Well user, why don't you join the fuckin Marines?
>Get paid to shoot guns
>Get paid to workout
>Get paid extra to marry a stripper (seriously)
>Kill muslims, communists, or who knows your own mother if the op calls for it!
Here in the fuckin Marines, we have all you can eat crayons, slow promotions, and cool ass uniforms. You might not exactly have a lot of job opportunities waiting for you once you get out of the fuckin Marines, but we do prepare the fuck outta you to be homeless as shit! What are you fuckin waiting for user?
Why don't you join the fuckin Marines, Sup Forums?
Is that Abigail whatever?
I saw (((Biloxi Blues))) as a youth and it scared me away from the military. It was written by a NY Jew, of course.
I don't want to die, I might legitimately join the Air Force tho
So join the fuckin (((Marines))), who cares if you're killing for them. You get paid to kill people! Fuckin goy...
Because i have higher aspirations in life than getting screamed at by middle aged men and being force fed crayons. The Navy is where real men go.
Because I'm not American
Why don't you join the fuckin IRA, faggot
Is your pic what they look like when they break down and transition from PTSD after fighting for israel?
Why don't you join the fuckin brazilian Marines?
Why do marines get paid more if they marry strippers?
Women need to join. Equality and all. Men have died for thousands of years defending our nations and tribes. Women want to be a part of this now. It's their turn to die for the banks.
>those little circles censoring his nipples
I'm too old now. I was too fat and too pussy then.
Because I joined the Navy and became a corpsman instead.
It's similar to a Marine and you're usually embedded with them, but I actually have training.
>yes goy yes, come to die for Israel!
Srsly wtf happened with this board
>get paid to shoot guns
yeah but the countless hours of cleaning and disassembling the guns fucking sucks
>get paid to workout
5 am company runs fucking suck. Most weight room workouts are done during off time
>get paid to marry a stripper
The extra couple hundred dollars a month is not worth the headache believe me
>kill people
an extremely low percentage of marines will ever fire their weapon in combat
Rules for young anons enlisting:
Don't get married
Don't expect any girlfriend to stay loyal
Don't get married (seriously)
Do your 4-6, get out, use your GI bill to go to college. Use the discipline you've gained to get great grades, look better and be smarter than all the fresh-out-of-high-school kids who are your competition, fuck plenty of sorority girls. Look for a wife-material girlfriend there among the better women you meet.
While you're in the Corps, don't expect to find love. It's what ruins careers and lives. A huge part of basic is the repetition of a message that your girl back home is already fucking someone else. I'm not joking. This is drilled into your head because it's true, and yet so many people ignore it and think "oh not my Susie is different! She's not like the other girls!".
All of the military suicides I've known have been people who had major issues before they joined that they hid, or, more commonly, people who had their lives destroyed by a cheating wife or gf taking everything they had, including their dignity.
Too old now. Back in the day, I wanted to fly Tomcats in the Navy, but lost my appointment to Annapolis due to psoriasis. After visiting a bunch of dermatologists for a year who said my skin was fine, I tried enlisting in the Army so I could fly Apaches, but it turned out that a medical disqualification is permanent. Feelsbadman.
I don't live near the coast, also they didn't accept me in the army anyway
Because I'm
>collecting benefits for Israel
Every war after Korea was useless and there's nothing admirable about being a welfare queen
>Sent in invade Russia
>deep-fried by tactical nuke
You forgot
>go kill bad goyim who do not bow to the jew and eventually give your life to make g-d's chosen people richer
This is the only thing murrican army does.
sauce on pic related pls
Why don't I become a slave of the state and die while supporting their oppression of the people, hm.
Because I'm in too poor health to join. If I wasn't I sure as hell wouldn't join the Marines, I'd join the Army.
Because married guys get more gibs.
You have to qualify, you stooge!
>Die for the jews.
No thanks comrade.
>entering the military now they let bitches in and do whatever they want
100% cuck
Leave the defence of the realm to the fucking women if they want it so bad. Fucking conscript the whores.
It'll take less than a month for them to be begging for the last 100 years of feminism to be reversed, so long as the wholesale massacre of their useless titted selves at the hands of ragheads & koreans will end.
I've thought about that too, we should go to all-female military, if possible with universal conscription too (just for females)
I'll be watching enthusiasticall the all-female army vs Best Korea, and the girl team army vs the Russian army. Hopefully they film all the raping.
Then China lol