Clinton donates $800,000 to ANTIFA.
Here is the link.....
Clinton donates $800,000 to ANTIFA.
Here is the link.....
All Hail Hillary Clinton Queen of ANTIFA....
fake news
Praise the Queen of ANTIFA....Hillary Clinton....
Say...where did the Queen hide the 30,000 emails?
Rural and suburban retards who wanted nationalism and Socialism voted for Bernie and Trump.
Super high iq city people voted Hillary.
Really jiggles my Junipers
IsnĀ“t antifa now like a domestic terror organization?
I fucking love how leftists think they're helping the common man and not destroying them all for the benefit of globalists.
Is leftism the most worthless shit in the world?
"Super high IQ city people"
Phew haven't heard anything that retarded all day, thanks for the laugh.
She becomes the new George Soros.
couldn't find more credible source? You think spreading fake news is ok as long as it agrees with you?
>doesn't even know how to green text
Rural and suburban retard detected.
The US States with the highest IQs are actually the Whitest Rural States.
Attacking sources is only done by bourgeois race-haters.
Why is this shit web blog worse than an outlet given billions in Koch money?
free weiners, aisle 11
She will hang
just too smart to win i guess?
Because your source literally pulls shit out of its own ass instead of giving credible information
I would go down on her and tongue her holes and then slow pump and go balls deep in her unshaven sweaty minge....unironically.
Let's say Hillary Clinton is really funding domestic terrorism (she isn't).
Who's going to believe you? The newspapers won't cover this. TV news won't discuss it. It'll get you banned from Facebook and Twitter. All you have is an obscure source on some easily refutable website.
Go on. Tell your friends and family. They'll think you're a nutcase.
What happens to the polreport mysteriously got shit down prior to a release
Big if true.
Fuck off swedecuck
Preach, my friend
Who are you quoting, onii-san?
>Its okay to accept every factless claim a source claims as long as it is agreeing with me.
You are the problem.