Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa #163

I don't even know what the fuck is happening anymore.

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Can you link the Korean scan?


Someone still hope this trainwreck would become good again?


It really looked like it was gonna go dark there for awhile

Thank you. I guess this is new future Alium telling the story of how she convinced her people not to attack Earth?

Also, what is Dumon doing?


>that face
I lost it.

Here's what it looks like to me.

Future Aizawa didn't vanish, she just went small again. She never came from the 'bad future', she's from the good one, where Aizawa spent 10 long years convincing her people to be peaceful with Earth, and eventually succeeding and brokering a peaceful meeting outside the ISS. The last pages are her hading back to earth, happy that she succeeded in her mission.

BTW, have a sneak peek at the next chapter.


So we're going to have future Alium as a replacement recurring character now?

Possible. Dunno.

Have another preview. I am aware that I am the only one who finds these funny but I don't care.

I like them too.

Will you dump it tomorrow?

You mean later tonight?


Guess I'll see it tomorrow then

So it was the same fucking alien the entire time?


Fucking Ad extensions, again.

Fuck off, Mero.

>Alium is a christmas cake now

Yeah... she got kinda... even more derpy in her time away. On the plus side, she now values her pretty butt.

Punished Alium


>a woman without spats

I told you this wasn't going to stay serious.

So wait.

>Alium leaves
>Spends ten years convincing her people to be nice to earth
>Returns to earth afterwards
>Her current future self is now part of the cast

Is this right?

Not sure if she's going to be a part of the cast, but that appears to be what I understand to have happened, yes.

How the fuck did she go back in time?

why is dumon doing barrel roll ?

I don't think she time-traveled again, but that she never left. But psycho Alium changed into a better Alium as the future itself changed.

I'm not buying that 'psycho alium' was ever psycho. I think she was just doing what she had to do to set her younger self on the path she went down.

What are you talking about? It was always good and not trainwreck

this, she just had to set up a time loop

I thought Oka throw away glasses