These links present a huge, verifiable amount of evidence to prove that Jews are actively working towards eradicating the European peoples. This is Jews and Jewish texts IN THEIR OWN WORDS.
"The mashiach [Jewish messiah] will bring about the political and spiritual redemption of the Jewish people by bringing us back to Israel and restoring Jerusalem (Isaiah 11:11-12; Jeremiah 23:8; 30:3; Hosea 3:4-5). He will establish a government in Israel that will be the center of all world government, both for Jews and gentiles (Isaiah 2:2-4; 11:10; 42:1). He will rebuild the Temple and re-establish its worship (Jeremiah 33:18). He will restore the religious court system of Israel and establish Jewish law as the law of the land (Jeremiah 33:15)...The world after the messiah comes is often referred to in Jewish literature as Olam Ha-Ba (oh-LAHM hah-BAH), the World to Come...In the Olam Ha-Ba, the whole world will recognize the Jewish G-d as the only true G-d, and the Jewish religion as the only true religion (Isaiah 2:3; 11:10; Micah 4:2-3; Zechariah 14:9)." From "Mashiach: The Messiah", Judaism 101
Claim 1: Jews take scripture incredibly seriously. This is why Kohanim Rabbis wrap themselves in plastic bags during airplane flights, in order to avoid becoming unpure when flying over a graveyard.
Claim 2: If in fact jews have identified whitey as Amalekits, there's plenty a reason to be concerned.
'Wipe out the memory of Amalek' - Deut 25:19
'Never forgetti what Amalek did to the Jewish people' - Deut 25:17
The ethnocide of the white race is already clearly visible for all who care to see. It'll only get faster from here on. I belive that upon reaching 60-70% nonwhite majority, jews will turn the genocide from cold to hot.
James Barnes
kikes will be outted and wiped out before that..can you really see whites never ever opening their eyes and saying fuck this gay shit
Ethan Johnson
Jewish doctrine vowing to indebt, enslave and murder non-Jews has been staring us in the face for centuries "For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth." -- Deuteronomy 7:6
"For the LORD thy God blesseth thee, as he promised thee: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, but thou shalt not borrow; and thou shalt reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over thee." -- Deuteronomy 15:6
"Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it." -- Deuteronomy, 23:20
For those conversant with the Bible, the twin themes of Jewish resource acquisition and deceit will be familiar.
The biblical stories of sojourning by the patriarchs among foreigners are very prominently featured in Genesis. Typically there is an emphasis on deception and exploitation of the host population, after which the Jews leave a despoiled host population, having increased their own wealth and reproductive success. Indeed, immediately after the creation story Genesis presents an account of Abraham’s sojourn in Egypt. Abraham goes to Egypt to escape a famine with his barren wife Sarah, and they agree to deceive the pharaoh into thinking that Sarah is his sister, so that the pharaoh takes her as a concubine. As a result of this transaction, Abraham receives great wealth . . . .
Far from being a unique story, it portrays a pattern. MacDonald concludes, “Like the others, the Egyptian sojourn begins with deception and ends with the Israelites obtaining great treasure...
Judaism is not monolithic, and Christianity arose from Judaism, so draw your own conclusions. No story is black and white but Jews did get the short end of a stick many times, by virtue of being a displaced foreign minority. This is obviously reflected in their culture, but some religiously driven overarching Jewish conspiracies are just a product of fantasy. If anything Jews fucking over other Jews was very common.
Ayden Brooks
you have a religious text, as noted in OP, calling for genociding robbing and dominating the non jew... the expulsions were a result of jews following these edicts.
People are so brainwashed pointing out the clear megalomaniacal hate in jewish religious texts is deemed 'anti-Semitism.'
But the goyim are rousing... jews are absolutely a deceitful, arrogant, corrosive force and they need to lose most of their economic and political power before they destroy the planet.
Not really, Sup Forums just loves to cherry-pick evidence of Jewish malfeasance to justify their edgy hate-masturbation and projection.
Alexander Ward
The truth of jew nepotism and collective conspiracy will get out. Hoping jews face exile once more.
Carter Moore
>All of these goyim always wishing bad things upon us
Sometimes I wish it would come around and happen to you. See how you like it.
Levi Morgan
Cherry-picking, eh?
sure are a lot of cherries though, you gotta admit, going to the Master Race rule the world and take all its wealth thing in... um... The Torah and Talmud.
Then there's just the absurd power of the Jews which they claim it is 'hate' to ever discuss while preaching about 'whiteness'
'In all Western countries, Whiteness studies, in both its academic and social justice expressions, remains disproportionately directed by Jews. This is an empirically observable fact. A book could be written on Jewish involvement in this academic “discipline” alone, but it should suffice here for a brief survey of some key examples. These include Syracuse University’s Barbara Applebaum, who has made a career out of advancing notions of ‘White guilt’ and ending what she describes as “White moral innocence.” In a similar vein is Leeds University’s Say Burgin, who teaches a course titled “Why is my curriculum White?,” while University of California’s George Lipsitz, author of How Racism Takes Place, has also written several books on ‘Whiteness’ and White guilt. Jewish feminist Michelle Fine, based at City University of New York, has produced numerous works on “White privilege,” including her book Witnessing Whiteness. Other Jewish academics highly active in the Whiteness Studies field include Lois Weis, David Theo Goldberg, Maurice Berger, Lawrence Grossberg, Jennifer Roth-Gordon, Cynthia Levine-Rasky, Laura S. Abrams, Judith Katz, Melissa Steyn, Paula Rothenberg, and Amy Eshleman.'
maybe you just think its cherry picking because you refuse to even consider Jews as other than sacred/innocent/victims who dindu nuttin!
Jordan Fisher
>maybe you just think its cherry picking because you refuse to even consider Jews as other than sacred/innocent/victims who dindu nuttin!
No one is making that claim but if your entire ideology consists of cataloging every single bad thing any Jew ever did in our 3 millenia of history than you get what you wanted to get.
That's just cognitive bias.
Cooper Bailey
All religions are supremist cults
Luis Gray
Lol newfag just found out that jews see nonjews as nonhumans.
Eli Gutierrez
You destroyed my nation and many nations, your greed knows no ends and consciously/unconsciously plot against white nations to bleed them out.
Matthew Miller
I think that's my favorite because Jewish hypocrisy is as much a part of what their cult is about as deception, greed, and Orwellizing history.
I never destroyed anything of significance in my life except some of my own property by accident.
Michael Cox
Check out wikis page on Judeobolshevism then spend 5 minutes researching for yourself.
Amongst themselves, the Jews are quite candid about their sympathy for and involvement in Bolshevism.
On 4 April 1919 the Jewish Chronicle: “There is much in the fact of Bolshevism itself, in the fact that so many Jews are Bolshevists, in the fact that the ideals of Bolshevism at many points are consonant with the finest ideals of Judaism.”
Inverting history is as old as the lie about Exodus. They (or the Hyksos they pretended to have been) were not slaves but a hostile wealthy elite, and they were EXPELLED did not 'escape.'
Read what Jesus said about the Pharisees. They want the middle east they built the 3rd temple to usher in their false messiah thats why the muslims are running. They know what the Pharisees are going to do.
Jose Thomas
They are not the chosen race they corrupted the true teachings.
David Perry
Thats not it, the question is are Jews essentially hostile to non-jews, and is that why they act in a way that provokes an allergic response.
When your own holy books say you can genocide people for land your shitty god cant deliver, when, as noted in OP stuff, your own texts talk about robbing the non jews of their wealth, when there's different moral codes..
and on and on... thats just *judaism* before we even get to Bolsheviks, Neocons, ethnonepotism as top schools etc
Where we agree is people do assign blame to all jews for the act of a few, but pointing out what Jew god says as to how to treat non jews isnt exactly 'cherry picking' any more than pulling the fuvked up shit out of the koran would be.
it goes to belief and motives undergirding the behavior of a group.
Oliver Cook
Luis Cooper
12 tribes could be 12 ethnic groups.
Brayden Cruz
Xavier Rivera
That's a different issue entirely, Jewish elites are one of many groups of crows feasting on the dying flesh of Western civilization and none of them are motivated by religion, it's purely materialistic exploitation.
Jonathan Jackson
Judaism is the world's first Master Race doctrine.
It's really a banker-merchant cult, now, only with very distant ties to the ancient Hebrews.
They hate with the best of 'em, and the thing is the ancient 'kingdoms' of Solomon, David etc are definitely mostly myth - basically no trace of 'jews' or hebrews is found when these purportedly powerful kingdoms existed. meanwhile you find Assyrian and Egyptian and Canaanite shit everywhere
Oh yeah, new genetic study: modern lebanese are 90% canaanite.
THEY have a better claim to Israel than the Ashkenazi or Sephardi Jews, meanwhile those groups have zero claim on Lebanon but still hope to annex it to the Litani.
I have some jewish friends, secular and not super Israelly but as a whole, Judaism sucks and Jews are fantastic liars and inverters of truths imo.
Camden Campbell
Probably from the zodiac.
allegory. - that shit was not meant to be taken as literal history.
Just Who Were the Jews? First invent your Jew, then invent your Christ… Race is a sensitive subject. To use the word almost invites the charge of racism. Yet to understand the rise of Christianity one must come to terms the people who were its original authors – the Jews.
The Myth of the Jewish ‘Race’
"Thus saith the Lord God unto Jerusalem; Thy birth and thy nativity is of the land of Canaan; thy father was an Amorite, and thy mother an Hittite."
– Ezekiel, 16.17.
The Jews claim themselves to be a race – but are they? The earliest reference yet found to this singular people is on a statue from the Syrian city of Alalakh, dated to about 1550 BC. The inscription refers to hapiru warriors in the land of Kin’anu – a presence confirmed by clay tablets from Akhenaten’s capital of Amarna, referring to marauders in the hill country of Palestine. The famous stele of Pharaoh Merneptah dated to 1207 BC records 'Israel is laid waste, his seed is not’. 'Israel' here is a reference to a people, not a territory.
The weight of evidence suggests these original ‘Hebrews’ coalesced during the bronze age from successive migrations, some from the periphery of the Nile delta (in Egyptian, ‘Peru or apiru meant a labourer) but most from across the Jordan and Euphrates rivers. In their own semitic tongue, habiru meant ‘beyond’, suggesting an origin elsewhere. In Babylonian script khabiru referred to a class of slaves. As a people, therefore, the Hebrews combined Mesopotamian and Egyptian stock, almost certainly drawn from the lowest social order, conceivably including runaway slaves. One migration, at least, brought with it a mountain/sky god – Yahweh – destined for higher things.
Christian Jenkins
Get your narrative straight. If you attribute jewish malice to scripture you're unable to explain the fact that many if not most of the jews cited in neo nazi infographics as examples of pure evil aren't practicing jews, only ethnic jews. The talmud a relatively esoteric text within judaism that only people with a scholastic disposition would ever read, de facto judaism, much like de facto christianity, is dictated by the spirit of the times, and many jews today are atheist.
Benjamin Clark
Samuel White
this they won't understand desu don't bother mate, all the world's a stage and we all play our part. Some of us are in the big game p;laying 10d chess while most are playing checkers with beer caps it is their karma
Mason Powell
OP is correct, as a fellow Jew let me tell you, Jews are white, and all white people are racist white supremacists.
Charles Rodriguez
even Ben Shapiro??!
I'm so confused. Antifa was right wtf?
Eli Young
1) they aren't ethnic Jews but a mix of European, Turkic, and Levantine peoples;
2) can't the ethnocentric religion of a group impact the culture of that group?
Netanyahu may not believe in a god but his ethnonationalism arises out of Jewish religious myths, which are also historical fictions.
Jewidh holidays reflect this quasi-religious, essentially tribal/ethnonationalist pairing.. Purim celebrates mass murder that likely never happened, pasover celebrates murders that never happened and an event that almost definitely didnt happen (not one mention of the pyramids?) and hannukah murder of hellenized jews that likely did.
I don't think an ethnorrligious group's culture is unconnected to its religious mythos.
Why do you?
Tyler Sanchez
>1) Who are you referring to?
>Why do you? Nobody ever disagreed with the idea that religion and culture are related. Incidentally, OP hasn't made this moderate argument, he took up the more extreme position, which I assume you hold as well, but are unable to defend, which is why you're forced to revert to it's more moderate form when replying to me.
Blake Jones
did you read any of op's links or... not bother because they must be bullshit in how they quote jewish religious texts and religious scholars?
Who's being dishonest here when Jewish group behavior comports with the texts in terms of supremacist and megalomaniacal ethos?
I dont myself see why zionism as religious versus political is not connected to the same underlying set of beliefs about themselves and 'the gentiles'
Ian Phillips
>>does it matter? Yes because it's incompatible with your hypothesis. If you accuse jews of being the spawn of devil you better come up with an explanation, because saying that jews are just arbitrarily bad people without providing some kind of sociological, genetic, or other explanation is a bit of a hard sell.
Ryder Lopez
Ohh please their just smarter than you, and have realized that ethnic nationalism is untenable in a connected world.
Nathan Sullivan
Hey goy. Remember that time jews tried to create a messiah for deliverance from roman? Then he completely destroyed and cast down the entire temple of serpents? Decreeing that Jerusalem remain a spiritual capital but incorporated economically into the safe hands of rome? Yeah me too.
Remember that german fable about The Jew in the thorns? Where a jew falsely tries to execute a lowly servant. Yeah me too. Hitler did as well.
Truth is we already have a jewish messiah. He is Jesus Christ the Lord. He is risen and looks down upon you from the heavens if only you would spend some time gazing at the roman symbols painted on the temple of time hidden beyond the blue veil. Some children see him. Others blind by hatred of their fellow brothers. Others prideful with rose colored glasses like those on display in your pic.
Xavier Peterson
I see this type of behavior all across the political spectrum. People have two sets of beliefs, the one that they really believe inwardly (kill all white men, jews are committing white genocide, etc) and a more moderate version that they outwardly present, using it as a figurative shield.
Imagine if I accused christians of hating gay people and cited biblical passages as evidence, you might then respond saying that modern christians selectively ignore the parts of the bible they dislike and that are incompatible with their post enlightenment liberal values and don't really hate the gays. If I then respond with "are you saying there's no relation between christianity and the american culture?", I would have backpedalled from my original position. This is how you sound. This is just duplicitous kikery.
Jaxson Perry
Do you damn kike want our Aryan seed in fertile soil or not? What re you offering for a former college professor in computer science, thermo dynamics engineer in nano particle fire suppression and published author? My genes hold great value will get an ocean front home and a jewess with fat tay tays?
Michael Gutierrez
Which serves as a sign of the times. A wicked and faithless generation. Jews who call themselves jews but do not practice what they preach as jews. Hypocrites of the highest order of magnitude. Not possible for slaves to lesser gods of wood and gold. Images with eyes that can not see and ears that can not hear your prayers or cries in the night. No by choosing to be bound in covenant to a sky God ruling over time you forever condemn yourself if you call yourself a jew but abandon the covenant of Moses made thousands of years before. You enslave yourself to man made images and corrupt your heart against the will of God by claiming atheism. Like the flip flop zuckerberg "jew" you become an machine minded insectoid race who suck blood from new born and plague earth. The strength you place in numbers shall be your downfall as the prophet Job proclaimed about these prophetic times and end of days. Job 8:16-18
Daniel Rodriguez
Jordan Cooper
Yes. And obviously so.
The apologetics Jews engage in about their own shitty religion and ethnostate goes to a pathological hypocrisy.
Cameron Carter
True christians are disgusted by gay behavior pushed on us by a jewish elite ruling hollywood. Post enlightenment is synonymous with educated fools. American culture has forsaken christian roots in favor of babylonian star lore and lusty black babylonian cocks who have blasphemed Hashem like Jay(Hova) or Big L(ucifer) Devils Son who fueled lawless hip hops rebellion where Nas was "like Jesus" and Pac "wrote the bible". Only the blameless have not known this evil under the sun where fools sit as kings and the same fate awaits all men, wise and fool alike. The test of time is an unforgiving but merciful one not to be forgotten. Even the tiny ant is wise for collecting food in winter. A wiser creature of Gods creation than some of the faithless hive minded people who feign intelligence because muh skin color or nose shape as a emotional response towards a collective identity and sense of belong ling misattributed to the Freudian and Jung concepts of self and ego. Deep down everyone is just searching for Love because God is Love. Cant forget the fruits of the Holy Spirit.