So since this series is pretty much dead now and we will never see a conclusion...

So since this series is pretty much dead now and we will never see a conclusion, can we all agree that she was the absolute best girl?

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Finally, the OP wasn't a fucking faggot this time around.

Lurk more

I prefer Shizuka

I preferred the bitchy brunette, even though it's been so fucking long I don't remember much about the show as a whole



So who thought that la cucaracha is best girl the author or artist?



>Is Miyuki Sawashiro voicing this character?
>YES: of course she is best girl

The waifufag

All I know is the anime director heavily favored best girl Saeko. I think the artist too, since he seemed to like drawing Saeko enough that he included her in a poster with a girl from one of his other series. I have no clue why some people actually like cuckroach other than fap material.

What happened? I heard either the writer was sick or the two brothers got into a fight.

Which one of the two is the waifufag?

>the two brothers got into a fight.
I think it was that if I recall. But aside from that, shit's up in the air as to what happened.

I think it's safe to say that Saeko enjoys anal sex.

It is the author really?
Then why does he make her so shit?
You would think he made her such a bitch, because he doesn't like the character.


I used to think she was best girl, but when I re-read the manga I suddenly really didn't care about her.

First of all, they're not brothers. They just have the same last name. That's like saying Denzel Washington is related to George Washington.

Secondly, the author was hit pretty hard with the whole Japanese earthquake/tsunami, and suddenly writing a post-apocalyptic series didn't seem like fun anymore. That's it.

how is it dead? the author's just emulating togashi.

Posting best girl.

Because easy girls are boring. Not bad, just boring. On the other hand taming bitches is like half the fun.


Even to this day, whenever she's mentioned I just have to fap. She is too fucking perfect, body and personality wise. Takashi should just forget Roach and shack up with Saeko.

>econdly, the author was hit pretty hard with the whole Japanese earthquake/tsunami, and suddenly writing a post-apocalyptic series didn't seem like fun anymore. That's it.
I can only imagine how much shit he's stopped writing this series.



>I can only imagine how much shit he's stopped writing this series.
Really self? I meant, when he's stopped writing this series.

so it just ends like this? nothing more? fuck man

I still believe, probably makes me a fool, but if Kimi wa Midara can release another chapter then why not HOTD?


Then Saya would make more sense.
Rei is not a bitch as in cold exterior warm interior, but bitch as in just not being very a nice person in general.
I mean going out with a guys best friend just to kinda mess with him is kind of a dick move.


Bus sluts spin off series when?

I dunno about that

The author. She would end with the MC but the manga is eternally on hiatus.

They're kinda random tbqh m9


Then why does he make her such an unlikable person?

I mean it's been what 3 years since the last chapter? Aside from the occasional rumor, there has been no news regarding this series. It's still listed as under hiatus, so it could return but as time goes on that seems more and more unlikely.

Why not? are you a beta pussy?

just as a hole. Saeko is waifu material.

To make her more realistic? I don't honestly know. What I do know is this is the exact scene where I decided she was worst girl.

If HxH returned, pretty sure HOTD will too!



Can you kill a man with highspeed boobs?

The scene where she acts like a normal human being would in those circumstances?


Large objects hitting you at high enough speed can be lethal

It doesn't hurt to be optimistic, but who knows at this point. I have a hard time believing that they would let such a potential cash cow silently die off like this. Who owns the right to this series? Is it split between the artist and author? If their not going to do anything with the property, why not just sell it to someone who would?

Translations never

I need this

Her tits steadily got bigger throughout the series

Come to bed~

well, she is young

Why don't you get off your fat ass, get a job and commission someone to do it useless dreg of society

The artist seems to like Saeko. I wish they would give him the rights so he could draw more of her. Maybe give Saeko her own little miniseries. If that happened I would be sure read it with one hand in my pants.

Her right leg

I don't know OP... i watched this for the plot.

offcourse she was best girl

I concur.

It's a gay-trap

No, thank you. I'm not tired yet.


Had the series continued, would have she ended up with the fat guy?

Either that or fatbro would die to save her/the group and she would end as part of the MC's harem.

Most likely the later.

Imagine the STD's on that slut.

It's a shame there aren't even doujins for this.


Does she have the highest level of the series?

She's hot, but I wouldn't touch someone who has had 20 dicks inside every hole.


She's making herself natural zombie killer.
One bite or fuck and the zombie is dead. And the STDs kill the zombie virus.
Or she becomes zombie slut and kills zombies with undead vag

Can anyone rip pic related?

>Get yourself raped up the ass by some bodybuilder

Why is she such a bitch? Although, I'm honestly surprised there was only one rape attempt during that mall arc. Your in the middle of a zombie apocalypse stressed out of your mind and out of nowhere a group of sexy young girls(and guys if thats your thing) a christmas cake and a loli appears. You would think that one of the guys would be waiting for one of them in the showers or something.

saeko a shit

agreed, but also Triage X a shit

Post all you HOTD stitches.

I want to know if he becomes the zombie rape-Jesus.

Someone explain to me why stitches have these blocky parts to them now? Why cut out all that?

There was only 3 girls on the bus?

You can only choose 1 other HotD to save besides Saeko for the sake of repopulating the entire Earth! Who do you save?
Or do you choose the mystery box

You serious?

>reminder that panelsfag is a deviant

Saya. Everytime. Christ, I would rather have Saya and someone else instead of being stuck with rape bait mcgee


Rei, who else?

There were 5 or 6.

>besides Saeko
I don't think you understand, user. Shizuka is my first option. Saeko is the second one I would save in this what if.

Saeko + Sniper chick obviously

Bus sluts count as one entity right? I'd save them if it's about repopulating.

That delicious brown girl, I forgot her name. She's capable and sexy just like Saeko.

You would die from STDs

Will you please stop?

That's at least 10 years, I'd be fine with it.


>one of the guys would be waiting for one of them in the showers or something.

Would that even work? If they decided to take showers in a situation like that, they wouldn't be stupid enough to go in alone. And with Saeko with them, any guy who tries to stick his dick in them would get swiftly castrated and beaten to death by her while she enjoys it.

Not the same faggot, but if by acting like a human being you mean "behaving like a manipulative bitch who is using the fact you just had to kill your best friend to get you to pay attention to her" then yes.

Blame Japanese culture and it's obsession on "Sensei" being in control of everything 100%

Saya, no contest.

Shizuka would be competing with her evenly if only she wasnt' such a dumb fiucking blonde. She's so dumb she make other blondes dumber by association alone.

Rei is not an option. unless you can somehow make her sterile without her knowledge and then bully her when she doesn't get preggo like everyone else

>To make her more realistic?
Realistic doesn't always mean to make someone a total bitch. But I think I can easily understand why that scene makes everyone hate her. Hell I hated her a bit before this scene.