Huntington Beach 7-11 shooting continued, DA office and IA now involved

>Charles “Sid” Heal, a retired L.A. County sheriff's commander and shooting expert describes event, “It is almost a panic shooting because of how quickly he shoots.”

Questions yet to be answered, 1)"What prompted this interaction?" 2) "What was removed from the Huntingtons beach PD officer's belt?" 3) "What are the Huntingtons beach PD policy for this interaction?"

DA and IA investigators working night and day for an answer.

Other urls found in this thread:^tfw&ref_url=

It's all fun and games till somebody gets hurt.

>act like a nigger
>get dead
i don't see a problem here

>"panicked shooting"

Oh great, when it's wh*Te it's called "panicked shooting".

>fight cop in USA
>expect anything else but death

If you watched the full video the guys were wrestling on the ground before the guy keeps grabbing the officers belt .



>niggers make police nervous
maybe don't make the officer panic. no what am i thinking that is 'white people logic'.

precisely this
play stupid games, become perforated

>dead method addict

The kid did everything you could possibly do WRONG from start to finish and now he is dead. At least there will be an official investigation but from what im seeing the little shit deserved it.


In not usually on the bad guys side but fuck. He just ripped dude apart. Was amazing watching him barely jerk the first few shots. Like it barely fazed him.

why the faggot have all those socks


>Huntington Beach 7-11 shooting
Always link fool.


That's exactly how it's supposed to be

Fag detected

I don't think practice targets are supposed to fall down like that.

He took a magazine out of the officer's belt.
Not something deserving 'lethal force'.

there was some debate last night as to whether it was a flashlight or a magazine. i didn't believe it was a mag for a number of reasons. i now have reason to believe it was neither.^tfw&ref_url=

at 0:02 you can see small flashes just off the end of the object he was holding. these could be arcs from a stun gun.

this obviously changes how the case will play out; if it was a magazine you could argue he was unarmed.

That's why I don't fuck with the police. Let them do their job and fight in court.

The officer tried to apprehend him while he was on the ground, during that time he didn't have his service pistol out. Teenager grabs object off of the officers belt, officers draws his service pistol and shoots him. He didn't know what he got off of his belt, he could have easily been in danger.


Class dismissed

He fights the cop and pulls something out. The cop doesn't have time to investigate what it is

Deadly force should always be the last option, but I cannot stand how everyone now scrutinizes every video and judges if the cop made the right choice or not

Is this a ruse? Do you really think we care about this when blacks are openly executing people every day? Do you think we don't see the CCTV footage?

anyone who is Anti-LE will always fault the uniform
>blacks, sjw, AntiFa, etc... - cherub
>black cop/cops in general = white debils

nigger spotted

Just because some retarded legal definition classifies it as a weapon doesn't mean it is, or that it poses any threat whatsoever. The blatant denial of what the video shows is a liberal-tier attempt at logic.

The cop likely had no idea what was grabbed. He wants to go home at the end of his day and not be dead. Quit blaming the cops for the idiots trying to pull shit on them that THEY SHOULDN'T be doing. Wake up! That piece of shit grabbed for whatever he could from the belt. It could have been anything and the guy would have tried to grab it. Knife, billy club, anything. He fucking got shot because he tried to pull bullshit on an armed officer. Stop being a fucking embarassment and use that brain God gave you.

>Huntington Beach, CA
>man robbed and killed in Garden Grove, CA
wtf? are these bad parts of LA? i thought it was safe outside of a few streets in LA

>those comments
God these people are moronic. Saying dumb shit like "why not shoot him in the leg?" or "why not fire warning shots" blows my mind.

These HAVE to be completely sheltered upper middle class teenagers saying this shit right? Especially the one asking why isn't there blood everywhere.

Where did you get this quote OP? Please provide link

I agree with what you're saying, the comments are just brutal. But lose the flag. Yeah, coming from a Canadian. I hate my fellow Canadians for the better part and I hate my flag. It's such a faggot flag but that's for me to deal with. Don't use a false flag. I know it's popular with swedes and brits and shit but use your real flag. It brings us lower when we hide from our fears. No bullshit.

if this were an ordinary person shooting the kid in the same circumstance, the person would be arrested, jailed, and charged with murder.

i cannot think of a good reason why police should not be held to the same level of scrutiny in cases like this. they should be treated no differently from ordinary people.

i think he should go to prison.

Post the full thing faggot

Thanks for the webm user. The officer was justified even before having an item pulled from his belt. Argue that libtards.

>blatantly attacks the officer for doing his job
What kind of weakling are you at heart?

Apparently the guy that filmed is also saying that the item pulled from the officer's belt was a tac knife.

I don't see how anyone can see both vids and still think there was any wrong doing on the officer's part.
Can you really expect to be able to take swings at an armed officer, wrestle with him violently on the ground and then take his tac knife from him and not get shot?

>confirmed white

That silly old man is so poor, he definitely doesn't know much about life, thus he doesn't have a moral right to disapprove of his son

If anything comes of this it will just be more prof that shooting black people is ok for the cops.

Another justified shooting

why do you all keep calling him black?? he is clearly not black

That cop couldn't handle a tiny kid. He was borderline losing so he killed him because he was scared and his pride was hurt.
Not fit for duty.

Can I get this with sound?

This is terrible bait. Where is the bait guy to meme you??
Where has baitman gone?

i don't like how this inches further and further towards cops being able to get away with any displays of violence no matter how large or small.

everytime this happens and a cop gets away with it, it's that much easier for another one to get away with something even worse.

so both pictures are fake and those faggots were shopped in?

is this the seven eleven over by springdale and warner? Looks like it by the trash can placement and the wall in the back. Used to skate there alot

Watch the vid. The cop is in the right, that is all there is. It isn't a slippery slope topic. Look at facts. Would YOU attack an officer and pull something from his belt?

Nevermind it was the one across from marina.

>Vikings BTFO

Couldn't have said it better myself. It's just like when you're getting a bj from your dog. Don't be afraid and hide it, be a proud Canadian and stand up for what you believe in.

Both are in Orange County, so not LA at all. HB is usually pretty quiet, don't know about Garden Grove but I think there's a big Mexican community there.

>Captcha: School Stop

tu quoque

This is the #1 reason cops act the way they do in America. Ask any LEO why cops are trigger happy. Invariably this incident will come up.

This is murder plain and simple. Bootlickers gonna bootlick
And i'm not a librul

Police should not have guns. Ridiculous

>cop couldn't handle

He handled the scumbag perfectly. Bang.

>a tiny kid

Here we go again.

How's your rape state Sweden?

did the kid died?

Suck my chode.

>Don't attack armed police
>Don't get shot
Wow that was hard

So many cucks for the Jews here. Cops work for the (((government))), this cop murdered a white kid. Bootlickers will defend him

You're right we should be able to beat the shit out of Police officers and kill them.


was a magazine you retard

Brave kid, could have used him in the race war.

>Larping this hard

I know you mean this as a "bad" thing, but I'm 100% okay with people in the streets associating "fighting a cop" with "getting shot"

inb4: bootlicker confirmed
ever considered using words/not committing stupid crimes?

who is the cuck filming and why isnt he stepping in to help by kicking the perp in the head or grabbing an arm? has america really come to this?

honestly, can a police shooting get any more justified than this? the fucker was trying to grab his gun

Guy was shot 3 times in the stomach but just kept going after that cop. Was a crazy Vet.

also, chalk up another win for 40 cal

>police shot someone=murder
try again sweetie

You are 6 bangs short. Must have really panicked. Kids can be terrifying.

As what? Mine sweeper?

White lives matter. Stop fucking killing us.

no, only the second one (the one I posted) is fake

>t. butt blasted negros/edgy kids
is it that hard to not attack a cop?

Being this bluepilled about (((police)))

Berserker. Hook that kid up on shit tons of amphetamines and let him loose in a synagogue


>retired here
>suspect approached and attacked with malice
>officer used stun gun first
>after failed stun take-down officer went for gun while suspect fought to the ground retrieving a bullet clip from officer
>officer acted accordingly
officer will be exonerated and no protests with property damage with occur due suspect being asian and not black.

xdd le (((they))) meme!
>Hook that kid up on shit tons of amphetamines and let him loose in a synagogue
>Larping this fucking hard

no, it's just too easy to pretend to be a tough guy on the internet

b-b-but how? the shadows on the wall look real in both pics. fuck

shills out in force licking wetback cop boots!

total panic shooting! im more interested in knowing how the cop lost control after he was on top of the guy hitting him for well over 30 seconds!

maybe if the cop didn't have inferior fucking taco-nigger genes he wouldn't have been thrown off this fucking TWIG!

clothes on the right of the guy on my image is retouched poorly

Checked & kek'd

lmao justified as fuck

anti-cop morons are proven retards yet again

Not only am I ok with this, but I prefer it this way.

It's all fun and games until someone gets fucked up
This will end in tears I can never be enough for you
Count my blessings on one hand
And my curses on the other
Let you slip between my fingers
Hide away until the summer

KALI MA lean over me
Rip you hand into my chest
Pull out my beating heart for the world to see then send me down to hell
You ignore my pleas
Indiana couldn't save me so I guess I'll save myself

>bait this bad

>retired here
>retrieving a bullet clip from officer

Retired from what being a fucking maroon? Officers don't call their magazines "bullet clips" go fuck your LARPing self faggot

Put the extended on youtube for normies

I could only find the second half and from another angle:

It was a faggy white kid.
Deserved every last bullet desu

So when are all the whites and black lives matter gonna come together in LA and start their protest march...oh wait...
>BLM doesn't give a fuck if some whitey gets shot
>Whites don't give a fuck if some criminal gets shot.
>Silence ensues.

user being gay isn't ok, please take your faggotry and boot licking elsewhere