Daily Reminder to kill the rich.
Daily Reminder to kill the rich
The poor are the problem not rich people.
Communist faggots need helicopter rides.
The rich have weapons and security. I'm poor and i have guns and i would kill anyone who tries to take whatever little i do have. So good luck with that.
cuc k
Do it
What qualifies as "rich?"
and when the rich is killed what will happen?
new rich people will appear
Nigger you're the ones about to be thrown from vehicles.
k, time to kill OP and take his digits
>tfw someone actually thinks like this and isn't larping
>We'll fight you for it
>Whips out private militia and guns them down
Heh, nothing personnel kid.
>tfw no modern french revolution
The lie that rich white men keep trying to force on Sup Forums.
I'm confused though, do we love jews because trump does or do we hate jews because...?
Nu/chan/ are such a bunch of fucking shills they can't even get their propaganda straight.
We outnumber you.
>Don't look at the rich criminal white men! Don't look at the rich criminal white men! Don't look at the rich criminal white men!
>I'm confused though, do we love jews because trump does or do we hate jews because...?
we never liked trump, only the 12 year olds did
>ctrl f: usury
>no results
goddamn it is fucking reddit in here
just want to remind everybody that as soon as we can all understand usury, the left and the right will come together to break free of thei (((shackles)))
>le reddit face
Soon, friend. Even the rich know.
Nick Hanauer eats dirt first.
So Rex Tillerson is innocent? Erik Prince? Carl Rove? Dick Cheney? etc.
You realize you're the dindus now, right?
Even without usury, capitalism destroys everything. It requires environmental destruction. It requires most people to be losers.
i'd rather be rich than being some poor factory worker
>We outnumber you.
Yeah the hordes of lazy leeches will surely get anything done!
Its always been the jews
Reddit outnumbers you too.
Enjoy losing a quarter of your population, Pol Pot.
communists really are the self-entitled brats of economics
>he doesent want to work hard for money
haha ok
You still haven't responded to the refutation of your bullshit. How many of these are jews?
>Rex Tillerson is innocent? Erik Prince? Carl Rove? Dick Cheney?
>admits to being lazy
>will never get anything done
lol. nice thread faggot.
capitalism is state-sponsored usury, essentially the government enabling the usurers to exploit the masses
they are, in this day and age, one and the same
however, one can run a capitalist enterprise and not succumb wholly to usury, the Fugger banking family is a good example. they were rich and successful, but beloved by the peasants they looked after
>He still thinks capitalist propaganda works
It's over.
le epicly meme'd lol XD
Anyone defending the rich is a cuck low test faggot the rich font give a fuck about you and kills you in their wars, youre a human resource.
No it isn't, you fucking idiot. The jews aren't literally behind every trash bin.
>Actually thinks (((they))) are going to allow anyone to become as rich as them.
American public have a choice between a Zionist whose child married a Jew and a Zionist who's child married a Jew..... Oh and an actual Jew.
sorry kid
it's not a meme
it's truth
how is that an argument?
can the jews not be behind a system that is, to a degree, self-perpetuating?
The fact that you're refusing to answer for your propaganda proves what you are. We're coming for you.
93% of Americans here make less than 100k a year, the rich only care about making money why should you be different.
what book is that?
In part. But if you try to erase non-jewish white men from the equation, you're just lying and your opinion is worth nothing.
>A minority of billionaires are jews
Wow, I didn't realize 48% was an entire pie chart! What happened to the other 52%?
>what qualifies as rich
Disagreeing with anything the radical alt left does or says. Also, being white helps
Exterminate the the rich and distribute the money to workers.
no one is
the medicis are a perfect example of non-jewish usurers
usury is a bad thing, I'm not interested in blaming a racial group for it, you're needlessly finding disagreement here where there is none, which brings me back to my first fucking point
nothing will ever get done because people can't get past this fucking non-issue to talk about the actual issue which is ususry
It's worse than that. More than half of all Americans make less than $30k. Guess everyone is lazy except trump and his class members. Oh wait.
communists will never take power in the us except in college campuses
cry moar faggot
where is the part where the capitalist hires 2 of those guys to kill the other 2?
>please remove all the undocumented criminals from the workforce
wow capitalism is a failure of a system
We have to cuck for the rich as they cuck for us? Lol no they raise rent, lower wages and bring in replacements to replace you human resource to them.
Here's another good one.
I'm not saying that all Jews are evil, I'm saying that the Illuminati is Jewish.
>99% of all humans ever were low test cucks
ok buddy boy
also sorta funny how the ONLY argument leftypol bitches have are "c-cucks!"
Extra Hint: Here's your corporate greed right here. Or at least half of it.
4 of them just kill the rich and plunder.
>lets drag out every single politician and corporate elitist and hang them from lampposts
>also afterwards you need to give up your property to da peepole because we're all part of a collective unit now :^)
>no one is
Another lie. Every single reply to any post on Sup Forums now that rightly implicates rich white men for their crimes turns into "It's only jews!" 100% of the time now. Fuck, even two years ago Sup Forums wasn't this shill.
That's funny, because WHITE MEN richer than you believe otherwise. Why do you think they're so in favor of UBI and other programs. That doesn't make much sense for capitalists who've been pushing to destroy the economy for tax breaks, now does it? Except that they know they're about to lose their heads again.
Low test faggot.
Lower worker wages but the riches income cant be touched!
Capitalists arent human.
Shills are out in full force today.
>muh 99%
nigger nobody in the history of mankind has ever liked someone having more than them, the concept of envy is built into everyone on the planet.
You're fucking warped.
Daily reminder to get a job and stop listening to that faggot leaf who makes excuses for losers
anyone who owns means of production and extract the surplus of workers who utilize them
having a lot of money doesn't necessarily mean youre a capitalist. anyone who sells there services or labor (regardless of income) to an owner of capital belongs to the working class
Let's start with the Jews first
im ok with this bump
Funny that the rich are destroying the US apart. Athletes, musicians, directors and actors are all trying to shill on Trump. Hollywood needs to be nuked. Come on Kim, push that button and blow California away.
>this response
got it, so no chance of having a reasonable productive conversation
how foolish of me
Fuck off kike.
Who's putting them all there? Even Donald Trump used illegal immigrants to build trump tower. His own fucking wife was probably an illegal while working here.
Wrong poster, friend.
And all the ones who AREN'T jews? I guess they don't exist, right? The truth is it's about 50/50 jews and white men, but hillbilly redneck Sup Forums can't grasp entirely half of the equation. This is 1984 levels of cognitive dissonance.
You mean when you argue in bad faith with propaganda? Yeah, there isn't. Now fuck off, shill nigger.
Haha, what did you expect from California? Ran by Democrats for years, 1/2 the population is from Mexico, and all the left BS Hollywood shits live there.
>hate jews just as much as you do
>somehow this makes me a kike
Why do you think that you're "winning"?
Can you just answer me this?
Do you really think that holding North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela is "winning"?
Face it communist : you've lost. Your shitty ideology's dead, and it's NEVER coming back
Faggot leftists: I don't believe in meritocracy but I'm going to pretend I believe in meritocracy because I know you do and so because I'm unprincipled scum I'm going to use that against you so I can flood your country with shitskins who I would never want to live near myself. Seriously though why are the left so retarded? I don't want niggers and other shitskins in my country working for pennies and driving down wages, it has nothing to do with meritocracy
Communists had far more in common with you banjo playing sister fuckers than they did with liberals.
You want to control the workers, youre the same as a caputalist kike.
>Get a job
Oh so that's what the majority has forgotten to do! Damn, why didn't anyone think of that! Just get a job! Oh my god how did nobody see this clearly until a 14 year old who grew up sucking mommy and daddy's tits for cash his entire life enlighten us poor wretches!?
you don't even know which poster you're replying to anymore, do you
>companies are mean to me :(((((
how are you being bullied by international companies lmao
just move to the countryside if you dont like it you nerd
I live in the East, and rents have skyrocketed for years now. We're pretty republitard, so guess that "argument" won't work, huh?
You're a disgrace to that flag. Take it off
I'd rather die than live in the fields of incest.
Friendly reminder that the fight started when the man told them to get on the estate.
Oh they aren't less guilty, I'm saying that the chances that a minority with 2% of the population control some 60% or more of the wealth is suspicious.
The NWO is inclusive, I wouldn't be surprised if they end up having some crony's who aren't jewish. Hell, maybe half of them aren't jewish. But it's strange that no matter what change in government, the system is still corrupt, Isreal always gets gibs, prices go up, and we're still bombing third world shitholes and paying people enough to afford Ferraris to do it..
What an absolute fucking loser you are. How can someone be so moronic that they look at the economic system that has raised the living standards of the poor beyond recognition to the point where obese people with cars and tv's complain about being poor and say that this is bad. You will always be a loser and having a Marxist system where everyone is dragged down to your level is not going to woo anyone. As for your stupid horseshit about environmental degradation you might want to look up what happened to the Aral Sea
tough luck then
No. Let's start with white men first. The fact that all of you dindus think you can do no wrong as you ruin everything is proof you're worse than any jew could ever be.
Let's start with YOU.
>4 of them just kill the rich and plunder.
yeah.. ok... more like
>Well, We'll fight you for it
>calls security
>the 4 geat beaten to a pulp
>police arrives
>the 4 get arrested
>10 years in jail getting raped
Luck period.
>California housing
Andddd opinion discarded
They're pushing for UBI because it creates a permanent consumer class that will feed them and their megacorporations money, you retard. And there is no feasible way for a red infection to EVER take place in the US. EVER.
>"Well, we'll fight you for it."
the lack of self-awareness is staggering
socialists revealing themselves to be nothing but a bunch of uncouth bandits willing to steal from those more fortunate as soon as they face even just a tiny bit of adversity
Slaves don't voluntarily choose to work for people for a preagreed price you fucking talentless cuck
You're a disgrace to yours.
Meritocratic hierarchy is necessary for efficiency. The plebs will never be able to run things efficiently on their own, especially on a large scale.
If you want a society dominated by plebs, then go to Liberia.
Technological advancements raised the standard of living and unions, not capitalists.
commies are just a bunch of jealus poor factory workers with no IQ