Catholic Hate Thread
Catholic Hate Thread
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Nigger feet kissing faggots
I hate Christians in general. You're all kid fuckers
They made their book too long. Please make shorter version
>dude war and murder is okay if the pope tells you to do it because he is the voice of god lmao
not even christians t b h
Please, no more hate threads. We should unite, not create up divisions, you filthy kike OP.
But in all honesty, catholic and protestant bros should make their leaders accountable on all the liberal multiculti bullshit shoved down our throats.
It's not too late to re-join the right religion.
Catholic is the only correct choice.
Fuck off and go suck israels dick somewhere else protcuck
Catholickers are cucks.
They are headed for hell.
Why?? Heres a few reasons
Ruben Israel | THE MOVIE | Open Air Street Preacher | Documentary Film by Jesse Morrell
That's just the reasons they are wrong and that they are cucks.
But the biggest danger for them is that it is the Babylonian religion of the Crowned Serpent...Just look at the Basilica
Theres even more here if you likey's amazing all the sublimininal clues they put out there for all to see.Evil always has to have you voluntarily walk into hell.
Satan's Supernatural Locust Army Rising / Mystery Solved! ALL GLORY to the LORD GOD
Theres your sepent god.
I don't hate them. I feel sorry for them and want to wake them up.
HATE? Only leftie know nuthins talk like that!!
the sources are:
> a guy screaming in the steets
> some loon who actually was told by God himself how to interprete data.
Eather you are greatly retarded, or I just fell for some stealth bait.
>pre-geology thread
>LARP thread
>lol what is Darwin thread
>ghosts thread
>schizophrenia club thread
>kikery thread
>waste of time thread
I went to Catholicker school...
And then I found out.
MI6 and other bastard spy agencies learnt everything about subversion from Ignazio Loyola dirty Jesuits the Pope dude (and his Argentina nazi dirty war)
Hitler was a tool.Everything about him was a lie.But yea you want Catholick? You get Jesuits.
Catholick is unsustainable.
The Bible's kewl with me...but not filtered through the child molesters and Jesuit agents
*Nom nom nom nom nom*
Huh??? Watcha looking at?!!
Thats all undeniable proof.Go molest some lil kids like your priests
>If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
Go worship MARY the Vagina whore
Kneel before your statues!
2nd Commandment erased by the child molesters and the 10th split into 2
You heretics have these every day.
>Catholics worship Mary and Saints
>Calling Mary, virgin mother of God, A whore for some reason
Typical Prot
I love being catholic. Satanists hate us so much
Daily reminder Catholics have killed more Jews in all of history.
requiescat in pace protestants
Ave Maria
Reminder Protestants believe Young Earth nonsense and allow gay priests.
Jews, Muslims and Christians are all faggots.
And Catholics are child raping satanists
Catholics are fine.
The problem is their cuck Pope.
I'd even say Catholics are less degenerate than most of the other denominations.
protestant thinks he understands the bible.
The truth triggers the heathen.
Most of the Catholic traditionalists are just waiting for the current pope to die and pretty much ignoring him now, mostly because I don't think anyone wants to kick off another Schism.
You're right that something should have been done years ago though. Firstly pedophiles should have been publicly executed through burnings.
>Ruben Israel
Kekimus Maximus, Heretic
>American flag hating on Catholics
What a surprise that the ever splintering Protestants would be mad at unity and fraternity
You rape any kids today?
Je vous salue Marie, pleine de grace.
Le Seigneur est avec vous.
Vous êtes bénie entre toutes les femmes.
Et Jésus, le fruit de vos entrailles est béni.
Sainte Marie, Mère de Dieu, priez pour nous pauvres pécheurs, maintenant et à l'heure de notre mort.
This, i understand why they'd get so uncomfortable with veneration, but to then to take the opposite extreme and insult Jesus' mother?
trust me, catholics are the only true christians.
I can understand some Mick values but isn't it quite stupid to belive that some guy choosen by other guys, is the voice of god? And that a true christian lives in wealth in an arganisation that belives salvation can be bought?
Watch the london church fashion show video!
Why did you post the prayer in Spanish?
Heretics subconsciously know they're wrong, which is why they insult our blessed mother so, they get uncomfortable when the feelings of truth creep up on them
It's in French. And it's my mother tongue.
We're good Catholics. Not like you born again heathens.
>Not Latin
t. "muh judeo christian values" good goy
Well we do allow Orthodox to accept communion when everyone is in a good mood so I'd say they are closer than most other sects
Francis is a literal disgrace, I hope every day that Cardinal Sarah gets elected, he'd make the faith respectable again
It's French
I ain't no Prot you child molester enabler.
I walked around for 35 yrs thinking I was Christian cuz I went to Catholicker Pervert Pope skool.
They NEVER EVER taught anything about the Bible.
Very very little.Had me sittin round praying on beads that the Bible says not to do.
You're a typical Catholicker
The Bible has all the answers.I found out the hard way.I belong to NO denominations.Denominations are divisions.
Denominations are created by men.
You must feel the need to be part of a hive...not me.All I need is the Bible which the Catholickers (Inventors of the Muslims,and inventors of the NEW WORLD ORDER AND SOCIAL JUSTICE and COMMUNITY ORGANIZERS
That would be called Rerum Novarum.
Catholickers lick anything their pervert priests tell them.
One thing they don't tell them to do is read the Bible.
You dumb fuggers and your big mouths and head fulla empty bullshit.
Here..take it from a an ex queer Catholicker still buying into the Catholicker "Church"nonsense.
But all this shit of the COMMUNITY ORGANIZERS like Obama queer was put in place by Catholix and Saul Alinsky the Luciferian Joo they partnered with.
Stupid Catholix had their donations used for abortion and queer rights and abortions
The CCHD and Saul Alinsky
Just another baseless weak argument from a Catholic cuck..Just like the street preacher Reuben Israel deals with.
"You're a typical Prot"
Thats nothing but a weakling know nuthin AdHominem
You're a weakling in the faith!!!!
Thats what you get for just swallowing Catholick cum
Protestants are just as bad as Catholics when it comes to mass immigration. In Minnesota its Lutheran churches that are helping Somalis come to the US
But I'm a Irish Catholic you retard.
Also France allied with Turks and protected heugonauts for like a century, how is that true Catholicism?
The Catholic Church is definitely in a sorry state these days but Protestantism has always been watered-down feel-good liberal bullshit
You are the Satanists
Nah this reads like typical Protestant meltdown desu
martin luther was a kike shill and a freemason
>Mad: The Post
Literally how are Catholics satanists, explain plox
>tfw I never got to born into the timeline where the church never schismed and the Jews remained marginalized
French is Latin. Only it's been barbarised over centuries by the Germanic invaders.
>Is unaware these books were never part of the protocanonical text (and probably doesn't even know what that means).
>Is unaware that pre-protestant arguments against those books existed and they were not included in Eastern Orthodox teaching (way before the reformations).
>Is unaware that various protestant denominations include various books from the deuterocanonical set.
Get the fuck out of here and stop embarrassing yourself, you fucking retard.
>implying that it's the church wich cucks your country
The most cucked countries in Europe are not catholic.
came here to post this
fuck vatican II
Crusades would have also been able to just focus on removing Islam rather than constantly side-tracking into European in-fighting.
Show me where the Bible tells us to venerate Mary.The Queen of Heaven is the devil.
Lilleth the succubus.
Find out what the REAL second commandment is.
It tells you not to worship statues of MARY or any of the "saints"
Go pray on your beads
So what gave Luther any authority and expertship at understanding how Canon developed
Cucktolicks are the niggers of Christian faith
This would be valid at all if Catholics worshiped saints or Mary but whoops
>ignores all the early christians
>ignores the fact that those books are taken as Scripture early on
Protestant cannot into basic history
I better see you in mass motherfucker
I ain't no Lutheran
The Catholix killed ppl for reading the Bible.
figure it out.
There are no reasons to hate my Roman cousins.
>saying this
>not realizing most Catholics don't think that well of Pope Francis
Absolutely this
Churches in my area keep trying to make themselves more like prodedtant mass with guitars, kyumbaba love everyone bs, and others shit that makes me stop going
I wish the Pope went to heaven soon.
Thats right...You have to get all your instructions from the child molester man in a dress
The pope is just the foundation of the church, not a prophet which would be the voice of god. Salvation can't be bough except through good deeds and atonement for sin, not through just shoveling money into the church.
Explain this
Polycarp 17:1
But the jealous and envious Evil One, the adversary of the family of the righteous, having seen the greatness of his martyrdom and his blameless life from the beginning, and how he was crowned with the crown of immortality and had won a reward which none could gainsay, managed that not even his poor body should be taken away by us, although many desired to do this and to touch his holy flesh.
Polycarp 17:2
So he put forward Nicetes, the father of Herod and brother of Alce, to plead with the magistrate not to give up his body, 'lest,' so it was said, 'they should abandon the crucified one and begin to worship this man'--this being done at the instigation and urgent entreaty of the Jews, who also watched when we were about to take it from the fire, not knowing that it will be impossible for us either to forsake at any time the Christ who suffered for the salvation of the whole world of those that are saved--suffered though faultless for sinners--nor to worship any other.
Yeah, Latin American Catholicism has been subverted by commies. Google "liberation theology" for more info.
Protestants don't know shit about the Bible. Color me shocked.
Mary can't save you faggot, enjoy burning in hell you pagan idolater
Pope Francis was a mistake
But the jealous and envious Evil One, the adversary of the family of the righteous, having seen the greatness of his martyrdom and his blameless life from the beginning, and how he was crowned with the crown of immortality and had won a reward which none could gainsay, managed that not even his poor body should be taken away by us, although many desired to do this and to touch his holy flesh.
Polycarp 17:2
So he put forward Nicetes, the father of Herod and brother of Alce, to plead with the magistrate not to give up his body, 'lest,' so it was said, 'they should abandon the crucified one and begin to worship this man'--this being done at the instigation and urgent entreaty of the Jews, who also watched when we were about to take it from the fire, not knowing that it will be impossible for us either to forsake at any time the Christ who suffered for the salvation of the whole world of those that are saved--suffered though faultless for sinners--nor to worship any other.
>Turky would have been aborted before it got through the balklands
>interest in trade to india leads to resotoration of KoJ and new Christian kingdoms plus settlements
>instead centuries are wasted depopulating Germany before secularism wins over both sides
It hurts lads
Why did this happen?
Meme flags are fun to use, calm your fucking tits nigger
That ain't Mary and theres nowhere in the Bible that says you are to worship the Queen Of Heaven which is the devil The devil is a hermaphrodite
Save yourself
Never gets old
Hey, so long as we know Jesus is the Sun of God, died for our sins, was resurrected, and ascended body and soul into heaven, then we're on the same team. We're brothers.
>calling the Mother of Jesus Lileth
That's pretty damn heretical desu
>paying attention to what the antipope says