Schwarzesmarken / Total Eclipse / Muv-Luv

True love never dies!

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Who /NVA/ here?

The question then is...whose name were you saving in the name of?

Off to a great start

IRISDINA and Katia

Yui, Cryska and Inia are my waifus and I will save them in the name of true love.

Karma police, arrest this man.

How will you guys feel when Theo starts trashing Beatrix when he kills her and later brags about her death to others?

Whoever it is, you can bet there won't be any best girls getting saved. Never is.

Wow, the two worst.

He won't do that. It'll be hard for him to listen a crying, breathy, screaming and sobbing Beatrix, taking forever to die, and his mics won't shut it off.

>multiple waifus

Upset and sad.

>Theo been and edgelord faggot

I'll feel bad

I want to cum on those lips.

>He won't do that. It'll be hard for him to listen a crying

He doesn't seem to care, and certainly doesn't feel the guilt or remorse that the others do over killing people. I don't really think he loses any sleep over stabbing Werewolves like Annete or Walter might.

>[Episode 12] reminds us that Theodor isn't only a bad ass because he banged and killed Lise; he knows how to take out the trash.

Oh he felt guilt all right


No, Theo's always been a bit of a psycho when it comes to how he treats his enemies. If anything, he'd feel pretty good about what he did to Beatrix and her battalion.

Theo's lack of empathy and tunnel-vision is a fucking plot point. Look at how he treats Lise, uses civilians as human shields, and executes prisoners with virtually zero personal guilt.

That's not how he is at all. Pls stop.


I will always fucking remember, and hate this poster.

He's a weak willed and easily manipulated edgelord.

He had 50 upvotes for this post.

Don't fool yourself, he is a massive asshole and does not care about others

No one!

Who /freedom/ here?

>that name

Who is Meiya most like in SM, your guys opinion?

Too bad that america is controlled by bankers/jews

Why didn't they listen?

Theo sold out Lise in under three days. Even Axmann was surprised at how little it took to make Theo fold to save his own skin, especially when compared to Lise who took months and had one of the strongest wills he'd ever encountered.

He also lets Inghilde die, and was hoping that Annete would die too. The only reason he saved Gretel was because he believed that the stasi would blame her death on him. The very first thing he thinks of when he first sees Katia is that she's to much of a risk/issue and that shooting her would be more convenient.

Theo is a selfish douchebag, and it's actually one of the major reasons why he survived and much kinder or selfless individuals like Walter, Pham, Lise, Iris, Farka, and Jurgen did not.

putting a sheboon on the $20 is an insult, but then again Andrew Jackson would have been horrified if he had known they would have put him on the $20 bill. To be honest, debit cards, credit unions, and things like paypal and bitcoin are much more in keeping with Andrew Jackson's ideal than banknotes issued by the US Treasury.

Bang bang

>Been eaten by BETA
>get shoot by Gretel

They aren't bad ends afterall

I don't know which Daki to pick. I'm just torn between Sumika and Marimo.

Lise and Beatrix deserved to get fucked by Theo. Stop being so salty over it. Millions were saved, Katia's smile was protected, and the world is a better place now that the stasi are all gone.

>The stasi are all gone
Them and the rest of East Germany.

fuck off to reddit

>this is what MAL actually believes

Hey now you can love him but admit he's an asshole, take Lise for example. She has that tru rabu for Theo; the unconditional ride till you die sort of love yet she is very much aware of his faults and short comings. And she'd still follow him to hell and back, in fact she pretty much did exactly that. Didn't come out of it unscathed, sure, lost a bit of herself along the way her mind, body, and soul chewed up and spit out by the Beast by the time he saw her again but she never lost that love because it was real.

He could be the worst human being on the planet and she'd still love him. And its not like she doesn't have her own issues to work out, issues she has for much the same reasons he has his own problems, sure about 100x more intense and for much longer than what he went through, but still the parallels are there and she can relate to his life experience and understand what makes him the paranoid prick he is today. They grew up together and suffered together, theres no one left on Earth who can know him like she does. Like a slightly smarter, cuter, but less wise Forest Gump she knows what love is and so do you Phamfag.

>Lise and Beatrix deserved to get fucked by Theo.

Glad we can agree on one thing

Even if she is a secondary, Gretel will always be the main heroine of my heart

>liking secondaries

Yes and?



Sexiest mouth pussy in all of Muv Luv.


What would be the best way to troll her?

>force Beatrix to bake a cake
> "accidentally" drop it on the floor, and "accidentally" let the dog eat it

>use stasi magic to take her to west Berlin on a deito
>take her home again afterwards

>give Lise headpats and compliments whenever the werewolves do something right
>scold Beatrix when the werewolves do something wrong

>unplug the freezer where she keeps Jurgen's frozen semen

Healinganon had some pretty good ideas.

Find out which rooms she's bugged and start playing the audio from pornos constantly.

>A man on an epic journey to find himself

Not picking Marimo-chan will forever make you a gigantic faggot.


Very Lise centric, but I like


And Europe!

Good luck keeping the thread alive, kameraden.


I want to drizzle Lise with melted chocolateand then lick it all off her.



I can't wait until I get mine.

Why is pouting Beatrix so cute? Someone that evil shouldn't be as fucking cute as she is.

I can't wait till Destroyer-kun hangs out on my desk

Her full name is Pham Thi Lan, according to the wiki.

Ok, so Pham is actually her last name, but in Vietnamese culture you usually address a person by their first name... So shouldn't we be calling her Lan instead? Or should we actually be going by German or Japanese conventions by addressing her by her last name?

I somehow think nobody at Age even thought this one out, did they?

It's very clearly using Japanese conventions.

I might be overthinking this, but should we be using the proper Vietnamese addressing or Age's Japanese one, if we want to be "proper" about it? It's bugging me.

inb4 autism, etc.

>Stasi Theo gets mad at her
>Beatrix goes full dere

How much spaghetti would Theo spill?


Making her a mother!


You'd have to be delusional to think otherwise.

MAL, don't you have somewhere else to be?

I want to turn Irisdina's cross on the wall upside down when she's not looking.

Injecting Katia with truth serum and asking her realy embarrassing questions!


Does this look like a "good girl" to you?

Looks like someone ended up embarrassing themselves instead.

>True love never dies!
Got that right

10/10 good girl

Would follow that booty into battle

Damn it, man. Your dick is getting us into trouble again.

What is this thing good for?

There is a reason a dick points up to the heavens. It cannot lead you astray, it is the holy path, the most direct way to Heaven and the eternal glory of God's kingdom.

Follow your dick, he knows the way.

Anett is a really strange name for a boy.

Operating operationally!

She looks like really nice girl to me.

Making her walk around the neighborhood on all does fours naked, wearing nothing but a leash and collar, and making her pee in front of other people.

Also, belly rubs and ear scritching.

What is it about these braids that makes me wanna pull them?

Stop continually making and remaking these generals you fucking parasitic co-opters.

We're discussing the nature of the protagonist's "heroic" qualities and the moral standing or lack thereof in his actions and how they affect the supporting cast around him, would you like to join?

Learn to ignore stuff that does nothing wrong besides triggering your autism

Why yes.

See, a villainess isn't simply defined by being a confident, powerful woman (or at least putting up that front).


I hope you let it cool a bit first or you'll be licking up third degree burns you fucking food sadist.

Besides she looks more like the whipped cream and strawberries type.

A villainess doesn't have to exude confidence and power either. The real tricky ones front innocent vulnerability to lower your guard. Theres no greater threat than the threat that goes unheeded.


Smile status: protected

Theo dun good.

Wait until the BETA break through, that smile will be gone soon enough.

Yup. Hence >Smile status: protected
You do know how this ends, right?

What is wrong with you people that you look forward to seeing the destruction of this one girl's happiness?

There was another smile he could have protected. But oh well I still love Theo anyways.

Weird question, but do we ever find out what state Yuuya grew up in? Just curious if it was like Arkansas, Alabama, Tennessee, South Carolina, etc.

You talking about Iris? He did the best he could, but you can't win them all, and he got Katia in the end so not all's lost.

Maybe 45 degrees, hot enough to make her squirm but not much more than that

He protected the smiles that mattered.

'tis bullying lad.

>He got Katia in the end

Does he even like Katia in that way? Even if he does will Katia even reciprocate his feelings?