Who else /nosocialmedia/ here?
Deleted goybook in 2012 and never made a twitter or ig account
feels GOOD man
Who else /nosocialmedia/ here?
Deleted goybook in 2012 and never made a twitter or ig account
feels GOOD man
I've got FB messenger, but haven't actually looked at the website in about 2 years.
And I've got token twitter trolling accounts, but that doesn't really count.
>always thought all social media was gay
>always thought cell phones were gay
>back then they were all fringe elements for hipsters
>now theyre all so commonly used by the masses, people want them to be considered public utilities
>i still dont do that gay shit
feels good man
Deleted Facebook back in like 2008, only have a Twitter account to follow news
New to protecting my privacy.. but.. Deactivated my fb a few days ago.. supposed to delete in a few days I think.. Now use VPN.. duckduckgo, Brave browser.. TOR when I need to. Signal, or telegram to communicate with friends. I still have a Gmail, but it doesnt have my real name on it.
Kind of sucks that I lost contact for the most part of my normie friends that arent into all that unless they text me.. no more group chats.
Happy/10 though.
Same. Facebook was the first to go, then twitter. Took a while to get rid of Instagram because all the girls I followed. Now I'm trying to stop playing video games. My life has gotten much better in the process
Got rid of everything around the end of 2012 made a twitter in late 2015 to hop on the Trump train, get my shit RT'd by MDE/Sammy Gunz and the Alt-lite now it's a dead account.
Feels good though, fuck being a basic bitch millennial. Already wealthier than everyone I went to HS with anyway.
Me since about 2010. Feels good man! Ring, text, or email only.
Oh man that's so cool. Do you use nigger vernacular like "based" in real life too?
social media is actually the reason for the earth being shit unironically
my gf tried to sign me up for instagram, first pic i posted was her in da hospital
feels GREAT man
I've only ever had 1 account on social media, and it was fake.
Same here. I just don't see the appeal of "sharing" everything in my life with random strangers, especially when something I casually post can come back to bite me in the ass years later.
Sup Forums is my social media account
You sound so self-aware, I bet you're really fun to be around.
I have Facebook and Twitter but with fake credentials made with a throw away email.
Can you use messenger with deactivated Facebook? That's basically only thing I use to communicate with family / co-workers
I have an account but I very rarely use it. Too many normalfags that I don't relate too and might be easily triggered and you can literally get in trouble for shitposting there(like real life trouble).
four or five years clean
Have none of that crap. Trying to get rid of email, but still have protonmail.
Deleted Facebook back in January, still have a messenger account for convenience, also WhatsApp
Polacks are supposed to have high energy you moron. Fight in every battlefront.
There's no real point in deactivating it. Just turn all the notifications off and make it look clean for potential employers, family, etc.
ive never made an account since i dont have friends
im a self employed IT service provider for the medical industry, so i have 1 fagbook with normie tier shit (e.g. foodie selfies) and linkedin (resume)
dont be like that dumbass hurricane irma cop who revealed his power level on goybook
Never even touched this shit.
I'll say I deleted My Facebook but really it got terminated years ago when I tried transferring hentai from my phone to my computer by messaging it to myself on the IM.
How tf did they even find out?
Yet you are on the worst social media with the lowest of the lowest degenerates human kind has ever managed to distill in one single place. Enjoy decreasing your IQ while here though.
What? I send myself shit all the time.
I've only used Skype (back in the days), Flickr (just to host my photo album) and Telegram.
I did used to log into a BBS before the internet was big, if that counts.
My account was terminated within seconds after I sent it. And I'd never even done anything like that before or since.
>Cell phones
>Fringe elements for hipsters
Don't use DDG it's foudned and owned by Jews.
i'm not a neet if you go through life you need some social media kikery for business and utilitarian uses. family also
i have facebook and twitter accounts under an alias but other than that, i keep my real identity off of social media. it still amazes me how many people willingly expose themselves online.
Intentionally discarding your anonymity on the internet is like giving everyone a copy of your drivers license.
I wish someone would simply make a better jewbook type site without the jewry..I mean how hard could it be
>How tf did they even find out?
Bots scan every message.
Mainly for targeted advertising (find out what your interests are).
But also to block illegal content.
It fun snooping!!
I have facebook and linkedin for work related reasons. Never really use either
I don’t do twitter, kikebook or any of that shit.
i keep a shell account so nobody expects anything. very subtly, i add mini-red pills to the mix.
My Twitter exists solely for pro Trump meming and harvesting anime tiddies. No other social media.
But you're here too so...
Welcome, our retarded friend
>people can actually go to jail for expressing themselves
I thought America was the land of the free. Was Facebook a mistake?
I wish Myspace was still around to see how corrupted society has gotten progressively from mid 00 to now.
In addition to deleting goybook, here's a few helpful tips from Sup Forums in order to maximize your privacy
>librebooted thinkpad (X60, X200, or T400)
>use linux distro with libre kernel
>router with something like ddwrt or tomato
>no logs VPN in non 14-eyes country
>encrypted email
>no smartphone
>no social media
>remove as many online accounts as possible
deleted kikebook, abandoned twitter when I found out about all the child porn they allow there.
Social media is a cancer destroying the brains of children.
>reading all my pre-redpill opinions on Kikebook
Holy shit this is awful. I'm gonna delete everything
I have no social media accounts anymore. I post on anonymous image board websites a lot and I also view sites like YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, etc without ever logging into an account. I also have extensions to block ads and clear cookies to prevent tracking. I also use Fedora and Debian on all of my machines and Lineage OS on my phone and I have my own email server set up. I highly recommend bleachbit. If it's good enough for Hillary, it's good enough for all of us.
>Social media is a cancer destroying the brains of everyone.