actually means?
No matter how much money they have, they still can't into grammar.
Who is Lebron James who is Stephen Curry and why does this matter
Once some Jew realized they were good at putting a ball through a hoop, they were fast-tracked to an NBA career. They stop """"learning"""" in elementary school.
I realize you're being a facetious nigger but Donald Trump is famous for his business dealings first, his self promotion second. He's like a really vain Ben Franklin.
Just some uppity nogs who play niggerball
Wtf is he trying to say in this tweet? Why can't he type normally?
Biggest stars in Basketball.
What's the context? Why's he calling Curry a bum?
I can't read nigger language yet either.
Why is he calling Curry a bum then?
>apehoop chimps opinions
Are you too retarded to read the second out of two sentences? If curry hasn't been to the white house, how can he have disgraced it if he hasn't even shown up.
Well, naturally. Hundreds of thousands of people listen to their opinions. Who gives a shit about your Sup Forums posting ass?
I think he is calling Trump a bum. Niggers can't into punctuation.
This is true.
I went to school with a gigantic nog who was special ed tier... yet he somehow got accepted into an SEC school we've all heard of so that he could play basketball.
Then his tutors basically did all of his homework for him.