Is Saitama as powerful as he is because of his Quirk?

Is Saitama as powerful as he is because of his Quirk?

I have no words. My words have failed me

It's basically a more powerful All for One

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What is Saitama's price for his contract?

His hair

Did it work

I think this is actually a brilliant shitpost, as it goes to illustrate just how poorly developed and contrived superhero premises are. Most individual canon could probably be slapped together into one, and it'd still work.

"One for Bald"

Who gives a fuck about the premise dumb faggot

>I watch superpower anime because it panders to my Sup Forumsshit underdeveloped child mentality
>I don't even care whether or not premise holds up under scrutiny, as long as it's "fun"
Just pathetic. You probably watch Western superhero movies as well, with glee.

>I hate fun
>Everything must be meaningful and deep or else it's WESTERN GARBAGE!!


It's not a Quirk if you've accidentally ascended to being a Buddha.

>not understanding that OPM is parodying anime as a whole
>being this far up your own asshole

You've done nothing to defend a bad, undeveloped premise that falls apart ever under its own canon and established narrative, i.e. all anime involving superpowers. But good job spewing false rational for your atrocious taste and anti-art mentality.

Why can't you enjoy both dummy?

Why do you even watch anime?

to be a fat smug anime nerd judging by his posts


Best place for the manga online?

get a load of this faggot

>calls out other people on underdeveloped mentality
>posts Eva

Is Saitama secretly a mahou shoujo?

He still has pubs right?

You've inferred a lot from one angry sentence and run with it.

Will Saitama find a way and fight his evil alternate universe counterpart?

Thanks user!!

>newfags don't know this

How far down as Sup Forums gone?

Email line is where its at.

i'm an actual autist and not even i am this much of an anally obliterated asshole

All for One Punch.

Thanks user.


>poorly developed and contrived
You do realise it's a parody, right? OPM is literally making fun of stuff like BnHA and DBZ.

What if Saitama's world is the future of BNHA and he's just the final form of One for All?

Memes aside, that's actually a cool idea.

>tfw half of Sup Forums probably doesn't even remember noko