Be me Englishman

>Be me Englishman
>I will always be an Englishman, my life is bound to this.
>Throughout TV/Film/Internet/etc. always hear how great America is.
>Speak to actual Americans on the internet
>They keep telling me about 1776, the boston tea party
>Keep telling how free they are and how great America is
>My country used to be #1 but that was before my lifetime, I am now forever stuck in Americas shadow
>My country can never be as good as America, we don't have the people or the size.
>Have to live the remainder of my life as an Englishman
>Everyday being exposed to American TV, American Movies, American products.
>My life will never be as good as an Americans, I will never get the same opportunities they do.
>Just get up, go to work, come home repeat. While everyday being told how great America is and how proud people are to be American.
>My country is slowly become less and less relevant
>Get really depressed
>At the point where I feel like I should an hero because I just can't compete, I don't want to live this shitty life while getting told how great theres is everyday.

"Why not just move to America?"
>I thought about it a lot
>They'll never accept me as one of their own, I'll always be an Englishman.
>I'll just be seen as a gibs, riding on their coattails.
>I'll get to experience them telling to my face how great they are and how shit britain is.
>Even if I tried, the immigration system is the worst in the world and trying to "qualify" to be American is just fucking degrading.

I'm so fucking tired of America being #1, and being constantly reminded that I can never live like that.

I don't want to play this game, I just want to an hero at this point, I can't fucking take it.

If i'm trapped here, unable to have a decent life in comparison, then why fucking bother?

Other urls found in this thread:

The USA was founded by pissed off Brits, you wanker.

Why don't you join the fuckin Marines, faggot

Being constantly told about 1776, Tea parties, Moon landings, my shitty accent, economy, military just every. It really fucking cuts deep. :'(

No it was founded by Americans, that's what they'll tell you. They're better than us because they made the superior choice of abandoning us.

How will that help? Also i'm disabled as fuck (I probably shouldn't tell Sup Forums this but fuck everything).

At least your country is still somewhat relevant.

That's not true OP, there's probably an unhealthy amount of love for bongs here in the US. People were acting like Brexit was practically a US election here.

We would accept you if you immigrate legally.

Just get a STEM degree like I'm doing and get to Freedomland. UK is doomed.

No it isn't.

Don't come here. The American dream is a hallucination.

>I base my self worth on the country I was born in
Ask me how I know you're poor

You fucking won't, you'll just take the piss and look down on me.

I got a STEM degree in Software Engineering.

This lol. You could be a 1/10, an amputee, and gay, and still have women fawning over your accent and begging to get dicked down by the Brit

user, I'm not trying to be rude but you're being autistic. You are obsessing over insignificant things that don't matter. The USA was started with the interests of British people and people of British descent who want to be free. If you want to live there then go do it. Stop crying over things that nobody apart from you is thinking about.

If it fucking is, why does everyone always fucking talk about it?

What's that, a rich fagoot coming in this thread to tell me how easy life is, thanks. FUCK OFF

Because we've been on damage control since 2001.

Why do billions of people take sbput God even though he isn't real? Because group delusions are comfortable. That being said, inner America is the white man's paradise.

How does this not matter, country is everything. The goods you buy, the people you work with, the housing, laws everything is to do with this.

I can't just "go do it" it's not that fucking easy. And i know no one gives a shit so fuck you all I'll complain all fucking day.

This just makes me feel worse.

No you've been like this since post WW2.

Well try and get a H1B or Greencard sponsorship then.

Or wait and see if RAISE passes and practically walk in.

Stop seeking attention, you twat.

You think we'd rather have another jose or pajeet over a white immigrant? Seriously, the only thing Americans love more than brit immigrants are aussies which are a lot more rare here. You would have people lining up to be your friend. Americans have this weird fascination with brits you'd have to see it first hand

da fugg m8 :D you're just looking for a reason to be depressed. Every country has its ups and downs. Chances are if you were born in America you'd wish you were more cultured like the Europeans

I'm willing to bet this isn't a troll and I have seen a similar thread before.

>i fucking hate you

We were and are the greatest country in the world and can still fuck shit up with nukes. You don't sound like a brit to me but a person of foreign descent.

What are you talking about? I see many European immigrants. There is a super cute English woman my buddy recently started talking to. We like the English. You literally founded us. My family has been in the US since the early 1700s. Nearly every one of my ancestors are Brits. Without England, USA would be nothing.

England created us and thus created the modern standard of civilization. Be proud! You're a Brit!

He's literally complaining about his accent just so you can say how everyone would love his accent and would suck his dick. Please stop catering to this manchild's insecurities.

American Dream* is on its last leg, but it's still there, with an asterisk.

If this is how you feel, imagine what every other immigrants who are trying their hardest to assimilate and be 'American'. At least brits have a real connection to America.

Keep a stiff upper lip and make something of yourself and you know, work to improve England or get out. Faggot.

The accent is kinda faggy but other than that English are well recieved.

What the fuck are you talking about? We'll take your half-baked pasty white ass at the front of the immigration line. Get over here and feel exceptional & miserable like the rest of us.


OP stop seeking attention and get rid of that feminine mindset. I have a Scottish accent but I don’t give a shit and I know no one cares about it.

I've been looking at H1Bs for months now, i've given up with that shit. What's raise?

Why should I? If you don't like it just ignore the thread.

>a lot more rare
wonder why, shitty immigration system.

I can't stop noticing all the fucking American shit everywhere though. Do you have this problem in Canada with European things? Is it blasted down your news stations and media how great Europe is?

I am extremely English and a tiny tiny tiny bit of Scottish. And I too have seen threads like these which have just made it worse. But fuck it lots of people feel like this i guess.

^ Other people I have to deal with, I'm not even allowed to complain how fucking unhappy this is making me without some cunt just telling me to shut up and "deal with it". I'll fucking deal with it you watch!

Yeah lots of people want to be American, so fucking many, this another reason its so hard. And all these Americans like "Lol just move here". It just sucks dick. And yeah you would of thought with the history it would be a lot fucking easier for me.

Why improve this sinking ship? It can only be soo good. Why waist my life on that? And I can't leave either.

I can't I'm insecure as fuck over this.

Heres what you do OP
1. Get a loan for 100k @29% compound interest
2. Blow all that money on hormone treatment and plastic surgery turning yourself into a qt shemale
3. Start servicing cock

Wow thanks for the advice.

When I worked at Disney world the ONLY tolerable guests day in and day out were British. I will always respect Brits for treating me like a human when no one else would. Sorry about the cultural spillover mate. Don't off yourself.

Americans are citizens of the United States of America, so its likely you were being BTFO by Brits who moved here as well. If you take the time to move here legally, get a good job, and help with the purging of corruption in this place, I guarantee you will be loved and accepted as one of our own. Right now you're just a britbong I would shoot if he supported the Communist Left, but if you were American I'd rather attempt to fix your brainwashing then execute you. Keep going strong faggot.

>Even if I tried

You should try now when Trump is in

and chicks will love your accent

>You fucking won't, you'll just take the piss and look down on me.
Take the piss yes, look down no.

Americans have a rosy view of Europeans. You will always be 100% accepted if you embrace being an American

Sorry, but anglo elite is french. And yes, you can be better than average american if you would learn Norman language

brits are not european, stop this meme, please

they even use left side on the roads

is it european?

they are independent athlantic civilization, that's my point

RAISE is what Trump is trying to implement to turn America to a points based system like Canada and Australia.

Not true.

My CEO is british, never tried to shed his accent. He's been here for over 20 years, and we don't think certain things about him because he's british. He's fucking white. Lol that's all that matters.

They're more like the Nords than the Rus' are. Is Ukraine an independent civilization?

Russia can become independent, but it would be bad for russians.

Ukraine is more european.

What the other user said about the RAISE act. Is your luggage packed yet?

Sorry for not many replies, looking at more H1Bs and this RAISE act thing.

Looking into this now, it would be better.

Well yeah you work with him, but I mean the daily randos you meet on the street.
>What's this cunt doin in my shop
>Comin over here, takin our jobs "Go back to bong land!"

Don't worry bong, our empire is dying as well so soon we'll be joining you in irrelevance.

America will be torn apart by racial and ideological strife soon enough.

Then there will be a vacancy to fill.

But the act is being supported by Trump, you know what that mean?
>"Drumpfs tryin to pass act, we must all hive mind and stop him, damn dwumpf!"
>"You got in through the RAISE act!? Go back! dwumpf ruined murica with RAISE"
>"RAISE is racist!"

I'd be happier with China, because at least if they keep yelling "China #1 yeaah china!! woo!! it's so great being China, lol bong peasants" at least I won't understand what the fuck they are saying.

>RAISE is purely skills and education based
>Leftists think this is racist
>Left is implying that certain races cannot have the necessary skills or education to be able to get in
>They think this isn't massively racist

Lefties are retarded.

pic related lol

>committing an hero

"Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way." - Gucci Mane

Sigh, why you have to bully? Why can't I just live my life without being reminded.

Hanging on quietly is hard and just increases depression.

You're a cunt.

>They'll never accept me as one of their own, I'll always be an Englishman.
>I'll just be seen as a gibs, riding on their coattails.

dude as long as you aren't a black or a spic no one will think like this

One of my best friends is a Bong. Still has his accent even after all these years, but people love him all the same. He hates Britain and loves America to death. That could be you, stop chaining yourself down,

Even if you're one of the colored folk, as long as you're financially successful, nobody cares.

I feel your frustrations mate. I'm not sure what to do about it either. This wake, eat, work, eat, sleep cycle of doom, all whilst hearing how shitty we all are... It's so soul destroying.
Then I look at the Royals & their total lack of respect for their English subjects & their entire nation in general & I just think... 'fuck this'

OP if it makes you feel better I want to leave for Burgerland too. This country is fucking awful.

If you immigrate legally, and don't accept welfare, you'll be accepted as if you were a native.
Plus, women fawn over accents.
Come on down gents!

I know this is a shit example, but explain the people on Sup Forums then? I know most of this is bantz because its anonymous but I can still imagine people thinking this in real life.

False hope is false. I could also be a millionaire one day, just "keep grinding and shut up".

Finally someone who understands, dude its awful.

What is your nation?

I'll keep repeating it, immigration system too competitive and extremely difficult.

Just keep in mind, we're heading towards a market correction in the next few years. This one's going to be pretty rough. If it's worth the financial risk, then definitely go for it.

That will be me, even though I am an Afrikaaner whose family moved here when I was young, but you get the point.

I'd go back to Suid Afrika if Apartheid was reinstated.

>immigration system extremely difficult
Just apply for a work visa, and while you're here go through the procedures for a greencard.

Have you tried wearing blackface, and coming over on a raft? It works over there in europe!

I just fancy going to America and living innawoods.

I want to have a shit ton of money before I make the move anyway. You have to have a job to make the move. American women are so much more attractive, all the attractive ones here are cocky as shit.

Already factoring this in desu.

Jesus there's no way Brits are actually this depressed and/or salty about America, is there? This is the fifth or so thread I've seen on the subject this week. I'm assuming it's all the same sad person.

You know how many companies want H1Bs? Not many.
You know how many people apply for these jobs? A fuck ton.
Also if you look at the greencard stuff, employers have to check that only you can do the job and they can't find an American capable of doing that job for the greencard stuff can get sorted.

Basically shits fucked.

This is the first I've spoken of it so yeah... I guess there's an epidemic of depressed male Brits that are just tired of seeing shit get worse & worse, whilst feeling powerless to do anything proactive...
I mean I'd fucking love to pack up & move to America... I jus gotta get enough money together for it... Which ain't easy given how fucking expensive the cost of living is here in the South East of England... By the time I get my wages at the end of the month, about 3 quarters of it is already gone on rent, bills, council tax, my car, yadda yadda... It's a cycle of doom

I'd be sent to an immigration facility, spend a few months held in there and interrogated. Then get deported back.

Mate, you're the ones who keep telling us how shit the UK is and how great the US is all fucking day everyday 24/7. What did you expect was going to happen? This shit fucking hurts mate.

It was just a prank bro...

This: Sums it up so well. Seeing how great America is on TV/Films/Cunts on Sup Forums telling me so is breaking the camels back.

It's not a fucking prank, you cunts think your so high and mighty and we're all shitters. Fuck my life, seriously fuck it all.

Sounds like you are just overanalyzing everything. An accent will get you boatloads of pussy in the USA. Quit being a faggot and find a way to move here if you want to.

Stop telling me to find a way to move here, its not easy. it really difficult.

Also how am I over-analysing things? Everything i've said is fucking true.

Oh stop LARPing, if you hate Britain fuck off back to Asia. Whining isn't a white trait, it's certainly not a British one, I wouldn't wish you on America.

>implying you aren't good enough in a trade to beat the unskilled majority
The majority of people who got greencards in 2015 aren't from where you are. You're more likely to land a job because of that, even though that sounds a bit backwards.

Dude you've been on Sup Forums too long. The average american has a higher opinion of brits than the other way around. You couldn't pay a brit to say something nice about the US without being passive agressive about it. That's why we never care.

i thought they all did that

It's a con. He's probably trying to derail the board or something, whatever it is he's getting on my tits. I hate effete men.

>Comin over here, takin our jobs "Go back to bong land!"
No. Everyone likes british people. It's not like every city has a little britain full of nasty fish shops and smelly pubs that you can't walk through without being stabbed.

Phantom Empire Syndrome much?

A real patriot cares not whether his country is first or last, he loves it all the same and strives to make it better. Now man up and kick some paki ass.

but leftists don't vote

>>They'll never accept me as one of their own, I'll always be an Englishman.
I know this is a bait thread and all but still.

I live in a very rural area and one time this Brit came to town and went to the gas station. After he had to speak, all the old farmers who hangout in there, and all the customers looked over at him. He paid for his things, and I shit you not, half the store followed him out and some people just arriving at the gas station. They started asking him all sorts of questions, inviting him over for bbq's, a beer, etc.

If any Brits think like OP does and aren't memeing, then they're retarded. You fags can come here and be treated like royalty and pick up girls left and right with just an accent. And if you stay, you'll be treated like a regular native born American.

>but explain the people on Sup Forums then?
never ever use Sup Forums as a baseline of what normal people think!

Whining is a British tradition mate, I'm white as fuck.

I'll keep trying, forever

I seriously don't believe you. I can believe the part about brits being passive aggressive when saying nice things about the US, but I think that is part of the culture.

You can always close the tab.

I don't give a shit about homophobia just because I feel so fucking sorry for straight people having to deal with that.

Yeah but do the maths, I can only make this country so great. You have more resources and land and by the time we see any progress I'll be old and senile.

This isn't bait, over years and years this is the impression I am left with.

Yeah but that's what's great about Sup Forums everyone is anonymous, they can tell us how they really feel and be more open about it.

What the fuck being an American isn't even that great or special it's pretty avrage and you'd probably have a very similar life if you were born here. When I was younger I hated America and wanted to move to Sweden because they had "real culture" and were so much more englightened than us. But really there isn't much of a difference at all between major countries besides little background details. Moving away from where you feel your problems are won't help you, your problems will follow. You can deal with them yourself and learn to be happy no matter where you are. Stop thinking about what you don't have and instead be thankful for what you do.

Well that sucks man. I've only seen a handful of Brits here before but everytime people were practically falling over themselves to suck their dicks, and the women literally were doing that.

Most people, even the most conservative, don't think like Sup Forums does inside. This is a board of anger and negativity. Enjoy it but don't internalize it. Almost no one would hate you for being british (I've never even heard of anyone hating british people).

>not having superior Japanese TV, French Movies, Chinese products

This is how I should think, but I can't. Everything I see in real life is American. Everybody keeps telling me how great America is and how down hill the UK is going.

Also all these Americans telling me how free they are and how proud they are doesn't help. they keep telling me i live in a police state, fighting off arabs with spoons in my tiny economy. You tell me they just trolling.

There is literally nothing great about America, cunt.

I'd be shocked if most burgers could even find England on a map. Pic related is what happens when they try to find North Korea, un-blindfolded apparently.

The weeb shit is dubbed over by Americans
No French movies
Some Chinese products, but just products, no constant media reminding me.

>Invade most of earth
>famines and shit
>leaving the EU
mate, brit hate is real.

You should be ashamed. UK is a great place to live in. UK is way more relevant than most of the countries on the Earth. Ptooie! Wake the fuck up you sad fuck. You need to man up - only we can make UK no 1 power again.

I am not a fucking Englishman yet I have more pride for the country I live in than you.

If you lived in America what do you think would be different? It's hard but you just have to ignore the propaganda. It's just another case of the grass being greener on the other side. Instead think about the good things you have that we don't. You can like or hate America while also loving and appreciating your own country.

Then why do people keep saying it, over and over again?

I can sort of understand Vietnam, like its a similar shape just bigger.

^ If more people told me this on a daily basis I would be happier, but they dont. its doom and gloom.