Are you enjoy your diversity Sup Forums?
Are you enjoy your diversity Sup Forums?
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Most of Sup Forums will tell you that only 4/10 of those people are white
All of Sup Forums will tell you that you're 100% a fucking faggot
Tfw you’re pale with brown hair and eyes and will never be aryan
Did they finish that laser that turns brown eyes blue yet
pic related
I don't get the difference between nordic and germanic. E.g. Scandinavia is germanic...
i dont know if i am nordic or germanic what do
you're reindeer fucker
at least i am not a mongolian rape baby
You're probably an Arab
nordic peoples are germanic too so both i guess
Good for you, I'm not either. I'm Jewish
Nords are fairer and have narrower faces, while G*rmans have squared jaws and slightly ruddier, less fair skin
Using professional models to note differences in each nationality is pretty retarded though, since they normally have extremely symmetrical and pronounced features (good jaw, chin, eye structure, etc)
You'd see the differences better with average people than models
>a fucking Finn
We both need to lose fat, I need to come back to Greece and we need to make Greece Hellas again. Also blue eyes are
a meme but they're better than my brown, I guess.
Nordic and germanic are the same thing. At least scandinavians are both
I'm Jewish
Why no Finnic?
You're in Australia, brown eyes are an advantage
Scandinavians are called "nord germanics"
herro finrand
>looks all the same
Always the leaf
Found the Gook. Maybe if you open your eyes for once you can see the distinction.
Thank god im white.
PRAISE JESUS. I thank god every day for being white. Mmmmm its so fucking good
I don't understand the obsesion with blue eyes, yeah they are pretty and makes even niggers more attractive, but if you have brown eyes just fucking deal with it m8, all those faggots who cry about not having blue eyes or wear contacts are like I said faggots, its just an aestetic change you wont become better no important aspect
>I don't really look like any of these
who else /mutt/ here?
>makes even niggers more attractive
I disagree, I think light eyes on shitskins is really unsettling.
The obsession comes from the fact that only white people have light eyes in large numbers, so having light eyes is used as evidence that you are "white". Pretty silly, considering we live in an age where the only proof you need costs $100 and a vial of spit.
All Germanic people stemmed from the tribes that originated in southern Denmark/northern Germany. Some moved North, some moved South. They share the same I1 haplogroup, but because Scandinavia was more isolated than Central Europe, Scandinavians/Nords are a more purely I1 than their southern neighbors.
What's the difference between nordic and germanic? Aren't they kind of same thing?
Nordic females are Waifu tier
I've always just thought of Nords as extra Germanic. Also some of the most beautiful people on earth.
But black people will enrich your people OP. Think of all the wonderful diseases.
I’m a combination of Med and Celtic. Med facial features but a red beard.
t. user who’s dad is Irish, Portuguese, and Scandi.
You kinda right, some do look creepy
Meds can have red hair too. Not normally bright red, but I've seen plenty with a bit of red in their otherwise dark facial hair.
I am getting a taste in med girls lately and castizas muh dik tier they have enough white blood to have caucasian features but a little slander eyes and that olive skin soft skin. The only good thing those Spanish did was create those qts
guess the ethnicity
A strange Na'vi/Jew
But I would.
I completely agree with you.
Tfw germano-celtic masterrace
In my opinion, all of those people are 'white'. There is no universally agreed-upon definition of who is 'white', so here's mine: If you're native to Europe (Turkey not included) and not a Muslim, you're fucking white. Done!
High elf
Celtic girls are qt.
No, everyone here will agree they are all white. Only jews and shills will tell you Slavs or Meds are non-white.
Finnic is basically just the same as Nordic.
I completely agree with all of you. No matter what anyone ever says, I always consider every native European who is neither a Jew nor a Muslim to be 'white'. At the same time though, I think that each of the major groups of European people (like Germanics and Slavs, for example) should breed only within their own group to preserve the genetic constitution of that group. I even consider Finns, Hungarians and Estonians to be white due to their cultural heritage (despite their mongoloid origins). I also consider Armenians and Georgians to be white (even though they are geographically in Asia, they are still culturally European). I am an advocate of a big, diverse (REAL diversity, not kike-enforced 'diversity'), united European family. We are stronger and better together.
* I completely agree with you.
t. finn using a canadian vpn
Most of (((/pol))) will say that sure
Don't be obtuse. Nazi Germany considered the Finns to be not only Honorary Aryans, but even a Nordic people:
How many of the top 100 best looking men in the world are brown eyes? The majority, so stop worrying about that and figure out where we need to emigrate to.
Galadriel in her youth
I think Armenians are borderline, but I agree with basically everything else. I don't think there is anything wrong with a Slav marrying a Nordic or a Celtic marrying a Med, but at the end of the day they should all be aiming to uphold their racial purity.
It would be interesting to see in a few hundred years time if all the Europeans living in North America or Australia had a slightly distinct subrace of their own. Right now a lot of the differences are still easy to see if someone came from a Nordic Country or a Slavic or a Med, but eventually there might be a unique look you would only see in America.
jesus christ, get that poor lass out of the sun
What is Charlize theron, from SA? That's a cross between Celtic and Germanic/Nord I reckon.
>Charlize’s patrilineal line can be traced back to Jacques Therond, who was born, c. 1668, in Nîmes, Languedoc, France, and immigrated to South Africa in 1688.
Charlize’s paternal grandfather was Daniel Theron (the son of Charles Jacobus Theron and Wilhelmina Maria Stofberg). Charles was born in Tulbagh, the son of Willem Wouter Theron and Anna Helena Margaretha Krige. Wilhelmina was born in Calvinia.
Charlize’s paternal grandmother was Elizabeth Johanna Beets (the daughter of Hendrik Lucas Beets and Johanna Christina Jones).
Charlize’s maternal grandparents were Jacob Johannes Maritz (the son of Phillipus Rudolf Maritz and Gerda Jacoba Aletta Kruger) and Johanna Maria Barindina Stofberg.
They raise the Anglo average
You know I read a lot. Especially things that have to do with history. I find that shit fascinating. In fact, I don’t know if you know this or not, Americans were spawned by niggers. It’s a fact. Americans have mystery blood pumping through their hearts. If you don’t believe me, you can look it up. Hundreds and hundreds of years ago slaves were imported to the USA. And those slaves were niggers. Way back then, Americans were like the people in Europe. They all had white skin and caucasian features. But, once the slaves were freed, they changed the whole country. They did so much fucking with the American women, huh, that they changed the whole blood-line forever, that’s why white skin and caucasian features became brown skin and negroid features. I find it absolutely amazing to think that to this day, hundreds of years later, Americans still carry that nigger gene. I’m quoting history. It’s written. It’s a fact. It’s written. Your ancestors were niggers. Your great, great, great, great, great-grandmother fucked a nigger, and she had a half-nigger kid. That is a fact. Now tell me, am I white? Cuz you, you’re part eggplant.
thank you Canada
>It's a fact
>fact fact fact
Murican here, might not be ideal mix, but at least no arab or nigger. can you say the same italianbro?
>pic related me
Don't fall for the shill bait. If anyone ever starts race-baiting over who is white or not, it's always a shill trying to keep us divided.
Don't fall to their level either, you're spweing a bunch of lies about Americans too. Any racemixing that happened before the 60s was always White male with one of their black slaves.
You're probably white too, don't worry.
It would probably kill her
mexican detected
Blacks and Spics will be fighting it out to the death in a dystopian America where all whites have moved up North, apart from a liberal heavily policed enclave encompassing DC
>live inside the dc beltway
Whites might commute there, or to other cities, via that tube thing musk is working on, or something analogous.
As racist as spics are the future for niggers will be funny as fuck. And they bitch about whites.
Same in Africa, they will be slaves to the Chinese and wish for the white man to return
shut up leaf. user is right and you should be tending to your Chinese overlords.
ho-how did you look?
nice way of saying it without saying it
> insert "I wonder who"
West Germanic countries have majority of R1b haplogroupe while North Germanic countries(Skandinavians) have I1
Shit, I forgot to mention the Basques. I think the Basques are white too.
We have all the diversity
Europe cucks can fuck off with their ugly women.
Even pewdiepie choose italiec girl, noed 'nord beauty', lol
>via that tube thing musk is working on
The Hyperloop?
Slavs may be white. But Meds are not white..
choose one mongrel
Which is why shlomo inserts the lowest tier human on earth (N African) into Scandinavia. To cut the bloodlines.