What's your honest opinion about traps?
What's your honest opinion about traps?
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Worst thing about golf.
good reminders to watch your feet
Hate them when I'm playing Tracer
Traps are for loving and making them into your wife.
traps are great
Disappointing because most are flat females with a penis slapped on. I honestly believe most trap characters are drawn first in the female perspective by their creators, and for all intents and purposes could simply be implement as a female character with no issue. They don't even make male characters and make them look feminine, their personalities are largely female to the point you can remove all the male gag scenes and it's just a girl, it's easy to get away with it like most low effort garbage trends because it's anime. Much better in doujins/manga than in animation.
I like otokonoko mostly as bishoujo game protagonists.
I don't really have a problem with traps per se but trapfags are fucking obnoxious, as bad as the yurifags and NTRfags forcing their fetish in every other thread.
>This show would be so much better if Girl A was a trap
>Trap is the best girl in _____
I agree with this. A good trap has something 'off' about them that the viewer can tell.
Flat-chest with heavier makeup is the biggest giveaway from what I've seen.
Don't forget ERPfags.
I have never seen that happen, its usually ERPfags shitting up a trap thread than people bitching about characters nor being traps
Hell, I usually see people bitching about why a character is a trap and not a regular girl
Where are all the VNs with trap heroines? Why are they never translated into non-moon? Well, I like them well enough, though they don't seem to get enough breadth in the roles they get and their depth is usually puddle deep.
I want to impregnate their boipuccis.
I like them if they're feminine.
I say a good trap is one the viewer is allowed to see without the get up, in boy mode and safely say, "Yup its just a dude" while still being able to want to fuck it when in "battle mode"
For Example, Yamada from Needless
People who say traps is for gays are retarded.
It's the feminine features you are attracted to, not the penis.
What order do I read the different Hime listings on Batoto?
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
its retarded
Underrated post
Traps are all fine and dandy but kinda gay. If you want the same thrill of boner confusion, fuck an androgynous reverse trap desu.
Got any links? Sounds hot
Unironically my hentaifu
I love traps, it started as a confusing boner that transformed into full blown lust for shotacon yaoi over time.
I want to get fucked by one to be honest.
All you did is discover you were gay.
I want to suck their cute feminine penises
It's not gay if the balls don't touch
>am 3dpd trap
>no bf
>0 guy friends
>dating randos = get murdered when they find out
if only the reality were so nice :c
Fuck off
nice blog
Liking traps isn't gay. A boy that looks like a girl has its femininity emphasized by the fact of it actually being a boy, making the experience of it more feminine than if it were a girl that looked exactly the same. It's like putting salt on a watermelon to emphasize the sweetness. The contrast created combined with the humiliation and complete inversion of its masculinity neccesarily involved creates an experience of feminine submission that an actual girl coulld never hope to achieve.
Tl;dr if we assume male heterosexuality to be the enjoyment of a feminine sexual experience, there is no fetish straighter than traps.
I like traps. I wasn't saying that guy was gay for liking traps, though there probably is at least SOME overlap. I was saying he was gay because he likes shotacon yaoi.
I'd hold hands, tenderly make love to you, murder you and embalm your corpse if you'd like, Sup Forumsnon.
But you actively know that you are caressing and fucking a male body. Normally straight dudes are turned off at the idea the person they are fucking IS male, but that part doesn't seem to matter to trapfags.
Not saying that makes it full on gay, but that does make it kinda gay, definitely gayer than fucking a girl.
they're cute and that's worthy of recognition, however i'm not attracted to them in a romantic or sexual manner
They're great as long as they're drawn properly. They should always have obviously male bodies. Women are disgusting and their features don't belong in this fetish.
Was this actually trap?
I'm not attracted to them but they make for entertaining characters most of the time.
Traps are 100% gay. There is no such thing as a feminine man. Makeup and clothes are unisex, and the male body is inherently more beautiful than females.
yeah how's it feel to be a novelty
The idea is that most people who like traps are attracted to the feminine aspects of them, not the masculine parts. "Draw a girl, call it a guy." They look like a girl, that's why it's attractive, at least for straight guys.
However, what gets confusing is that some people are somewhat gay and like traps. Some people might even be more gay than straight and not even realize it. In these cases, it tends to blur the line.
Seriously, this is a trap.
You're a disgusting tranny, not a trap.
I would fuck one but not be in a romantic relationship with them
they suck. they're pure shit
I wish to feel the pleasure of being cummed inside while being penetrated by a trap
Then go to you attention whoring degenerate
I find them, when they are done well, to be cute and fuckable. It also helps it pisses the SJW crowd off because the authors don't make the traps identify as mentally retarded people.
>The idea is that most people who like traps are attracted to the feminine aspects of them, not the masculine parts
This is a huge falsity that's been spread around for too long. Twinks and traps are just as masculine as bara, they're just a different form of male beauty. Men are more beautiful than women in every way because they're men. If they were feminine they would be disgusting.
Sauce, I beg you
Gender Bender is infinitely better than Crossdresing shit.
See, that's what I mean. That's why some people think liking traps is gay.
This looks like a girl. If I told you it was a girl, you wouldn't even hesitate. This is a trap. Liking this is at the very most slightly gay, and even that is questionable. Because what's attractive about this is that he looks like a girl. Liking a character for looking like a girl is hard to proclaim as gay, you like what's feminine about them.
What if I want to suck on their cute feminine penises and feel their feminine cum splurt all over my insides?
Trap makes me realize I just want to fuck cute things, Gender bender shit nearly makes me gay for real.
Who is your trapfu, Sup Forums?
That's why I said before the line gets blurred, because a lot of people have a sexuality that isn't just 0 and 1. Maybe you like female faces, but male bodies. Maybe the other way around. Maybe you like penises but only on characters with female faces. This are very rudimentary examples, but it gets the point across.
Regardless, most people like traps because they look like cute girls, not because they are secretly guys, though that may add to it for others.
>you like what's feminine about them
I don't think you read the post you replied to. They're explaining that there's nothing feminine about twinks and traps. Men don't become 'feminine' just because they're thin. The male body is beautiful and should be considered masculine, because giving women credit for something that's more beautiful than they could ever hope to be is pretty stupid. Women are not attractive at all, but men look good in everything, especially makeup and skirts.
fuck them.
Miracles of the universe.
Traps get me harder and make me cum faster than almost anything else.
>you will never drink sake with a cute trap
Traps and femboys are miracles of the universe.
I'm getting kind of bored since nobody except Naga Ichi impresses me anymore, but I have a solid collection of trap doujins to keep me occupied.
Degenerate, gross, smelly and gay.
Possibly the worst thing that modern anime brought upon us.
If its cute, who cares?
I wish i had a trap gf.
H-Hey baby, can I stick it in you poopy?
One hot candidate would be Tsubaki Yaesaki from Reversible! .
What is it about Nagi Ichi that entices me so? His art on a technical level isn't really any higher than the other trap artists I follow, I think it might be the fact that he draws the lewdest fucking traps.
The best traps are all in eroge. Most traps you see on anime and manga are really low tier uninteresting sex objects.
Will have newfag taste if I say Hime?
I don't know either but I have spilled gallons of semen to his stuff.
>What's your honest opinion about traps?
I believe traps are for heterosexual men who are so deprived of physical intimacy that they'll fuck anything feminine.
They need to be stuffed with cocks 24/7
Same, and personally I think its that he has a wedding dress/outfit/lingerie fetish, which I do too, so its literally the perfect mix of fuckable boys in cute clothing.
Usually prefer girls, but they can be pretty cute if given a chance
Blue > Brown > White.
t. Cuck
Lulu a shit
What if i like women too, faggot
Then you're disgusting biscum.
Traps are the gay. Not even pretend gay, if you're into chicks with dicks, you're into guys.
lol "0 and 1"
sucking a girl's penis is not gay.
Traps aren't even chicks with dicks, that's hetshit for heterocucks. Traps are guys with skirts.