The United States is violently ripping apart at the seams. The most prosperous and powerful country in history is in a downward spiral as it's social cohesion ruptures.
Why are we so divided? What happened?
The United States is violently ripping apart at the seams. The most prosperous and powerful country in history is in a downward spiral as it's social cohesion ruptures.
Why are we so divided? What happened?
Other urls found in this thread:
Millennials are bored. Their lives are meaningless. Framing the world as a battle of good vs evil simplifies things and creates structure and purpose. This is especially true for women, who've lost much of their purpose.
Jews happened
Multiculturalism and other things such as feminism has destroyed the European values and freedom with responsibility that the Founding Fathers developed under.
The U.S. has no ideals other than "muh freedom to do drugs and become prostitutes" and "muh equality which totally exists and should be forced goys!1!!" They've been lost by globalization and consumerism.
I would say jews have alot to do with it
Te donor class utilizes partisan marketing to obscure their actual agendas where they pass tailor-made policies, such as through ALEC.
It is not just happening in America, but your media is the most prolific, and Americans are very susceptible due to decades of cold-war propaganda that went so far with its rhetoric to immunize the west against communism that it has turned into a tool of the multinational financiers efforts to turn people away from the common-sense management of capitalism that gave rise to the greatest era of prosperity in human history in the first place.
The west is now a firesale. And those running it want us to collapse inward on each other, not onto them.
The September 23nd happened
The CIA got pissed after Occupy Wallstreet.
No more base struggle to survive, moral decline, too much freedom.
>The most prosperous and powerful country in history
with no history prior to the 1800s
blame the rich and the corrupt government
why is life so expensive?
no education - to keep the people dumb
no healthcare - to keep the people sick
no jobs - to keep he people poor
racism - to keep the people divided
all this to keep the rich in charge and in power
>what happened?
The 1965 immigration act
Commies and jews.
Too many people, and letting everybody vote was a mistake.
We like to point to our past successes as evidence for how great our system is, but if you define our democracy as "one person one vote," then we've only effectively been a Democracy for a little over 50 years. Fast forward another 50 and the world will probably show that the Chinese system is better.
That, and there're just too many people. We have over twice as many people now as we did in 1950, and four times as many as there were in 1900. How is an election supposed to work with 500 million people? 700 million? Do we really expect the feds to govern a population of that size effectively?
Country's either going to collapse or split.
>Why are we so divided?
Fuck off Shia LaBeouf.
bullshit thread, I bet you are not even american
Wrong jew, we are awaking and you are scared.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
We should've listened to Shia, but instead, Drumpf has divided us
How is that relevant, Čedo?
Think about the fate of the roman empire, the bizantine empire, the mongol empire . They all divided... sooner or later the world had to separate from their leader
I forgot horse cleaners have saturdays off
Sloth turns into wrath
It was worse in the 70' s.
Thank you for a nice and argumented answer. Enjoy in your history-rich country that is certanly more prosperous and powerful than USA.
>Letting everybody vote
Most don't. Biggest mistake was more than likely Women's Suffrage and the advent of mass social media that we see today. Let the two work off each other and well... We're living the results.
>the USA is ripping apart at the seams
Hey remember that big civil war you had over a hundred years ago
What exactly is happening now that you are conflating this with? An unpopular president? Small scale demonstrations that turn violent?
Wow nothing like that has ever happened before omg sound the alarms the sky is falling
Fucking retard
Funny part is that even if the divisions get worse we'll still have a higher quality of life, still be the strongest nation economically and militarily in the world... we like to bicker is all.
America is eternal as long as her children are faithful!
The citizens aren't faithful. We have a major demographic problem. Mud people vote for socialist policies. Mud people vote for the party that wants open borders and migration. Within a couple decades this will be a socialist hellhole.
It has always been this way.
Federal government is getting too powerful, and the judiciary with lifetime appointments and activist judges is definitely not helping.
Our voting system only works if people accept the results. The government can beat people into submission, but that doesn't really work too well. Fortunately, as long as people believe that one, before too long they'll win an election, and two, that you don't lose too much when you lose, they'll continue to have faith in the system.
Though yeah, despite really serious issues, we're nowhere near an actual civil war. All of our problems are federal. People like their congressman; they just don't like everybody else's.
Study history kids, it will literally answer all of your questions about human behavior and show you how cyclical it is.
It really isn't. We all had it so good for so long that people are beginning to invent things to be mad about, like an overactive immune system. A massive death toll of Americans would fix these silly issues in one instant, until then just stop believing everything that's on tv or in the news
>blame the rich and the corrupt governmentwhy is life so expensive?
I agree rich bought the congressmen who then wrote regulations that benefit the rich but kill the small business
>no education - to keep the people dumb
Until the last 10 years of indoctrination the schools for white people have been great. The USA spends more on education than almost anywhere else. Granted most goes to keeping the apes from killing the other apes instead of teaching the humans. But overall non-ape studies have been top notch
>no healthcare - to keep the people sick
Healthcare has always been available and for most people affordable until Obamacare. Which much like socialism does made it available for all but no one could afford it.
>no jobs - to keep he people poor
Yet somehow Jose and Juan are tired from working every day.
>racism - to keep the people divided
all this to keep the rich in charge and in power
Yeah (((they))) keep saying racism is the primary reason the apes are down. This just makes the apes feel powerless and then the self fulfilling prophecy is continues.
Went from liberty and individualism to socialism and collectivism.
The United States died in the 1860s. The cancerous abomination that strangles the people today will soon be burned down and the states will once again be free.
Interesting. So, all we need to do is ban popular music and lock women in the kitchen.
the 1960s happened
If only it were that easy.
We have excessive foreign wars, rampant bread and circus, and citizens that are increasingly apathetic about the direction their country is going in.
It's a hot mess.
No it hasn't.
>Why are we so divided?
But, we're not? Why do you say we are divided?
A nation that bases itself not on blood and identity but on convention and ideology must fail - when shit hits the fan, every man always looks after their own first.
we are divided because of 1 post by OP faggots. 1/2 think they should die in a fire, 1/2 think they should be hung.
Jews, niggers, stupidity and conceit.
Enjoy your fall.
Because this is a white nation that has had it's demographics shifted by (((politicians))). This is the future for Europe. It's over. This board is delusional if you think normies will ever wake up and stop the ZOG
8 years of obama thats what happened
>What happened?
Youre government allowed Jews to take over post WW2. What is happening now is the result of a culmination of 70+ years of Jewish subversion.
History really is repeating itself friendo. This is exactly what Hitler was trying to expunge from Europe in the 1930s-40s. People who are paying attention are becoming woke to the fact that their American indoctrination is a false reality and the Nat Soc party was merely trying to perserve and enhance their culture amidst the threat of total eradication by Jewish elites.