Kim Il Sung looked like a stand up guy. Why is his grandson Kim Jong Un so cringey?

Kim Il Sung looked like a stand up guy. Why is his grandson Kim Jong Un so cringey?

Kim Jong il had a weird style but it worked for him, like a cool guy military dictator.

But Kim Jong Un just seems like "RESPECT MAH AUTHORITAH" and has a really fat face. Nobody around him seems to respect him, they just accept that he inherited the throne.

What can you tell me about these 3 leaders? Seems to like their royal family reached a dead end.

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Kim Il Sung led a revolution
Kim Jong Il was directly inspired by his revolutionary father
Kim Jong Un is the spoiled chubby grandson that doesn't understand what it takes to be a great leader and revels in the spoils his predecessors left behind

That's kinda what I get just from looking at their pictures and not really knowing the history.

Plus Kim Jong Un had his opposition assassinated. So he isn't just inept, he really WANTS to be leader. I don't see how anyone can even support him ironically.


They respect him alright. Last time on of his generals nodded off during a meeting he was executed with an anti aircraft canon. Notice the little pads they carry with them all the time, they everything the leader says.

>I don't see how anyone can even support him ironically.
They don't, but he has absolute authority, even on who lives or dies

Fear is not necessarily respect.

Yeah I know but it's not just acceptance of him taking the throne. It's survival. Conform or be purged.

Watch this.

>Last time on of his generals nodded off during a meeting he was executed with an anti aircraft canon.
lol, it's real.

I meant people outside NK respecting him. He isn't cool, he isn't skilled, he's just a spoiled kid who inherited lots of toys, makes threats and never carries them out.

>and has a really fat face
In medieval times when food was scarce being fat was the sign of high status and wealth. Same with communism and particularly Best Korea. Kim wears his fat among his scrawny peasants like it's a royal mantle.

The norks love kim il sung more than anything

yeah, kim jong il looks like hes gonna fucking burst at any moment, while kim il sung looks like the dude who will buy you and your kids food for a week

I think kim is just too autistic to see the disdain they have for him. But what else are they gonna do? I'd follow kim around with a notepad if it meant I could eat and have high status.

They could take over but are too afraid of betrayal from one another. Besides NK is run like 1984 Oceania. Children are indoctrinated to love their leader more than their parents.

You can't have one without the other.

>They could take over but are too afraid of betrayal from one another.
You mean they would all fight for the power if one of them killed Kim? I mean it would turn into chaos if he died, but at least it's internal chaos

Keep in mind that's a propaganda picture. The way Kim is portrayed in that picture is how he and the rest of the government want the common nork to see him.

Kim Jong Un is the Korean Cartman! fat asshole!

It's this. NK is still at the stage of development where being fat is a luxury and privilege.

Maybe the population is dumb enough to believe it. All these pictures look like low budget acting to me.

No, Kim is fat because he's everyone's cuddly mommy.
see It's not subtle, but the point of most propaganda is to make you believe everyone else believes X, not to convince you that X is true.