Sup Forums will defend this
We could easily afford a univeral basic income.
Sup Forums will defend this
We could easily afford a univeral basic income.
Clearly it's niggers we need to worry about, right fellas?
as soon as we get all the niggers and beaners out of the country then we can have a utopia with universal basic income and free cheeseburgers and guns for all Americans.
also, what's this bullshit the rich talk about, the profit margin is so small they barely can afford paying employees and that shit.
clearly they make fucking huge profit.
>, the profit margin is so small they barely can afford paying employees and that shit.
Increasing wages would make shareholders angry.
Major corporations are publicly traded corporations owned by countless people who own shares of the stock.
Shareholders get to vote on whether or not to raise wages.
Of course they won't, it would lower the stock price.
It's not really all the 1% that's controlling everything. It's the .01% who are incredibly wealthy and control the political system.
Only if the leeches in power and the greedy corporations were good people. Will never happen
the bottom 90% should just become stoics then they wont have a problem with it
I want (and deserve) my universal basic income.
UBI won't fix anything, and will probably actually make things worse. the problem is debt, and the fact that a lot of it is guaranteed by the government. not government debt (though that's another story), but debt held by individuals. it's gotten so high that the economy can't expand, and is actually contracting, because so much of the wealth is being used to pay interest to the debt issuers.
so UBI will make this worse because it'll only take a few years before a large proportion of the income issued every year will be coming back to the banks in the form of interest payment. it would be like a free lunch to the banks
>Dear rich peepo, we need munny for dem existance. We voted on it so give munnee.
>Dear plebians, we've decided to test our theoretical bioweapons on the populace and transition to full automation. Nothing personal kid.
Just start your own business and get in the 1%, everyone can do it in capitalism.
>We could easily afford a univeral basic income.
Everybody can afford UBI.
UBI means - take the money you're spending on welfare RIGHT NOW, put it into one pile, divide it among the citizens equally which eliminates administrative overhead and welfare queens while still providing safety net and wealth redistribution
Any other way of thinking about it is equivalent of trying to tax yourself into prosperity. If you start considering that question you quickly run into problems like "you can live like a king if you just earn UBI in Montana but in San Francisco you won't be able to afford rent - how to solve this problem?".
>you quickly run into problems like "you can live like a king if you just earn UBI in Montana but in San Francisco you won't be able to afford rent - how to solve this problem?".
I don't understand what the problem is, you don't have to live in San Francisco.
Yeah, but then you'd have niggers moving to Montana in masses, making huge mess. Then the living costs would increase because of all freeloaders and they'd have to move elsewhere where the life is cheap. By removing the need to work, you're creating welfare queens, if you provide UBI that gives you livable amount of money, you'll create literal welfare nomads living in nonending cycle of moving to cheaper state, causing living costs there to increase and moving to yet another state.
>be banker
>UBI implemented
>everyone gets $20,000 a year
>get good idea
>offer junk loans for luxury cars and write them for anyone
>yu meen ah can has a Maserati if i sign dis here?
>yes tyrone, it's all yours for just $500 a month for 7 years!
>tyrone drives off with the Maserati - it's stolen almost immediately
>uh-oh tyrone, sorry about that. you still owe us for that car, though
>looks like you're late on that payment, tyrone! didn't you read the contract? interest has gone up and now those payments are going to be $800 a month
>looks like you're late again, tyrone! it's OK, we'll just garnish your UBI. it's going to be $1,000 a month
>tyrone lives another 30 years, 30x12x
$1,000 = $360,000
Jews have been doing this for literally thousands of years.
Their is many parts of the bible that forbid giving out loans with interest (to their own people at least).
Pass UBI.
Import the whole world.
You can have UBI and closed borders, you know.
Imagine you are in a room with 10 people. Do you think you can out earn them? Imagine you are the best out of 10 then thrown into another room with 9 other winners, and you win again. Congrats you are now in the top 1%.
Stop being such bitches and make some money.
you're assuming that we're all playing on equal terms. we're not. there certainly is something to be said of circumstances following virtue, but things aren't that simple. there are artificial barriers of entry erected to keep people poor and to keep people rich. there are exceptional people who cross these lines, but those people are just that, absolutely exceptional, and no society is ever defined by its exceptions
Basically Zipf's law
Yea you are right some people have stupid parents
if you redistribute the wealth evenly, in a coue of years the wealth will find its way back into the possession of the top 1%
dave chappelle even made a skit about
Democrats make up most of the 1% and you retards follow their marching orders to attack working poor people who are trying to get change in DC.
Indeed, to start your own business is soooooo easy!
That is unironically why all leftypol ideas will never be implemented.
Why is a higher progressive tax at the highest brackets such a bad thing? You're only taxed higher at those brackets, so you still make a shit ton of money regardless, and hiding money in the Caymans or Switzerland or elsewhere will always be a thing.
>We could easily afford a univeral basic income.
yes we could because money is made up and economics is psychology.
Resources are however limited.
No one said redistribute the wealth evenly.
The rich can still be rich.
lefties missed the economics class on scarcity