Earliest depiction of Yahweh


Earliest depiction of Jesus

He is a big guy

For Jews

>bad drawing
>dumb masks
>"muhdick" sized dicks


wuz the basis of all modern religion, enjoy it christfags

captcha: AQUA SIPS

Only for the kikes, jewish af, circumcision

Cucked beyond belief, weak ass slave morality

Foreign, jewish origin. 8 year olds dude, circumcision

DUDE BE INDIFFERENT LMAO. Definition of philosophical suicide

DESIGNATED. Vegan. Absurdly Polytheistic.

>Euro Paganism
LARP FEST. "reconstructed religion". No unbroken chain of Praxis.

More jewish than judaism

>AmerIndian practices
Literally a giftshop promotion

Are there any religions that aren't shit in the current year?

I don't know if he was supposed to be black but kings commonly have a little help down there in their paintings



>muh dick
Hahaha kikes are the original niggers

Holy shit, no wonder the Abrahamists came up with the "no graven image" commandment. Their god isn't winning any beauty contests.

Zoroastrianism was, you uncultured swine.

Just don't be religious.

Yahweh and his wife Ashera

Christkikes literally worship THIS?!

That was an anti-Christian satirical piece

no... this cant be..

Damn.. we were worshipping shitty childrens drawings all this time? .....

LARPagans literally worship THIS?!

Deism??? Gnosticism???

that is a wooden tribal mask WE

Are you seriously comparing a modern comic book to a fucking acient jewish drawing of jebus with DICKS?

What does Pewdiepie have to say about this?

Captch: conex DICKENS

yeah uh... that's not usually where the bull's nipples would be if it was a girl

LaVeyan Satanism. It’s literally how 90% of people in the world think today, already.

>male cow getting a blowjob from an underage female cow

True 90% say there atheists but are Satanists xD

That's Yahweh and his wife Asherah.

That's exactly how Western society became as hedonistic and filled with nihilistic thought as it is today.

He's talking about professing Christians.

Large penis confirms

this is why artists should always use a reference

Don't need superstition to have purpose and productivity

Yahweh's the bull.

>that image

fucking cringeworthy desu senpai

I never even noticed the dicks til you said something you fucking cuck

Apparently you do, because it immediately went to shit as soon as the West started abandoning religion. I remember thinking the same way you did, but I've since grown up a bit and came to the realization that religion will always be present in society because it feeds into our psyche in a way that nothing else can. The West can continue abandoning Christianity, but it's only going to be replaced by another religion. Unfortunately for all of us, the most likely candidate, and we're already seeing it happen, is Islam. Was it really worth abandoning Christianity for this?

is this supposed toi be an insult

>90% of the people in the world are Christian
No I'm pretty sure he was talking about YOU fedora!

I guess not if you're one of those millennial manchildren.

That image was probably made by Edomites

The best part: That's not just Yahweh, that's Yahweh and his "wife".

How is a reference going to help me understand the artist's need to illustrate bovine pornography?


you realize that they are all the same "god" for jews christians and musliums ?

the writing say

>"Alexamenos worships [his] god."

alex got btfo

>everything is le cringe but me amicoolyet xD
have to be 18 to post, underage b&
>it's only going to be replaced by another religion
The dogma has already been replaced with the dogma of egalitarianism & globalism. The slave morality continues in the form of cucking out for 3rd world brainlets. It's not hard to imagine have a secular country with aesthetics & eugenics

Thou shalt make unto thee no graven images

His wife's name is Asherah.

>immediately went to shit

The west created secularism and then we experienced an unprecedented explosion of technology and prosperity that advanced our species to heights not even dreamed of before.

I remember thinking the same way that you did, but then I grew up and started to look at things objectively, and ignore emotions and peer pressure and learned to actually look at results.

If you're going to answer me, please stick to your principles and utilize technology created before secularism. I will await the pigeon.


The differences are large enough you can see them as seperate deitys, user.

Why is God's wife in a shopping cart?

>8th century BC version of "pic unrelated"
The picture was drawn on sometime after the inscription was made on the jar.

>The dogma has already been replaced with the dogma of egalitarianism & globalism.

This is only the process by which the transition will take place.


>Yahweh sitting there watch a calf suck a bull's dick


>tfw when you aren't part of a roman patrician or equite family who eats their meals lying down while covered in roses while your gallic slaves lie on the floor

Born in the wrong era and the wrong social class

Not true, not true at all.
How can they be different deities if the christians believe in the old testament aka jewish tenach?

i'm not sure i like the way Yahweh is eying that bull.

>The west created secularism and then we experienced an unprecedented explosion of technology
Yeah and that's the problem, technology is anti-human and will be the cause of our extinction in the comparatively near future (it's arguable that we will wipe ourselves out within the next hundred years while if we had continued at an iron age level of technology we could have survived as a species for millions of years).

I remember thinking the same way you did and then I grew up and realized that humans cannot be detatched from our emotions, and that is our emotions that are the source of everything we value here on Sup Forums. "Ignoring emotions and peer-pressure" and "looking at actual results" is the direct source behind modern globalism and the homogenization of cultures, the ones that promote it have sacrificed their emotional attachment to their cultures and people with the goal of ending war forever.
>b-but the results...
They don't mind if their people live meager brutal lives and are replaced by foreigners, because in their minds there are no foreigners, and the accumulation of wealth is the only result that matters to them.

Eastern orthodox christianity.

what did they mean by this

The African Kangz who invented Yah'weh so the jews would have meaning had a tradition where they would push their beootiful kweens around in shopping carts while shopping in the intergalactic space costco before returing home with their bulk items in their pyramid space ships.

she has a dick?

Is this the first ever ">dead kike on a stick" ?

the trap is an ancient meme

it's obvious based upon the length of his snout.

Thank you for this wisdom

You'sssz wite boi

This is created by the ancient sumerians who have met Jews and learned about Jehovah.

They decided to create their own depiction of God without the consultation of the first Jews.

This is where the Kabbalah came through over time. This is a demonic image.

All part of the great deception.

Through the sumerians and the Kabbalah came the religion of Islam. Of course, it's more complex than that. It all translates back to the moon god.

>this is how delusional christcucks are

Whatever it takes to defend your Jewish God, right?

Time to attempt some research, little atheist boy

That picture is taken directly off a crackpot site that is the Jewish equivalent to WE WUZ KANGZ that states Jews built the pyramids.

Came here to post this

Jews did build the pyramids germanigger they were slaves to ancient Egyptians.

Looks like Yahweh is a nigger.

Christians really take their cuckold fetish to a new level.

Yes, except archaelogists have proven that the pyramids weren't constructed by slaves, but by paid craftsmen.

Idiot thinks slaves built the most amazing precise buildings in history kys brainlet

this is the earliest depiction of yhwh, but few if any of you will ever understand it

meh like all things handed to the populace there are kernels of truth if you know how to read between the lines

According to biblical history,

The Christian religion is PANTHEISM, NOT MONOTHEISM.

Exodus:12:12 Here Yahweh admits there are other gods. You can't punish a non-existent god.

"For I will pass through the land of Egypt that night, and I will strike all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and on all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments: I am the LORD."

Again, Daniel 11:39 says that the Antichrist will actually get HELP from a foreign god, thus proving other gods exist.

"He will take action against the strongest of fortresses with the help of a foreign god"

Genesis: Elohim is PLURAL

Monotheist Christians BTFO

Is that a gunman?

26Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,a and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

And Christcucks are biggest faggots in existence.

Humanfags btfo


wtf I'm enlightened now!

>The Christian religion is PANTHEISM, NOT MONOTHEISM.
Nope. The Bible is pretty clear on that there is more than one god, however you must only worship the one.

Prime example burning bush: Moses ask the bush, which one of the gods he is. He wouldn't have to do that if there were only one.

ancient sumerians who have met Jews

sumerians existed before jews ever existed. this is why abraham came from the sumerian city of ur


Jews were literally never enslaved in Egypt and the pyramids weren't built by slaves in the first place. How is it possible to be that fucking wrong in a single sentence?

The Hebrew plagiarized the Sumerians to create their religion.

>sumerian city of ur
You mean Chaeldean city of Ur. Sumer had passed into history by then.

They had metric system back then?

why are the animals drawn in a naturalistic way but the figures are all made up of weird abstract shapes?


Jews simply cannot help their modernist art tendencies

>modern art
>terd on the floor

Even before archaeologists have shown much of the Bible is a myth made up in much later time, Bible researchers themselves had found out though study of style and grammar that the texts had been redacted time and again. One of the earliest indicators for that is the name of God that varies in the Hebrew original, so parts were classified into "Jahweist" parts and "Elohist" parts. And they mix.

But, here's the point: We can freely discuss this. Imagine if we were muslims discussing the origins of the Koran. Some mullah would instantly track down your IP address and sent the executioner to behead you.

Doesn't it feel great to be a Christian instead?