Other urls found in this thread:
bullying overload
Has banner potential
Dumb bitch got what she deserves
She liked him for his looks even though he was a dick
You act like there is anything wrong with that
I agree.
Roastie slut spotted
>not picrel
>This place sucks!
Deserves it more than anything else.
simply epin
>>Watching this after kiznaiver
it feels like Hiroyuki Imaishi just bitch slapped Okada
How bad has Kiznaiver become?
I dropped it at episode 3-ish, way too much fucking melodrama.
That's the best part, you pleb.
I agree. Just finished watching episode with my 2 kids, 5 and 6 years old respectively, they loved it, based Trigger thinking about children shows too.
What bullying ?
...for you
>comic sans
Get out.
>my 2 kids
That's not comic sans.
all your nightmares of okada
>inferno cop
As a fan of Luluco, Kiznaiver is unironically AOTS, only Okada memes fake a dislike for it.
I usually think her shows are 3-6/10 material, Kiznaiver is pretty good so far though.
It is
I've never liked a single show Okada had anything to do with
Tell me why I should like Kiznaver
I dropped Luluco at episode 0. Weird how that works.
Damn, my eyes must be bad.
How the fuck can't you recognize immediately that horrible font, it's so ugly I couldn't mistake it for anything else.
>comic sans is ugly
Nice meme.
What's the next show on Imaishi's fantastic adventure.
It was too small, I had to compare it side by side to notice.
His wife's 2 kids.
Something TTGL fans might like.
This episode got pretty depressing even with the usual humor sprinkled in. Like yeah it was obvious something would happen with Nova but seeing Luluco's last bit of innocence literally shattered was a bit sad.
Evil Space Mom will actually turn out to be Good Space Mom.
Nice Sup Forums meme pham.
As if you were any better.
Honestly, I expect a IT WAS ALL JUST A MISUNDERSTANDING on her part. Hell, even that cut-away confirms she's going to side with Over Justice & Co
Can't beat the cock.
Were is Luluco's justice?
>there wasn't an altered ED
Yeah that was kinda off
>there's nothing wrong with seeking an abusive relationship
How're the bruises, Rihanna?
Local Girl Bullied So Hard She Dies
Why would there be?
Because of how her love for Nova was metaphorically AND literally shattered. You'd expect an ED change to reflect on that considering the topic at hand
Oh man, I was sympathizing with Luluco so much during that exposition. Hearing about the plan to create the most worthless thing ever, the vapid love of a normal girl, had me dying too. With laughter.
She still loves him
She can't love him, she's dead.
>seeing Luluco's last bit of innocence literally shattered was a bit sad.
It gave me a hard-on also
When can I expect the OP and ED to be out on nyaa in FLAC?
I unironically really like these.
I think it's time you guys start re-locating to Sup Forums. It's a much more appropriate board for your kind of discussion.
Nice trips for a shit thread
Tied with the other Okada show for trainwreck of the season. It's really pretty, though.
I wonder too. Dropped it at 3, goddamn I was kinda excited for this project
That annoyed me
Space Pirate Luluco
Sorry to tell you little girl but real world is not nice.
>the I hate comic sans meme
>investing energy into something so incredibly trivial
>implying it isn't an eyesore
I guess it's acceptable for people to just randomly type things in papyrus or jokerman, huh?
I didn't say it was especially good, I just never understood why it provoked such a furious rage out of some people, as if it murdered their family, it's a fucking font, who cares as long as you can read it?
>he forgot chiller
Why not just use the standard manga font?
I don't see a problem with chiller or papyrus, they're readable and they're not obnoxious.
>not obnoxious
papyrus is like babbies first pretentious font. Want to make your document look more important than it really is? Why not go for something biblical-ish like papyrus.
Character widths are different, doesn't fall the same way
Chiller has been overused by pre-teens wanting to seem creepy and community halloween rides promising "thrills for all ages".
Papyrus is basically used in every religious institution's pamphlets, as well as shitty "motivational" or "inspirational" images.
Both are cases of overexposure.
Just make it two different items for each line and resize them slightly to fit.
Where's all the porn of Nova being the Blackholians' slave? I want to see his face awash in nonchalance and semen.
The text isn't right aligned. It's triggering my 'tism
Nova was pretty much made for getting stuffed with old man cock.
I hope the Blackholeians invade Kiznaiver next
>luluco connects with nova
>he feels her love
It makes sense
I really like how she says "merry-go-round" in the ED.
But they can neither read, nor understand Japanese. How are 6 year old Anglolings able to watch Luluco?
A 5 or 6 year old should be able to read the subs for a show like luluco. Also kids love animation for the sake of animation and even if not particularly technical, Imaishi's style is very energetic and entertaining.
They of course won't get the beat-you-over-the-head satire of puppy love.
>A 5 or 6 year old should be able to read the subs for a show like luluco.
This blows my mind right now. Where I live, 5 year olds aren't even in school yet. Back in my days, 6 year olds worked the coal mines.
Admittedly, that's coming from my own experience. There are plenty of kids at that age that probably can't read at all, but there are some who can, so it's not impossible to believe these do.
Also if your from nepal then when you're 6 you can work 11 hours hauling and making bricks after being basically abducted by "contractors".
Mods, make this a new banner
Next time there's a contest, hopefully these will make it
Fuck that.
What we really need is a contest to add more images to the 404 page
OPs this season are undoubtedly shitty but Luluco's is actually enjoyable. I like it more than the ED.
This is nice.
The full version sounds great.
Why does it sound so bad in the actual show?
Kiznaiver's TV size is good. Luluco's full version is extremely fun, though.
I'm really enjoying Kiznaiver, but I'm a sucker for romance and the painful experiences it creates.
That said, Luluco is way better.
It's not supposed to sound nice, it's supposed to seems rushed and random as possible. I think they turn up the percussion in the OP and add random banging noises.