There is literally nothing wrong about being a nazi
There is literally nothing wrong about being a nazi
National Socialism is literally the only way to save Europe now. Everything else is utter cuckoldry and civic nationalism.
>is a socialist
>accuses other people of being cucks
>can't understand Socialism in NS is just a term to catch all the socialists for a big party and then long knife them once power achieved....
Nien! Nien! Nien! Nien! Nien! Nien!
National Socialism and (((Marxian Socialism))) is two very different things
That's what I'm saying.
nice meme
>National Socialist
>allowed to own firearms
heh'd, looks more anarcho-syndicalist to me
this shit agian
There is nothing wrong with being a National Socialist, but Hitler was a joke and a failure.
Lol, yours is better.
It's the weekend, troll... go get some sun and try to get laid
There is if you worship Hitler and your race.
Jesus saves God bless
they were allowed tho
>There is literally nothing wrong about being a nazi
Yes, unless you care about things like:
-Ever gaining any amount of political power
-The continuation of the white race
-Supporting Hitler, an blatantly anti-white politician
Nothing wrong with that. Fuck that retarded communist god impersonator Jesus.
Unless you believe in morality and that there's a difference between Right and Wrong.
Nazism is the perfect ideology for a morally relativist degenerate atheist.
i thought you were gone from germany since the holocaust?
those are soviet uniform and equipment tho
The German obviously dressed as a Russian just to throw you off.
>i thought you were gone from germany since the holocaust?
No, I am 100% aryan.
But face it Hitler did nothing for the white race, in fact all he did was killing whites for nothing.
Nazism is not white nationalism, these things are fundamentally incompatible.
>Pathological denial
That's right, Hitler pampered the Jews.
Yiff Heil!
what do you propose then, Doruk?
the jews must be wiped out from existence, i'm just stating that the picture does not correlate to the holocaust or german warcrimes whatsoever.
>the jews must be wiped out from existence
Nah, I'm good being alive and I'm not hurting anyone.
It's too bad so many goyim are pure evil degenerate vermin but that's just how God created the world.
What are you some kind of saint? LMAO
>calling others evil
You will burn and die, daemon. You are losing, you will be defeated and your evil will be wiped from the planet.
Nazi = Traitor to everything this country stands for, and what our soldiers fought and died for.
yes yes, keep pretending, i'm not a liberal who takes pity for a enemy with their false excuses while they stab me in the back
>idolizing a dead jewish drug addict that couldn't win an easy war
Our solders fought and died so Jews can ruin our country.
Goyim don't know what "evil" even means. As it happens by God's laws and morality murdering people for no reason is "evil" whereas being born Jewish is morally neutral.
In any case God didn't provide you with the ability to discriminate between Good and Evil it's not really your fault just like an animal can't know about morality you just don't have the capacity.
Yahweh is evil and you are all going to be sent back to your shitty weak deity that can't even destroy humanity openly or through deceit. You are weak, your god is weak, and you will fall.
I think there's a good distance between being a liberal cuckold crying over every dead nigger on TV and being a genocidal Nazi.
As it happens both are evil and stupid but the latter is certainly a lot more morally repulsive.
Not that you would know, but God is actually judging you every day of your life and surely you will burn in Hell for all eternity.
There are reasons for killing kikes.
>Majority of state income was from socialized businesses.
Good one mate.
Word up famalam
>He really believes National Socialism turns into Syndicalism and not Fascist Corporatism.
God is mightier than anyone, especially some insignificant tribe of arrogant jumped-up monkeys living on just one part of one planet.
Not really, unless you think it would be justice for some nigger to climb in through your window and murder you for being white.
But again, I'm sure it's not your fault you just don't understand the difference between Right and Wrong you guys are basically Orcs.
i though there is literally nothing wrong about being a pedo because i am pedo
As if you believe and are redeemable in the eyes of God for killing his Son the Messiah.
His Sacred Blood is on your hands as the Pharisees and the vermin who assembled at Pilate's manor cheered let His blood be on our hands and on our children's. Keep reading the Talmud tho spawn of Satan
Hey, who am I to judge. You have your own version of justice, and so do I.
I don't know.
It is true that germany was an economical success but it was a short living one. I want to see nat soc being tried for longer to draw my conclusion. I fear that a all powerful state opens up to much room for abuse and corruptions.
National Socialist is an oxymoron.
National Socialism dissolved labor unions , strikes were outlawed and union contracts were nullified.
Prominent union leaders were imprisoned and opposing political parties were banned.
>committed to the most murferous of several 20th century totalitarian ideologies
why arent you that commited to, say, christianity, which defined the West?
Lmao look who's talking, exhibit a. Your "people" look more like inbred orcs (which the hasids and most Jews are) than any white goy
I'm a Christian, actualy.
True enough.
Unfortunately given how base, evil, and stupid the majority of "humans" are it seems that a powerful stat is the only thing that can keep us from destroying ourselves.
nothing illegal, possibly wrong.
They did suffer defeat.
he better hurry then, or i will burn you first
It's not about how you look, it's about your moral standards. Most goyim are cowardly wannabe serial killers who would rape your mother given just a half-dozen infographics saying "you're the baddies."
Just look at Sup Forums - take the average soft white pussy sitting at home in front of his PC, give him a few JPEGs, and he's willing to commit literal genocide.
Yahweh is weak, his puppets are weak, and you will fall.
You burn in hell after death you stupid monkey nigger. For what it's worth there's a better chance of you getting burned alive in your favela then there is of you getting anywhere near me.
Personally I hope you burn slow in this life as punishment for your evil, but your eternal hellfire in the next life is all but guaranteed.
>You burn in hell
Kike lies. Hell isn't even real in your cult, you stupid puppet.
The only people who want to be Nazis are those that fail in life. It's their way of passing the blame onto other forces and admitting they're weak. They submit to the collective. Only through the collective can they find purpose. Mere cogs in a machine for someone smarter than themselves.
Hell is part of Christian religious doctrine which I happen to believe is the correct one.
It really is, idk why so many goyim are drawn to evil like moths to a flame. Is it really that exciting to be an edgy faggot typing edgy shit into your computer?
>oy vey goy, don't band together
Out of all the sects of his cult he chooses the literally most cucked lmao. You aren't even a daemon, you are nothing but dog shit.
>uh oh, he's spot on, better call him a kike
Don't you pathetic faggots have any better arguments than crying shill? Maybe you just haven't been told what to think yet?
why is this in english you stupid moron
damn that's so smart. ethnic identity and in-group preference is for miserable losers, treachery and cuckoldry is for smart, strong and successful people like the overtattoo'd trash SJW's generally tend to be.
Yeah, why shouldn't whites be allowed to practice nepotism when kikes clearly are? Why do you want whites to remain independent from one another?
If your only redeeming quality is your ethnicity, I'd rather have the better of another group than dead weight from my own. The herd only moves as quick as its weakest and your type drag us down.
>thinks whites don't practice nepotism
>top kek
You know something? I'm not fucking Jewish, so why should I care about this photo? I'm tired of worrying so much about other people, when my own people need so much attention.
To be brutally frank with you, I only need to imagine that woman as a racist anti-white liberal and I would provide the bullets.
Can you feel it, boys? Their fear and desperation is delicious. Ten different groups of shills come in to shill every Nazi thread. Bad goys! Bad goys! Back in your basements you bad goys!
We don't. It' actually against the law.
I don't expect or even want faggy sympathy boo-hoo train of liberal virtue-signalling just pointing out that being a "literal Nazi" means you literally support mass-murder.
>nobody has ever been arrested for insider trading that was white
>Clubs for whites don't exist and never existed
Cute. Only way to justify your flimsy belief system is to lie to yourself.
It's almost like you're false flagging as a stereotypical kike.
>ethnic identity is important
>only one's ethnicity matters
I'm guessing that's why you have no friends as well? Sunlight is for the weak, and the weak should fear the strong, etc. Do you even believe your own narcissistic virtue signalling "good girl" retardation or are you just baiting?
Y-yea! Corporate collusion is a good thing!
Nobody has ever been arrested for insider trading that was Jewish. Clubs for Jews do exist and always existed. Lmao diversity quotas prevent these from happening in todays world. But only for whites.
Non-white goyim yes. And absolutely morals but the issue is that to be moral and decent and understand why it's to all of society's benefit requires a decent IQ. The dark races lack this, and those who dabble in evil like your blood brethren are indeed lacking. Thus I feel morality and enlightenment come in two linked ways, 60% by blood. 40% via study and worshiping of God. God enlightens his people thus why the Christian world became the most advanced societies on earth. Because at the very root of evil is ignorance. Through which all barbarity comes from. The dark races are indeed a product of this. And thus why I believe dark skin coexists with the preponderance of ingnorance since this ignorance is the true curse of Ham. Please study this if you are indeed a True believer in God and His Son Christ The Redeamer
You're thinking of Marxism. Nazism is for people sick of Jewish influence, white genocide, perceived injustices of capitalism, degeneracy, etc. It's all good and well being an individualist but there's nothing wrong with having a spiritual connection with a group, and it's not as if you'd be able to beat either them or the Marxists on your own
Opinion discarded.
So it’s just people looking for an excuse. Go it.
National socialism is just corporatism on steroids with the message of "national unity" to get the people to do their capitalist masters bidding.
Is jewanon a thing? Fuck the nazizi neckbeards