All existing borders are erased and current populations are deported and you get to choose the landmass to start your new nation: where do you choose?
All existing borders are erased and current populations are deported and you get to choose the landmass to start your...
asia duh
its the biggest land mass
All buildings and infrastructure removed also?
all of the Mediterranean
unironically africa.
Antarctica is bigger you fuck, also that's mine
North Murrica seems like a pretty cool place honestly.
Yes for example do you want to try your hand to exploit resource rich Africa?
I'm still staying on my fucking Island
This. I was gonna say the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean. Imagine if Mexico was civilized?
The west coast from Alaska to Oregon, from Washington until the Dakotas.
I stay where I am.
South america is surprisingly good in terms of resources and safety (no tornados, earthquakes, etc).
Brazil is fucking awesome (if you ignore the people).
Nah, Africa's too hot and full of disease. I'd chose North America.
Central Europe obviously. No hurricanes to fuck your shit up, no volcanoes, no earthquakes, great farming land with mild weather. There's a reason civilization started here.
>Finnish education
> Does the infrastructure remain?
If yes, then China. The technocrats did a great job of making China great.
If no, then:
> Would natural resources and nature itself be reset to pre-human era?
If yes, then N-America, west coast.
If not, then Africa. Right below the Sahara, where land is fertile enough for agriculture, there is sea for expansion, the Sahara is there for solar power, and enough natural resources remain for a civilization.
North America.
Good choice user.
There is a reason europe has always been superior
japan so i can fuck the left over waifus
not without africans
You've never seen a globe before, have you retard?
Are the Americas and Australia/NZ empty?
What about Taiwan, Iceland and Madagascar, how in depth is this deportation.
Antarctica. Nobody else will go there unless they are curious about the lone snowman(me), in which I will then indoctrinate them to be one with the blinding white, and we dance, play and sing together in the safety of our cozy bunker.
Literally all/or most of LatAm is a fucking goldmine, a paradise.
There's a joke in my country that when God was handing out land to the people of the world he was questioned why he gave the mexicans so much, as to put them in such advantage over other countries. He answered "Well, they're mexican".
Going to be a fuckin bonaza when they finally civilize the dark continent
All infrastructure removed and you get to choose a half continent worth of land such as NA west of the Mississippi. All existing peoples deported.
Right here. Next to no poisonous shit, earthquakes or tornados, no volcanoes etc, an island so natural fortification.
Here or Japan except even then there's Godzilla.
Are all modes of production gone? Are we talking hunter gatherer or just circle jerking over scenery? There's resources everywhere for our present-day society, i.e; oil, minerals and industrial agriculture, but in a completely reset state we have to consider where the most easily domesticated animals are. You can't domesticate buffalo and horses aren't found everywhere naturally. There are a lot of factors involved but I think Asia has the best balance of resources. Specifically China.
North America, Central America, and the Caribbean from the Darién Gap to the arctic circle.
Here where I stand. We have every fucking landscape you can imagine.
>Big Cold Mountains
>Small Mediterranean like Mountains
>Hot Jungle Rivers
>Template Rivers
And the only thing that stops us from being a global power is our fucking retarded population.
Pity that SA wasn't naturally inverted so the temperate climate didn't encompass more area, so much tropical jungle and a small slice of temperate Pampas
Agreed. Tonnage of valuable resources lie under that shitscape.
>no tornadoes
>no earthquakes
wrong again
The south would be too cold
Have fun dealing with savage nomads from the Steppe.
We still have adecent amount a farmland in the pampas to feed like 100M people. And our hot areas in the north give us the land for the cultivations of fruits, like Tucumán that produces more lemons than the USA (or used to when it was not so fucked). And wine in that strange Hot/Cold dessert/steppe area we call "Cuyo"
also can we pick the race to be in this land?
India without other Indians
Probably France
Climate is shite but who knows what whitey could do there