In Romania, the corruption is literally LEGAL.
Also in Romania, the visitors/immigrants have more rights then the Romanian citizens.
Another interesting thing in Romania is that, after the communism was taked down, the same fucking people from that time,control our country.
In Romania, the corruption is literally LEGAL
>In Romania, the corruption is literally LEGAL.
Wow, I guess if it's illegal there won't be any corruption. Nobody wants to break the sacred code we call romanian law, not even when there's lots of money to be made by funneling taxpayer money into you and your cronies' pockets!
Still unironically a better to live than Sweden, Germany, France, or UK.
>Also in Romania, the visitors/immigrants have more rights then the Romanian citizens.
Corruption in the elite exists everywhere.
The business of the elite is to make business onto itself
The interests of the elite is to expand their interests.
How many Wall Street or City of London Bankers did you see prosecuted after the last economic crisis?
Do you think the elite in western nations have maintained and expanded their interests for over 3 centuries based solely on transparency and meritocracy?
I'd have more respect for you if you used your own flag. I've been to Romania, it's decent, so exhilarating to be in a place that actually looks European and not like downtown Islamabad.
this is really true. when I drive in romania, traffic police stops me and ask for bribe money. I pay them and continue my way. if another one stops on the same way, I tell them I paid my bribe just hours ago.
>the corruption
>the communism
>migrants having more rights than average romanians
we have a very low crime and rape rate
because most romani criminals in the west.
do they let you go the second time?
Sounds like California
yes, they let me go on but before they convince you should talk to them nicely.
corrupt police is also big problem in bulgaria. whenever I drive from turkey to europe, I consider my bribe budget.
I don't know whether they only treat turks like this or everyone.
epic, having to pay a roach tax.
>In Romania, the corruption is literally LEGAL.
No, the rule of law is just a meme in the case of corruption law and the judiciary (backed by the (((EU)))) applies it as it pleases.
>Also in Romania, the visitors/immigrants have more rights then the Romanian citizens.
You're confusing us for Sweden, over here no one has rights to anything.
>Another interesting thing in Romania is that, after the communism was taked down, the same fucking people from that time,control our country.
"Our country" t. bozgor
But yes, this is an issue. Should've shot them indiscriminately when we had the chance (and guns to go with it).
Jesus Christ, that invented name got to Turkey. All is lost
a romanian girl once told me that "if he/she doesnt steal, then he/she's not a real romanian - and if it's real romanian, then it steals."
anybody confirming?
gypsy people in turkey call themselves "romans" for a very long time. I'm not joking.
tell her she is a whore a to go back to cleaning toilets
i cant confirm what she said to be true
but i can confirm that she is a filthy gyppo,that or she just made a dumb joke and you took it seriously
the only people in this country that steal are gyppos,priests,kids and politicians
Nigger you need to have a reasonable grasp of the English language before you try making threads.
Might be going there next year.
Draculas castle looks ace but I'll be staying in an international hotel with security
>gypsy people in turkey call themselves "romans" for a very long time
so when the ottomans considered themselves the continuation of the roman empire, it was actually the empire of the gypsies?
don't forget about the Orthodox church and its negative influence among Romanians
>gypsy people in turkey call themselves "romans"
Gibs back Hagia Sophia, roach.
she's white with blonde hair and blue eyes, very beautiful, and she hates gypsies
is Romania generally safe, to visit and to live in as a foreigner? both cities and countryside?
is it true that robbers fraud and rob tourists at highways stations?
and how's the weather ?
better to have it than liberalism taking over as the new religion tho it will soon take over
Of course.
Best bit? Ceauşescu was overthrown by the globalists not for starving his people but for being a nationalist and for paying off Romania's debt. First thing the globalist "revolutionaries" did was put Romania back into debt.
I'm sharing you an interesting information and all you do is childishly memeing. I'm tired of stupid little boys here.
>post with EU flag
what an utter faggot
t. Dane on trip through poor Europe
>she's white with blonde hair and blue eyes
probably transilvanian and thereby probably hungarian too
>is Romania generally safe, to visit and to live in as a foreigner? both cities and countryside?
i live in a rural area but in a white neightborhood
i guess cities are more dangerous than towns and villages if you dont know what you re doing
>is it true that robbers fraud and rob tourists at highways stations?
no ideea
never happend to me
>and how's the weather ?
there s a meme going around about the american hurricane comming to town and killing all of us
make of that what you will
Doing Based Vlad proud, lads.
I just wish you had completely eradicated gypsies.
people were starving unless you are some old commie fag nobody in their right mind would say yes things are better you know bread lines communism was the worst cancer that could have happened to this nation
>I'm sharing you an interesting information
why is it interesting? It would've been interesting if you told me why the gypsies consider itself roman?
soon or later i must visit your country, Florin
all the ones i've met from there were great persons. unfortunately where i live few romanians are criminals and they soak the reputation of all the good ones
Falsely accusing someone of being corrupt is a popular thing in political discourse.
>is Romania generally safe, to visit and to live in as a foreigner? both cities and countryside?
No,you're going to get bitten by a Vampire.
>I'm sharing you an interesting information
Yes, we know that. Or anyone over 12 who follows David Irving does. He talks about meeting with some of Hitler's last staff in the 1980s when they were pulling that shit in germany and the Gypsy Question, and how insane it was to call them "Roma." Bangladesh isn't "Rome." How they were never genocided is beyond me.
But I still think the Jews are worse since gypsies are lazy and thieving, but Jews are corrupters of the soul. Also, most Turks who post here are trolls. I still hate how Hagia Sophia was wrecked but guess I can't hold you personally responsible.
All the old ones need to be killed. For fucks sake they vote for the neo-commies thinking it will bring back the "good old days". Really what a fucking civil war to happen so I can kill as many as possible.
I know people were starving. (((They))) didn't care.
(((They))) just wanted Romanians to be debt-slaves. Ceauşescu was in Iran to discuss investing in Iran's economy with debt-free money. (((They))) didn't want competition.
i eat too much garlic.
i would be rather scared if i dont find garlic in food, that would be terrible
It even got to China.
I was on a plane with a Chinese, from Roma to Beijing.
When he found out I am Romanian he said: can I ask you a question? I do not wish to insult you.. but the Romanians I saw in Italy they were stealing and begging..."
i would rather have some debt like most nations have then do all the debt saving solution he did also romania was a normal european nation before communism after not so much soo again
>I don't know whether they only treat turks like this or everyone.
They treat foreign truck drivers like this because they don't follow the rules of the road.
Maybe you should urge EU to focus on tackling corruption within EU instead of wars in the middle east then?
The first mentioning of the term Roma occurred at the World Gypsy Congress held in London 1975.
The term was adopted officially in 1992 through the European Council, pressed forward by George Soros.
This Roma/ Rrom. Romani/Romany is pressed by Zionist propaganda to systematically denigrate the image of Romania internationally. Why? because Romania has attempted several times throughout the 20th century to mount opposition against International Jewry. We were even one of Germany's most important allies on the Eastern Front ( According to Erich von Manstein- Lost Victories).
(((They))) cannot demonise us like they do to Germans, Japanese, Russians, because we are a small and impoverish nation without a military tradition. Who would believe the narrative of the barbarious, murderous Romanians killing over 6 gorillion? Nobody!
So this is how they systematically destroy us. They gypsify us. They have gypsified our image internationally.
The gypsies call themselves "romani" in sweden as well..
they don't call themselves. This is the official Politically correct term. Gypsies in Romania call themselves gypsy (tsigan)
Went to Romania with an ex-gf (before I went my own way).
Overall safe or safer than western Europe. Hardly any Muslims.
Biggest annoyance is gypsies. Stay away from places they hang around, like train stations or the Bucharest metro. Don't give them money, of course. Stay away from their neighbourhoods and villages (usually nothing to see there anyway).
Gypsy-tier white Romanians as well as actual gypsies will try to rip you off too. Don't dress like a rich tourist. When you go out carry only a copy of your passport and either only one bank card or no more cash than you need.
Romanians are crazy drivers and the roads are shit. That's reason enough to stick to buses or minibuses (maxitaxis) for intercity travel, robbers or no robbers.
Stay off the trains, they're in bad shape and full of gypsies. Always wear a seatbelt. If a cab doesn't have them, find another one.
Romania has four seasons. Summers are quite hot, but no worse than much of north America.
yeah, well, they are referenced to as "romani" in some of the newspapers here. It seems to be the politically correct term here.
I'm not a truck driver. I drive my personal sedan car. I don't usually follow rules in my country but I strictly follow rules in a foreign country.
do you have any idea when it first started?
we call gypsies as cingen. it's something like saying cingen=nigger, saying roman=black here.
But do they say RomanI or Romans?
they also in Sweden call themselves poor and beg while they are driving the latest bmw and have big palaces.
roman singular
romans plural
>do you have any idea when it first started?
they started flooding sweden when romania got into europe. Before that, there were basically zero gypsies here. Usually they just beg, steal bicycles or do house robberies.
They are very short too, all of them seem to be around 170, 160..
The pc term for them in Romania is "rromi".
They call themselves "tigani" which means gyppo.
>The term was adopted officially in 1992 through the European Council, pressed forward by George Soros.
Soros is like a fucking slug you find every time you pick up a rock, his jewish slime is there.
It's probably your TR number plate. Turkish truck drivers have a really bad reputation in Romania.
Sorry mate.
Republics are a easily corruptible
Monarchy is what Romania needs, give Micheal I or his daughter Margareta their throne. Why take bribes when you are the fucking King/Queen? You don't need to be "prepared" for life after being the Head of State.
>Why take bribes when you are the fucking King/Queen?
Doesn't work like that traditionally mate. Look how the Jews managed to subvert almost every Euro monarch by giving him loans and then getting a monopoly on slave trading, tax collecting, whatever it was. I unironically think that Germany 1933-1939 was the best time and place to live in European history if you weren't a noble.
I do not give a shit, I would never walk in a shithole like Romania
What if they are ancient descendants from roman patricians? KEK
the commies and the king in the inter-war period did much to turn the opinion of romanians about monarchy as much is might believe is natural not just for us but for europe
good, fuck off you jew slaver
You can't take the worst parts of the country and use it to represent the entire place. I've been there. Cheap, and Bran Castle is amazing and you get to see where Vlad actually lived.
Michael is too old and has no heirs that are fit to be rulers
The Monarchy is fucked
Cingen is probably Turkish exonym
cigano is the Portuguese exonym for example
The name / endonym that those gipsies self-mostly designate themselves is Roma or Romani
>During the late 20th century the use of exonyms often became controversial. Groups often prefer that outsiders avoid exonyms where they have come to be used in a pejorative way: for example, Romani people often prefer that term to exonyms such as Gypsy (from Egypt), and the French term bohémien, bohème (from Bohemia)
>Self-designation also varies: In Central and Eastern Europe, Roma is common. The Romani of England call themselves (in Angloromani) Romanichal, those of Scandinavia (in Scandinavian romanidialect) Romanisæl. In German-speaking Europe, the self-designation is Sinti, in France Manush, while the groups of Spain, Wales and Finland use Kalo/Kale (from kalo meaning "black"). There are numerous subgroups and clans with their own self-designations, such as the Kalderash, Machvaya, Boyash, Lovari, Modyar, Xoraxai, Lăutari, etc.
Has anyone here studied the genetic history of gypsies? I've studied Jew genetics, but never Gypos. I know they're said to have emerged in Bangladesh. I just don't understand how they survived in Europe during the middle ages as thieves and parasites. When did they really enter Europe and why were they never dealt with by leaders or even the Church for things like fortune telling?
They didn't get in Europe in the middle ages, I think it was later when Europe was busy with Religious infgihting and Turks
When did they enter the Iberian peninsula, and why did Ferdinand and Isabella deal with them? I'm just trying to get a picture of where they were and why they were allowed to stay since they were thieves and of no value to society. Where did they hide out during WW 1? They surely didn't fight.
>I think it was later when Europe was busy with Religious infgihting and Turks
Even so, in a time of constant warfare, I still can't see why they weren't seen as a threat or just parasites. Anyone know a decent book about them from early-mid 20th century before the Jews totally cucked academia and publishing that tells the truth about them?
They got into the Balkans and Turkey because the Ottoman Empire fucked this place up, and there was a vacuum,
Nobody cared to do serious "academic work" on the gypsies. They were mostly seen as this peripheric pest
it depends some of them can have value like 10% depends what clan they come from the usefull ones can make various things for example wood carving but yeah the rest are of no use
stop larping Laszlo.
Wouldn't the turks have dealt with them then for not being muslims? The whole "gypsies in Europe" thing has always amazed me and that it took up until Hitler to even try to tackle the problem. They're not even Christians are they? Or do they just LARP as Christian or muslim depending on when is convenient? The Jews here tried to romanticize them in 1960s or 1950s I think when people like Stevie Nicks from fleetwood mac would try to pretend they were some sort of exotic, interesting people. Until I really saw them close up, didn't realize how repulsive they really are.
why are old people so retarded? I hope we don't become that way. Corruption on some level is a sign of decadence, you need new ideas and movements.
>during the middle ages
As an example, here is pro-Jewish gypsy propaganda and what the Jews try to make people believe they are like:
I know, but I don't trust kikeapedia since it's run by Jews and never really tells the truth, esp. about (((marginalized))) groups.
Romanians should use eugenics to get rid of the gypsy plague, do you plan to put up with it forever????
Turks didn't care much about ethnic/religious groups in their empire. There was some degree of religious and ethnic tolerance, otherwise how would a multi-ethnic, multi-religious empire spanning across three continents survive?
As a general rule, Turks just wanted a higher tribute/ higher taxes. They specifically meddled into religious/ethnic composition primarily in regions they considered vital to control, regions that had a tendency to rebel, and were thus difficult to control.
So they forcefully islamicize the region around Constantinopole, and they colonise muslims in Bosnia, but they did not care that much about these gypsies.
>european facial features
>brown hair
That thing has no gypsy blood in it.
"Irish Franciscan monk Symon Semeonis encountered a migrant group of Romani outside the town of Heraklion (Candia), in Crete, calling them "the descendants of Cain"
>Wouldn't the turks have dealt with them then for not being muslims?
no, they were perfect as slaves. Gypsies weren't even christian, so they brought them into their provinces. You could have slaves at that time if they weren't christian or muslim. So gypsies were perfect.
We are praying a situation like the 1940s happens again and we can finally final solution them.
Until then, it is suffering... the zionist... romani propaganda
A. The record company is Jewish. Would you like to see proof?
B. What other reason would there be to make them seem exotic and even attracitve when in reality they look like (and are) bangledeshi
C. Don't post in all caps, you fucking reddit retard. No "karma" good goy points here.
thanks mate, makes more sense now. Romanians (REAL Romanians) some of the coolest people in Europe in my experience.
there were already significiant gypsy population in balkans before ottomans conquered it. historical sources are very clear on that matter.
in fact, pure blood gypsy migration from indian peninsula completely stopped in early 1700's.
shit country but for some reason Romanian women seem to have gigantic breasts.
Tell me more about corruption.
Portuguese Inquisition sent most of them to Brazil
Question to the Romanians here, why are you called Romania? Is it tied to Roman influence of some sort? I only say that since Romanian is considered a Latin Romance language.