How do we stop young men from masturbating to cartoon animals?
How do we stop young men from masturbating to cartoon animals?
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end no fault divorce to revitalize traditional marriage
Arranged marriage.
By not making them so sexy.
Stop creating sexy cartoon animals in media.
Make anime illegal to preserve our white culture. Anime made a generation of Japanese men into weak effeminate shut-ins who don't have sex. Do we really want anime to do that here too?
Why would we?
This allows me to feel emotions that I've numbed myself to with regard to real women.
Can't stop won't stop
Asian wives. Asian women have high sex drives. No need to masturbate and no frigid bitches like the trash that are white women.
>How do we stop young men from masturbating to cartoon animals?
The same way you stop them jacking it any other time.
gimme a minute
make real women desirable again
That's just because their women are whores like our women are.
but why, user ?
We don't. We let them continue to be genetic dead ends.
white women should stop being disgusting
Lets cut their penises off. I mean, if we have pover to decide for them what they are allowed to masturbate to - then they are clearly underhuman, and thus, chould be sterilased
>Make anime illegal to preserve our white culture.
What's left of "white culture" is run by jews. Anime has less of a bad influence than western media.
I want to fuck that bunny
You give them real hobbies. Real work. Make them work with their hands.
We all do.
Wew lad
Anime is the ultimate degeneracy. Even the Jews are impressed by how quickly and easily anime corrupts children and turns them into non-reproducing effeminate failures. Anime corrodes the base of a society faster than any known social program the Jews have ever invented.
Might also be a sign of mental retardation. Possibly autism.
idle hands are Saturn's workshop
Nah I'm smart [but lazy :^)] and can interact with normies without arousing suspicion
If anime is so bad how is an anime image board so redpilled?
>implying a gas giant could have any solid structure on it like a "workshop"
By making the human characters more appealing.
In your American shows people fuck like rabbits, with little or no buildup. In the anime I watch a kiss is almost all you get after waiting for it a whole show long. People in anime often think about marriage and value virginity. When's the last time you've seen this in western trash?
I'd fuck that lisa, 2bh
And what are they doing about it? They still sit in doors all day posting memes, never leave the house, never go to rallies, don't reproduce, don't have jobs, don't have families. They are so corrupted by anime that all they can do is post memes on the computer from their bedroom.
And yet we drive culture.
Lower the age of consent to the biological one - first period and reverse the rest of the feminist revolution.
For literally the entire human history except XX century a 20 year old female was considered an old maid.
There's a reason why high age of consent was the first demand of feminists.
Feminism is the source of all current social problems.
(reversal of feminism is not going to happen anytime soon, so continue masturbating)
Stay mad kike, 99% western cartoons are just agenda-pushing tools nowadays
*How do we stop young men from masturbating to human cartoons?
>implying that if furries stopped jerking it to pigeons that they would become any more useful to society
wew lad
>jerking it to pigeons
the difference is, our women are greedy whores., their women are just straight up slunts and not greedy at all.
she is not yours, it is just your turn.
What's the matter senpai?
We force beautiful women to have sex with them
if all women are whores, why don't you get used to it if it's what nature wants, if it's true feminine nature? Why don't you stop complaining about it?
21% is really not so bad.
You can't stop it. They'll just move onto vore, scat, other degeneracy.
Anime pushes the kike agenda. Think about it. In the 80s and early 90s, Japan was a growing economic powerhouse that was set to rival the US for global power. The US was in a panic about the Japanese. Then the generation which was exposed to anime grew up. Suddenly Japan's economy stalled, birth rates plummeted. Japan was in a crisis and started talking about opening the borders to bring in immigrants just as the Jews planned.
Anime is a degenerate force of destruction that rots away the foundation of civilization. It's no mystery why anime promotes traps, gays, pedophilia, virginity, and escaping into videogames and fantasy lands. It's all about avoiding reality and not reproducing with real women.
Go look at Sup Forums. They talk about "pig digusting 3DPD". They hate real women. They celebrate being NEET. They only watch anime and play videogames while trying to not be "normie" ie, reproducing, working and being a productive person.
Fuck it I just want to get banned from this garbage site
You don't.
rabbits are a-ok
THis is the internet you're talking about.
You can make even non-sexy thing sexy... and they don't even have to be living things.
What does anime have to do with furfags?
and you think Sup Forums users are different? toplmao
ngl i had a few shameful gardevoir faps in my youth
>Make them work with their hands
Furry shit is my secret sin. I hate it.
What a thread.
stop this
come back to the light