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holyshit guys!!!! I've been waiting forever! the time has come get hyped mother fuckers omg omg i am going to cry now i love you all what a wonderfull day

>404 Not Found
Did I just get tricked by the deviants of Sup Forums?

Who gives a shit. The Anime was beyond retarded.

finally the wait is over





STICKY THIS 404 Not Found

have a (you), my friend

have I been rused

Fuck you OP

You can tell it's fake because the url is in English

OP youre a monster

found some leaked footage

Such an original joke.

Kill yourself.

Even if it was true Sup Forums wouldn't care as much as it would have three years ago. Haruhi is incredibly overrated anyway.

I would trust a S3 after endless 8

あきらめろ もう来ない ハルヒは死んだんだ

Your waifu is incredibly overrated

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p-people actually like this crap?

what is she holding Sup Forums?

How did you make the picture go on top of the quote line?

One thread 404'd because of this Harutard shit nobody cares about.

Well at least the image is new.

It's dead Sup Forums. It's time to face it. We will never get another Haruhi season, or book or whatever. Newfags will never know the joy of being endless eighted with us.

That'd be a gun

Haruhi doesn't need to come back. It was good when it came out but now it's just old garbage.

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Predictable user. At least try to use before.

The real question is why should anyone care. Anyone who actually liked the series knows how the novels go, and they also know how it turns into the most generic shitfest harem romcom ever.

no I'm going to report you its the greatest show ever i don't even need to justify why you faggot you don't understand anything

No way, the novels keep getting better. Last ones were goat.


Wait, what? Am I fucking dreaming? Don't be so cruel, OP.

Yeah? What happened in the most recent novel.

Just a reminder that Tanigawa will never finish the novels and there will never be another season.

saski and haruhi fucked koizumi and negate turned out to be a guy

>no dash in coming soon

Disappointing, OP

>mfw remembering that endless eight happened and was a thing, and that's what we got instead of actual episodes

Super Paper Mario Alien Fight, Timelines stuff, Jumping from a window, Explosion right in front of faggot's face and other stuff I forgot

But Koizumi wanted to be fucked by Kyon. Was it rape?

Do you bother to check the link, or are you just pretending to be retarded?

you swindled me!

Haruhi season 3 is fucking true.
I'm so excited.


shiggy diggy doo

>actually checking the link
Fuck off, Summer

kill yourselves you pigs

new haruhi pachinko
directed by hideo kojima

lol Kyoani fanboys on Sup Forums are way too fucking easy too fool. Unless Tanigawa is starting to write the series again after so many years and Kadokawa needs a jump start and Lantis suddenly feels like it's worthwhile to invest their music artists in again which I doubt it's not happening. Yuko Goto is like 40 now and has been in 5 shows since 2011, Sugita Tomokazu is far too big and busy with his radio shows and chasing after Saori Hayami, Aya Hirano mainly does mainstream daytime anime nowadays and Minoru Shiraishi has facial paralysis and probably can't voice act anymore.

Yeah people don't seem to understand that the anime rights for Haruhi belong to Kadokawa Pictures and Lantis, not Kyoto Animation hence why the Nagato Yuki anime can just pick up and go over to Satelight for animation but the principle producers otherwise stay identical to the 2006 anime. It's pretty funny.

Friendly reminder that this is the only true post here. A new Kyoani picture is coming out in the next Newtype and that's probably the said image, on the blackboard behind says: SOS Dan Idol Project.

Also in the next Tanabata (7/7) the complete OST is being released and Haruhi said in the promotional video that the SOS Dan is planning a lot of things for this year.

ALS kun, even if you are gone, your wish has been fulfilled.

Hey at least we get a 10th anniversary album from them next month.

Is this some kind of sick joke to you OP


I can't find a single poster on Sup Forums that thinks KyoAni owns the rights to Haruhi and isn't a falseflagger. People just aren't that dense.

You know we can see the dates on there right?

>Haruhifags so desperate to be relevant that they shitpost a thread with fake links

Your shitshow is over, faggots, move the fuck on already and stop making threads about literally nothing.

Tanigawa hasn't written a new book since 2011, even he does give a fuck about it anymore.

Have some respect, the guy ran out of words.


I was gonna say it was 108 today in Arizona, so Hell hasn't frozen over.

I hate you so much.
I was literally happy for the first time in months thinking that I was going to see the SoS brigade in action again, now all that's left is a hollow feeling.
HS3 will never be made. I'm tired of waiting and I've got nothing left to live for.


The first couple of seconds i bit down i was the happiest man alive. Now im just miserable again.

they would have to cut the season to 6 episodes or adapt disappearance into the rest of season two

either way it was a mess, and a great ruse

My reaction to the site

>she's bottomless
>that sexplay


i still love you op, oh wait I'm complementing myself hahhahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahhaahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahah

So did Japan finally forgive Haruhi's VA for having sex or did they realize they can replace her instead of retiring an immensely lucrative series?


even if it was real why would it be in english?


Mori-san was the only recasted voice in Nagato-chan, so your made-up seiyuu excuses equal to horseshit. At least try giving legit excuses like Gotou's health condition.

many japanese sites (actually, asian in general) have filenames in english for some reason. not uncommon to come across words like "story" "event" "top" "news" etc in those urls

People still care about this shit?

She literally voiced Haruhi last year, git gud senpai


Why does it still hurt? I've already accepted it will never happen, but threads like this still hurt.

Why do you play with my heart.


>kill me

The reason is pretty clear, unicode

>most generic shitfest harem romcom ever.
Every time.
Oreki also gets NTR'd by Chitanda, we know the drill.

chiiiink chink chink chink

Stopping playing with my heart.

>SOS Dan is planning a lot of pachinko machines for this year

Haha, very funny, nigger.

fuck you OP; have I never clicked haruhi s3 bait links till now. i thought this would be the one, but no. fuck you


I just... I really wanted to believe you.

do we deserve a season 3 after this meme tho?