The golden record. Sent out to space for future species to discover.
Humanities Legacy
>breaking OPSEC and telling ayys everything about us on a golden plate
why are americans so retarded?
If they made one nowadays it would be filled with SJW and racemixing propaganda.
Be thankful they don't subsidy NASA as much as they did back then.
Why is it bad? It would take millions of years to even get to anywhere relevant. We would be completely different by then.
was it made out of real gold? some alien is just going to pawn that shit for space crack without even listening to it.
>It would take millions of years to even get to anywhere relevant.
assuming the ayys don't catch it before
>ayys find probe
>laugh about primitive state of Humanity
>send a near Lightspeed fast kill vehicle to blow earth up
Wouldn't a species that has progressed that far have a sense of empathy and conservation? Like how we have animal rights and national parks and so forth.
They would detect other signs of human life and technology before they'd find voyager, unless they find it several million years from now.
>letting retards live
the empathy is putting us out of our misery.
and the golden plate makes it even easier for them to figure everything out about us.
But it doesn't make it easier to kill us, at all.
The aliums are butterfingered idiots and accidentally break it while trying to get it to work.
I didn't want Sup Forums to get triggered, Because the disk had blacks and Asian in addition to whites.
yes it does, gives detailed information about human anatomy and the state they're in.
stupida fucking NASA cucks.
You don't want aliens to know we're out there?
are you retarded? why the fuck would you want that?
You idiot how the fuck does that make things easier? Is the speed nuke going to be more effective on 3 legged organism as opposed to two?
Unless they want to kill us specifically (keeping the rest of the biosphere intact), but from what I have seen they didn't provide our genetic code.
An odd hypothetical situation.
Imagine aliens arrive. Humanoid, all universally beautiful, peaceful, more technologically advanced and empathetic, however humans breed something like twice as fast as them. Basically they are to whites what we are to everyone else.
Unfortunately for them, their Greatest Allies have been brainwashing them with propaganda about saving the poor little human primitives and accepting them into their civilization, something which would inevitably lead to humanity taking over and destroying it.
Do you personally accept their help or do your moral criticisms of the similar situation back on earth prevent it?
>Ayylien sees fish evolve into human
"ayy what the fuck is this species, discard this into the trash"
It reminds me of the 10,000 year clock.
Humanity should be populating the universe with ancient artifacts for future xenoarcheologists to discover.
Because they already know we're primitive apes that can't compete. makes the decision making even faster.
but really, how fucking retarded does one have to be to put all important info on a golden plate and send it to potential aliens?
like how fucking retarded do you have to be?
I gladly accept their advanced technology and any education they are willing to provide, visit their homeworld and appreciate their culture. Then I go the fuck home instead of shitting up their superior society with my backwards ape brain.
>implying they ayys will take you anywhere but a Konzentration camp on the Moon
They'd know our developmental level very easily. Actually it would be hard to determine by the plate alone unless they place a clock of some sort (I think it does have an RTG so they might be able to trace the date from launch using that), while basing it of the Earth's atmosphere would be easy just by measuring the concentration of various gasses from several hundred lightyears away.
>absolutely nothing odd-> primitive apes
>rapidly increasing co2 levels ->industrial era civilization
>rapidly increasing helium levels-> advanced civilization with disposable energy.
>star dimming->probably a bad target to fuck with.
I really hope we meet some based ayys.
M𝕒n the feds sure like coded mess𝕒ges...
Origins of humanity & aliens are topics that I've covered in different threads:
>tfw MURICA has doomed the world (again)
It wasn't enough to fight for the wrong side of WW2...
>implying there are any future species
Humanity will expand to conquer the universe, and no other world's species will ever have the chance to expand. The evidence for this?
>no blacked out portions of the sky
An civilization even 1 million years ahead of us would have been able to expand across the galaxy right now, building Dyson swarms that create dark spots in the sky. If intelligent life was remotely common in our universe we would expect to see structures built by them
Good that the plate tells them exactly where Earth is so ayys can check it instantly out.
Yea kinda sucks that these retards doomed us all with their stupid shit, again.
Lying NASA Mason's have never sent anything into "space". Just Actornauts, cardboard props, and lousy CGI.
You fucking moron that's the point they already would have known millenniums before finding the probe.
It's not tape you kekistani fag, it's space tape. YUGE difference.
>giving hostile ayys the chance to get the drop on us
Literally something a retard would do.
Do you send out your adress into nigger ghettos telling about all your valuable shit?
The redpill is that we're one of the first generations of intelligent beings, thats why it seems the universe is empty. Its still very young and it will likely take billions more years for galactic travel, let alone intergalactic.
You're assuming ayyy lamos are niggers.
And my point is that any roaming niggers would already have known about my 50'' tv and all my other shit, as well as my address, in far more details than my message blow away by the wind will.
>You're assuming ayyy lamos are niggers.
because they are, only the strong survive and they sure as fuck didn't get strong by giving handouts to primitive apes.
It's funny. People want to scream that aliens can't have two genders yet they think aliens would have a sense of empathy.
Also it's bad for us that our star is a G type one cause we only have a couple of billion years left before earth is cooked. Our star is very short lived compared to K or M type dwarf stars which can live for trillions of years.
The most successful civilizations will come from those systems.
dude there is no atmopshere, are you retarded?
It was a literal tin can, and it was barely pressurized but thats all you need.
Like what is you actually argument here? that technology should jump to the end of its development on the first mission?
Let me be clear here, yes thats tape, yes thats probably paper too. And its on the moon, you cannot disprove it
they didn't survive by receiving handouts either. The most successful branch of humans was the race with the most empathy.
And besides, I still don't fucking get why you think the disks makes a difference, they just need to point a telescope towards our star and they'll find out everything about us in a matter of years. And we know they will, if for nothing else than trying to identify nearby competitors.
Thinking aayy lmaos would be able to not only travel light years, but also conduct enough missions to have a 1 in a billion probability of finding our probe, without learning everything about us beforehand, in insane. They'd know our planet's orbital distance in far more detail than provided on the plate, they'd know our current stage of development +-25 years (which the plate can't do beyond the date of it's launch), and would already know what they want to do with us.
this is not ok
> Aliens find the craft and take it home
> 100 years later they realize Gold disk is a record, not a plaque
> Anythother 100 years to figgure out how to use it
> Listens
> only language they understand is whale songs telling them earth is contaminated with humans and all is doomed.
> Spend the next 100yrs planning a rescue mission for the whales
it's never too soon for intergalactic diversity
>it's worked out so well on earth
>If they made one nowadays it would be filled with SJW and racemixing propaganda.
Instead of a man and a woman, it'd just be a tranny.
>Be ayy
>decide to contact humans for the first time
>pick a random human populated digital meeting space
>Make announcement that my race is here
>Get response "Fuck off space niggers, we're full. You can crash on the moon if you want."
>Scan the so called "moon"
>It's utter shit
>Tell my commander about what happened and he said earth and its inhabitants can piss off
>We leave taking our advanced technology, medicine, nigger, jew and muslim extermination viruses and environmental purification and repair systems.
The chances of aliens ever finding us are minimal. First of all even light speed is too slow for galactic exploration. Like what are you going to explore a 50 light year radius around your home planet? That's fucking nothing it's literally like exploring something the size of a penny in relation to the size of the entire US.
And going beyond that will just exponentially get harder and harder as it takes more and more time for data to come back.
Unless wormholes are actually a thing, no one is ever going to explore any significant portion of their own galaxy, let alone the universe.
The better scenario is
>40000 years pass
>some ayys that recently invented interstellar travel find find the probe
>heuur deurr blig blog we gon kill dis primitive hummies WE WUZ SPACE CONQUERORZ EN SHEEEIT
>they arrive only to find out that Earth turned into one massive megalopolis
>humans got rid of niggers and jews and started traveling to other stars forming interstellar empire
>some human patrol vessel gets close to ayys
>oh it's the primitives from Blorb system's Lmao 4
>humans destroy their vessel and conquer the planet just to take the disc back and put it in a museum
>ayyy shieeeeit
I think aliens would be far too logical to exhibit any empathy. We are to them what Aborigines are to us.
Won't accept their help.
>Fuck off we're full.
top kek
Star Trek 4-2?
Either that or laugh at our primitive metals.
>send music into space to resemble our artistic achievement
>half of it is some native throat singing bullshit only 50 people in the world know about
It's been three weeks since your last KB, can you make one tonight, please?
its a good bet at least 1 language on earth has a way for us to say FUCK YOU to the aliens
Terrible SJW idea
They won't be happy until they get the final sexual kick out of oervertedly destroying humanity
I'm certain we should be burning them
>Every languages greeting is actually a mother style insult to aliens
>Get eradicated
even on the best of terms, there'd undoubtedly be faux pas like that.
imagine if their equivalent of the word 'cunt' was a common every day word. Kinda like Australians
It's called kapton tape, you retard, educate yourself