Is this going to turn into Gamergate 2.0
This might be "Comicgate"
Other urls found in this thread:
>Im not
>comic books
Gamergate should happen again and again until the entertainment industry gets it shit together.
Media should fear its consumers just as the government fears its people.
Right-wingers attacked for who they are?
Gee, wouldn't that just be getting a taste of their own medicine?
I'm glad that Marvel and DC are trying to kill superhero comics
Another headline image without a link
eat a cock
They comming after my boy zack? Motherfucking land whales
COmics belong in the 80s
I'm already not buying their birdcage liner. My birds deserve better things to shit on.
Nah, the average comic book reader has cyan hair.
who here /cough squad/?
>the government fears its people
says the fat man behind the screen
are canada fags really this retarded?
no wonder jews want to flood you guys with muslims.
you'll actually start thinking straight once you're getting beheaded and raped
>Conservatives plan to harass everyone that dislikes them by mandating a work requirement to collect welfare.
Nope. All I care to see is a small legal change. That'll fix most of this shit.
The government is balls deep in trying to figure out how Chans work, faggot
People still read these?
They will ruin him using his one weakness:
Psychotic faced, big-handed, cosplay Paki girls who arrest people for crimethink.
Your boy Zack is also getting fired from Sunny D.
Welcome to hell.
Fuck conservatives. Literally the ideology that wants to go back in time. Its not the 1950s anymore.
someone saying they'd like to be violent is not a newsworthy subject
What's there to figure out? We trade recipes to make Mongolian pudding? This forum has always been just a means to trade good eastern recipes. Everything else is just satire.
>secret facebook page
what the fuck is wrong with these idiots. Why do these always do this shit like these groups can't be infiltrated, or the contents can't be leaked. Why are the so fucking retarded
what is bait retard
What's your point?
Right here. Started after America 1 came out.
it was nice in the 50s
name one thing better about 2017 over 1950
they are guided only by their feelings. they have no critical thinking skills.
No. Like in every demographic there is always a vocal minority.
That's fucked up, honestly. But I would expect nothing less from liberals.
For you.
I like the cut of your jib
Good fucking luck, this shit has been a problem on Sup Forums for nearly a decade now, marvel being the worst offender. Theyu've hired a racist muslim as one of their sales heads and they only hire tmblr charity cases who cannot draw or write while sacrificing quality books to keep shit like America Chavez going. Even though the sales are in the shitter, and they've been padding the numbers by strangling comic shops by over shipping, they're still claiming high diogtial sales. Which is bullshit by the way, they won't release those numbers, and dinsey is pissed at them. It's been a huge problem ever since Ike Perlmutter took complete control in the early 00's and axed the editorial staff completely. He only rewarded the loyal, who are cock scuking dick waving "liberals" who change chaarcters with years of history to prove they're good people. Bendis being the worst offender who adopted 10 black kids and married a black owman to prove he wasn't a racist after being a hard right wing personality prior to being hired.
Take a look at Marvel's sales rep.
> they dont fear shit, they are counting on us being complacent and apathetic. It's how they stay in control, and it always works. As long as there's iphones and computers there will be no revolution.
inb4 we get shoahed to infinity
I doubt anyone will care. I don't get why she reported it. Seems like she'd biting the hand that feeds
>Is this going to turn into Gamergate 2.0
No one reads comics. Only fat 36yo manvirgins that had no real father are into comics.
back to redd!t
>Reading comics
Fucking nerds.
>we want the police to be allowed to randomly shoot black people
>we want the military to randomly bomb brown people
>we want the ICE to harass people who have never done anything wrong
>we want to bully gay people
>why are people so mean to us?
Fuck off.
From what I gather on Sup Forums, this whole thing boils down to some writer at Marvel having a beef with some Youtuber, so he went "we're afraid he might do something crazy, so we've alerted security to keep an eye on him" to make his hatred of the guy look less petty. A bunch of mooks took the bullshit at face value and think the Youtube guy is actually planning to raid the convention panel or whatever.
In other words, just bullshit.
>it's not the 1950s anymore
You say that like it's a good thing.
wow op that headline really tells me everything i need to know. Nice information dump faggot.
>Reads post
>How can one be so retarded
>Checks flag
>he doesn't know about sad puppies
As for the lying this is what I'm talking about, they try to float their POC, SJW, LGBTQTC, or whatever acronym you can think of by saying "it sells well digitally" and "we're doing better than before!" but the truth is they're lying about those sales numebrs to save face and push their agenda. Tehre was even a recent thing where ammuslim artist snuck muslim proverbs onto x men's shirts and behind kitty pryde (jew) that was to the tune of "kill all jews" he got taken off the book, but it was in circulation a while prior to being pulled.
Why do you need comic-con to be a safe space?
>babby commie upset that we stole his victim card and are using it for things he doesnt like
get fucked nerd
Are you black?
Because this is pretty based.
nobody gives a shit about comics
this is just a great opportunity to piss off faggots
I don't go to conventions, and I also could not care less about Comic books. I was addressing your autistic post
Sorry, I didn't know you guys needed a safe space. I guess some people are just special snowflakes.
1945 best day of my life.
what the fuck is the point of that autistic chart?
the cia already tried, failed and then turned into ponyshitposters, how will they ever figure this out, when even we can't?
the left really can't meme
>...i-i-i don't really care guys, I promise, I am just posting on a message board to tell people how much i don't care...please notice me...
oy veyy delete this anti-semite post now!
believe our numbers goy!
As someone who genuinely enjoys comics I wish geek culture among normies never became a thing.
>randomly shoot black people
>GOD he was only innocently robbing a store and shooting at the cop, how dare he end that man's life? You're supposed to bleed out on the street because defending yourself makes you judge, jury and executioner
Those words must have hurt since you're trying so hard to turn them around. We don't care, bitch. Call us whatever you want. We're coming for your 19th century cult.
>make the rules
>bitch when people play by them
kys flaggot
looks like you shills forgot what board you're shilling on.
Who the fuck cares about the comics DESU, but its high time we decided to take out the fucking people that ruin the media some of us enjoy.
It's about all of us not just "me".
>black & brown "people"
Usually the left puts more thought into their arguments, so they can't be boiled down into a single image. 'Build the wall' or 'let's fuck our cousins' is far easier to digest, so naturally conservatives like it, as they cannot handle as much.
I had a jury trial last week where a juror said "I like manga" which he described as a type of Japanese comic.
AGAINST MY BETTER JUDGMENT, I didn't strike him from the jury... and later I won the case. Perhaps comics aren't all bad, Sup Forums
It's like they WANT to go out of business.
>Dying media platform decides to chase away part of their remaining buyerbase
Day of the rake, when?
>Usually the left puts more thought into their arguments, so they can't be boiled down into a single image.
heh, they really dumb then
The culture of critique demands that these communists will not stop, so it will keep happening over and over again, personally I hope they don't stop because it makes people sick of their shit.
u r a total poof, m8, taking it up the arse from pakis & niggers
Keeeeek. You really are stupid huh. What could have possibly fucking been in a grocery store that is worth a human life? Police are known not to hire anyone with high IQs. Shame people that support them blindly have low IQs as well.
I just find it funny when people have inconsistent arguments. Either it was always wrong, or always right. You can't have it both ways.
Whose man is this? Is someone going to put an argument forward, or can I just leave with this W?
This post was so ambiguous and stupid that I am not even sure how to respond.
>10/10 will steal
People, you are the females of this gamergate.
You don't read comics at all, but somehow you feel entitled to talk shit about them to further your own agenda.
Think about it.
Are you too stupid to read a Sup Forums info-graphic or something?
i'll knock ur cunt rite in, paki-lover
>be nerd
>get harassed by even bigger nerds
And isn't it the current year too?!?!
I'm posting to discuss the political motivation behind why companies do what they do. But of course, as a communist, you lack the critical thinking skills to even begin to understand why some people think and do what they do. But then again that flag is also probably bait, and I'm falling into your trap on your pathetic quest for (you)'s.
I like you because it's funnier when you aren't pretending to be retarded.
Here is a link btw
Link to guys youtube too they are having a shit-fit over
>Gee, wouldn't that just be getting a taste of their own medicine?
I see why you people say this.
It's so you don't feel like piles of shit when you do it to others, by painting it as a tit for tat.
10 years ago I'd be mad, but now the cultural backlash has already started I just don't mind.
>puts more thought into their arguments
When did emotions become thoughts?
They are really going after diversity&comics hard. Why are they so scared of a guy who makes videos in his car?
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
>Usually the left puts more thought into their arguments
>"everyone is exactly the same, man"
DC writers are liberal arts students. these aren the original creators that created their characters out of love. this is just another commercialized job now.
>alienating 50% of your consumer base
well, time to boycott another retarded libshit establishment. spread it boys
Manga has been outselling comics for over a decade DC & Marvel were so butthurt about it they had NYT etc. Put it in a separate category to pad their numbers
like good leftists, they'll claim comics are today's greatest for of art that commoners (proletariat) can't understand but they must be absolutely produced for the intelligentsia of the "good" bourgeoise (pink-haired meme degree females)
Then proceed by extorting state subsidies by infiltration or riot threats
You're actually serious? You're actually serious. There is no hope for you racist inbred idiots. Just no hope. You will die sad miserable people. That's all.