North korea is a dictatorship and USA is a free land of righ-

North korea is a dictatorship and USA is a free land of righ-

Rights can be lost

>people who committed crimes should be free to commit more crimes
I mean I get you're an aspie, but come on, man.

>liberals are this retarded

>>people who committed crimes should be free to commit more crimes

assuming once a person commits a crime they are bound to repeat offend.

Because child murderers and feral niggs should be allowed to roam free.
What else would you recommend?
>cough up a fine
You think the blacks in jail can do this?
>community service
"Legalized slavery!"
"Inhumane! They grew up here!"
"Cruel! Ebil!"
>Nicer jails
You'd be better off in jail and learn nothing. Plus, the money we waste on the fuckers is plentiful.
Our education is bad enough
Anything else?



Guantanamo detainees are enemy combatant, they should thank their lucky stars they were captured by us and not the Russians.

i need my aids meds because i compulsively fuck people and need to do so more.

is this lame butthurt bullshit what counts as bantz in the land of the free?

Malevolent Dictatorship
Constitutional Republic turned Corrupt Oligarchy

A truly Benevolent Autocracy is the only way to govern, but such a thing will never exist.

>There are people posting on Sup Forums that still believes in the fallacy of "freedom" and "personal liberties"

Such a childish innocence makes me smile. In every political system you're just free to do what the dominant ideology allows.

Those are mudslimes. Not Americans.

I think german bantz would be 1-upping each other on how sorry you are.

Very few Guantanamo detainees are charged, it's an unofficial PoW camp that keeps its prisoners in limbo to avoid rights under third Geneva Convention and engage openly in torture.

Which Guantanamo detainee would you want living next door?

Geneva convention just wastes everyone's time.
>muh honorable war
Just win the fight in whatever way protects your homeland most effectively.

>It's OK to keep people permanently detained with no human rights
>Wait.. the left are now mass detaining white people who voted for right wing parties.. WHAT THE FUCK... WHERE ARE MY RIGHTS!!!

Really makes you think.

So what your saying is the Jihadists have the right idea.

>implying terrorists don't deserve torture

Are those in Guantanamo considered PoWs?

>As if Americans are the ones being detained in Guantanamo.

At least one American Citizen is know to be a detainee at Guantanamo.

People who voted for parties do not equal people who were picked up fighting against US interest on foreign battlefields. Rights are afforded to citizens, pow protections are afforded to lawful combatants, Guantanamo detainees are neither.

>jihadist have the right idea
Yes. It is entirely retarded to have rules in a game that ultimately has you killing each other regardless. Having military red tape only prolongs the conflicts and suffering America must endure. Play to win or don't go to war just to end up in a quagmire.