Im looking for more pictures like this, of decent places gone to shit.
Any one have any more photos like this?
cuba was great 20 years ago
people smiling, kind, helpful, full of joy, no hunger problem, awake, honest, with integrity. i was blown away when i was there after hearing so much shit in mainstream media.
if you thinnk you need nike's, mcdonalds, bmw's to be happy and with integrity you are highly mistaken, ausbro. people telling me its going downhill now that it opens up to the "world".
That's not from Rhodesia. It's the Grand Hotel in Mozambique
People in prison still laugh occasionally, also, doesn't mean they are happy they are there.
American educa...Oh, come on, lad.
>autism: the post.
have you been there? for what reason?how long? no? then stfu pls and go back to mainstream media brainwashing, k ty bye.
That's not in Rhodesia, that was in Mozambique, once part of the glorious Moortuguese caliphate.
I bet you think life under communism is a paradise too LOL
Too fucking bad the republicans lost or you wouldn't say shit about things you don't understand
Ahh yes, those 'big government policies', known as niggers.
Yes, exactly. 50 years of democrat rule.
>people smiling, kind, helpful, full of joy, awake, honest, with integrity
You can find those everywhere you go.
>no hunger problem
They dont starve but they eat beans with rice every fucking day.
Thank you. Every time I see that image posted, the first thing I want to do is point that out. It's Pavlovian at this point.
whatever helps u sleep at night, homedweller.
you are right about the food
partly right on the other point.
it was a different kind of mindset. i did not see in many first world countries i traveled to.
>there's less ads
WTF happened here?
You retarded or something?
>Than 5 decades of big government policies
I think you meant to say, "Niggers".
was a project that was in heavy planning.
If I remember right, most of it is in privet collections now.
This is in Mozambique not Rhodesia
Yeah fuck those "democrats". They're a bunch of murderous thugs. They should all go back to democrica.
Demolished by retarded communists
I'm out of images.
All this art was demolished by communists. It's just some call themselves modernists.
No, I have no idea what that building is, or why it was stripped of all it's beautiful decorations. I'd like to know what happened. I hear from that the artwork is now in private collections?
Why? That building was a marvel. Now it's just okay.
Here's some Gary, Indiana for your collection
20 years ago happy? Ahahaha kys u fucking retard . my grandparents ran away from there almost 40 years ago cuz it was shit. Ignore this retard
t. An actual cuban
And what it used to be.
This hotel was in Mozambique, it should be made geographically correct.
It makes a better argument that niggers ruin everything when it's correct
Same as with all European traditional architecture that's been replaced by modern shit, either communists or bombs.
>Modern architecture
>No, I have no idea what that building is
buda castle
Also checked
Who rebuilds the 3rd world when it goes to shit ?
Is it all thanks to 1st worlders hunger for exploitation ?
I think we should just let shitholes destroy themselves and stay that way.
desu the expertise for that stonework probably either doesn't exist anymore or is too expensive.
so they invade white countries and turn them into shitholes too?
Welfare and Jewish imposed thug-culture turned black people into niggers.
White-black relations were on the rise until these got going.
They are victims of the Zionists too and are allies we need to defeat them.
Daming an entire race of individuals for what you saw a few confused, betrayed savages do on Worldstar is evil.
Sure they're IQ are on average lower but I don't see Japanese forums that staunchly think all whites need to die.
If they are kept in the dark ages they won't know you exist
:( Thats from the stockholm terror attack, right?
Man, I live among the blacks. No, I'm not in some southern city where poverty has driven them to depraved acts just to get by. I live in a progressive city where they get decent free housing, big ass 'community centers' where the parents can drop their kids off in lieu of daycare costs, etc. They've spent tens, perhaps hundreds, of millions on this black part of town in an effort to stem the crime wave and increase their quality of life.
None of it has helped. The kids still embrace the thug culture. They still walk around looking for weak white men to beat on. They still pack heat for no good reason, and I still hear gunshots a few times per week.
You should see how they treat their freshly renovated parks. Dumping trash everywhere, even when there's a city funded trashcan at the end, and middle, of every block. They dump trash in the bushes and scoff at anyone who tells them to pick it up. "Nah man, I'm ghetto, dis da ghetto right here", they'll say after dumping a fast food bag and soda cup in the center of a $5mil renovated park with 12 trashcans in it.
There's garbage literally everywhere. Baby diapers just tossed out of car windows line the curb, with fast food wrappers, chip bags, soda bottles, etc.
$1400 in free housing every month. Free gym memberships, food programs for the kids, everything. And they still absolutely cannot pull themselves up even to the level of the lowliest redneck community.
Good thread, more of these images need to made and spread.... libshits can't rationalize why their ideology destroys everything it touches.
Jewgle image search "urban decay before and after"
Yup, Ebba Ã…kerlund
Why dont white americans fight back? You are allowed to own guns in the US. Just bring a Mossberg to their 9 mm handgun party.
Prisons are even more black than the streets, my friend
We do fight back. The msm wont expose that. They only expose a stories where the black man was defenseless.
Need more pictures of niggers destroying the shit we built for them in Africa for my folder
Any good ones of SA?
Sometimes we hurt ourselves the most.
Haiti then..
I have an AR-15, a shotgun, and 4 9mm handguns. I carry everywhere, and I look like I do. Thus I never get fucked with. Plus I walk a big ass dog everywhere I go. The only trouble I've had is with their loose pitbulls coming after my dog. Almost had to shoot two of them once, but my dog came out on top, so I let them run home.
There are a few whites in this area that I know. All of them live in fortresses. Cameras, gates, one has even built a cinderblock wall around his entire house. Not even joking, I think it was due to the driveby shootings, and he built it to stop bullets. This is in a northern, progressive city. This isn't LA, or Little Rock, or Chicago. I don't want to say which city it is, since someone might know which house I'm talking about. It's a noteworthy landmark around here, since it looks like a fortress.
Haiti now..
That's what I'm saying man.
Free gibbs to people for being black made them WORSE.
They never learn to appreciate anything because what they have are handouts.
The 'benefits' are a determent.
Give your doggo a hug.
Wasn't Haiti still independent back then?
Oh, I see what you mean. Okay. Sorry, I misunderstood.
Every day, my man. My dog is my best friend.
Wasn't that just rebuilt after the restoration of the war?
it used to be a highly exclusive resort for the rich aristocrats of france, with beautiful mansions and villas all over the place, like modern day Monaco.
Holy shit its true
Ah, I see
my wife's family would disagree with you. there's a reason so many people fled to the US you fucking retard
What the fuck are you saying, those butcher of french and those retards of burgers attacked and destroyed Libya.
That's not rhodesia, but mozambique, before and after portuguese leave.
>my wife's family
you have to go back immigrant
Here's a disgusting building that popped up in Vegas back in 2010.
Believe it or not this fucking thing is called the Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health designed by (((Frank Gehry))) born (((Frank Owen Goldberg)))
Makes me want to puke every time I see it.
>Demolished by retarded communists
I read the article thinking it was destroyed by libtard lefties, but it was ACTUALLY destroyed by communists in 1950.
>There's garbage literally everywhere. Baby diapers just tossed out of car windows line the curb
I've witnessed this in UK too, they are disgusting animals not fit for western society.
What happened ? Sweden was never bombed.
>after Magneto's attack on Vegas
That's our former colony, Mozambique
Man, I so wish I could've visited Paris in the 70s or 80s. It's practically South Africa today. I know a guy who lives on the south coast and even he said that he only wants to visit ONCE, to show the Eiffel Tower to his kid, but it's extremely dangerous.
wait. Did they rebuild ontop of a nuclear impact zone? What the fuck are the cancer rates over there??
>big government policies
lmao get back to fucking reddit it was fucking niggers
im curious about this as well, seems like it could be dangerous no?
Christcucks getting BTFO