Is it possible to have male only spaces in 2017? How can we reclaim masculinity?
Is it possible to have male only spaces in 2017? How can we reclaim masculinity?
You can reclaim your masculinity by improving yourself.
Is that a turkish bath?
Looks gay
>ywn develop camaraderie by washing another man's pubes no homo
>Is it possible to have male only spaces in 2017?
If you can't find them, build them. Form your own gentlemen's club and see how it goes.
There is nothing gay about a bathhouse
Masculinity is about individualistic discipline, self-perfection, and control. Don't look anywhere but within for masculinity, or affirmation of that masculinity.
you all are just faggots admit it lol
well this is a gay as fuck image. I will say guys need more guy time though. the trick is to make places women don't want to be
You're only allowed woman-only spaces because men are scary and evil what with their logical brains and physical superiority.
can't have them interrupting our vega yoga chant circle for well being and natural healing. They might ruin our energy by lifting large objects and reaching things on high shelves.
Fraternities are, which is why they are under such insane attack from leftist college admins.
There is nothing gay about that pic. aIts just men being together and celebrating manhood
there's gay clubs's backrooms and masonry. Whatever you do if there's only males expect it being gay as fuck
>the trick is to make places women don't want to be
There's a catch. Women want to be where the male attention is and for this reason only. See: gurl gamers, gurl geeks, etc.
men celebrating dicks together sounds a tad gay desu
Where is the copypasta?
Wut? Thats ludicrous. Men can share brotherhood without it being gay. You sound brainwashed
>Is it possible to have male only spaces in 2017?
>How can we reclaim masculinity?
Oh sweetie, you know the answer to that.
They arent celebrating dicks. They are just hanging out with friends and bathing. Its not gay.
Actually, there are more men only yoga classes than women only. Yoga is about 95% women so many studios try to encourage more men.
I'm not saying men only places are inherently gay but they end up attracting that crowd. Nothing wrong with that though if that's your thing
man·hood (măn′ho͝od′)
5. The male penis or genitals.
>be wrestler
>mat whores stand around and flirt/cheer during practice
How about innawoods survival groups? I bet roughing it will keep most women away as it requires they suffer to participate.
that's gay af. i have no desire to be around a bunch of guys, much less a bunch of naked guys.
Why dont you desire male company?
Not gay, he is just bathing his friend. Ypu have just been conditioned to see all male affection as sexual
women insist on tagging along long before they actually consider what's involved
if there's any possible means of charging it, they'll be on their phone the whole time. this is the best case scenario
typical scenario involves perpetual bitching and everyone else taking on more responsibility as a result. Not to mention the absolute and complete drain on everyone's mood when one person is incapable of cooperation or anything resembling dependability.
i've seen a few stories posted about this exact scenario but i can't find one. I've seen it first hand more times than i can count considering my love for camping
Yes , it called a gay bar
100% gay - that's a hand job if I ever saw one.
They're making eye contact
people do that when they converse
and people converse when getting their dick washed because if they laid back and moaned, THEN it would be gay
Possible? It's all we talk about. It's all men have ever done. Freud is beating off in the corner with his cigar. The most based men in history or bible sucked on weenises. The end
>you will NEVER have such a close friendship that your friend is willing to wash your balls no homo
kind of depressing actually
That is some pretty gay shit, dude.
>you will never
>it happened last friday
>you have been conditioned and not by fake jewish isis vaginas
Vaginas are gay
wtf i hate women now
Yeah... GAY AS
This thread is pretty fucking gay.
Good. Woe unto them bearing children when Christ returns. But gays can have their own kids. Since God regrets creating us, I think we've had a long enough chance to outlive revelation. There's no point in expanding the population of africa like we're on track to do. With aids dead I heard gays outbreed everybody now anyways
So's your mom
life is gay
Anonymous spaces, as women can't stand places where they can't reach peek attention.
>Uni guild can't prohibit women under the charter
>Charter provides we can implement entry requirements within certain guidelines
>All existing members must have this applied to them
>Make a 15 minute test
>All questions require lateral thinking, problem solving and rationality
>Female membership drops to 0
>Two male members cannot pass
>Guild suddenly makes uni fun
>Actually prefer to stay in guild room rather than go home between classes and to study
>The good times roll for 3 weeks
>The charter is amended
>Guilds cannot have entry exams, contests or requirements
>Petition signed by all the women who were kicked out or denied entry, plus 63 more
>Dissolve the guild and continue our usual schedule informally in under-used wing of library
>Female students start using the wing in protest
>The wing is remodeled as a communal space with glass walls to represent transparency and inclusiveness
2 months later
>A high ranking faculty member goes on a social media rant where she denies the soviet death toll as capitalist lies
>A series of guilds abuse the new charter to effectively stage sit-in protests within campus grounds without reproach
>New faculty member is hired
>All changes to the charter are revoked
>We reform the guild
>Implement the testing again
>All is well
Reclaim it with stealth, patience and guile.
>Is it possible to have male only spaces in 2017
Yes, OP's apartement, no female's ever been there.
I know, we live in such a feminized society that merely bathing anither man and making eye contact is gay
We can go to the gaybar
It wont stink and be filthy then. I wonder why the best chefs and drivers are males. What would you talk about with a woman? Shut up and lemme sniff your strange?
False flag. And a rainbow showed up right after. Also he was a size queen faggot
Masculinity just means being a disposable utility, and men are realizing this, hence the retreat to pursuing their own self interests, happiness and health rather than "manning up" since there's literally no point, especially if you could never even compete in the first place no matter how masculine you were or weren't.
what the fuck is a guild? I could look it up if you didnt use a retarded-ass pyramid flag.
>tfw many guys actually shave down there
Except your entire race dies as a result and the kikes win by flooding the country with foreign masses.
>Is it possible to have male only spaces in 2017?
Any Sup Forums convention.
It's like a student club, just with a budget and permanent, private location on campus.
What if they are all traps? Traps arent gay.
open a gym but install a lounge in the mens change room.
used to go to this fancy gym and the change room had an area with couches and a tv.
just put a strip club facade over a traditional gentlemens club but dont hire any actual strippers and make the interior classy.
>Masculinity just means being a disposable utility,
Masculinity is about taking power into your own hands, and having the testosterone to fuel the pride and competitiveness that leads to innovation, and is responsible for everything you see around us.
Fuck you and your beta nu-male metrosexual bullshit, you cocksucking faggot. Being a man is about taking what you want, not cowering in the corner complaining about sour grapes.
Kill yourself you fucking pussy.
nothing is more horrible to women and leftists than men getting together and talking without supervision
You know that's not true. I'm not even counting girls (male) when I say that.
I've got your answer: are there any women ITT? If so post timestamped tits
That's a solely individualistic approach which misses a lot of the social aspect.
It's gay
>He thinks that an stupidly handsome army isn't a social aspect on itself.
Kill all men
That's pretty gay user
>women don't go to gay bars
Women need safe spaces
Men just get shit done
>Its not gay, theyre just scrubbing each others dicks until they ejaculate
>Its not gay her penis is feminine
The slope is slippery my faggoty friend
Is this some new age psyop to normalize men looking each other in the eye while they touch each other's penises wtf?
This whole thread is gayer than anal sex
Only women go to gay bars
>Dude washing another man's junk
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"
Evil is code for "things I don't like". You want male spaces back then don't play their game. We are already doing it but do it harder. hangouts and social norms and games and entertainment and companies are all fucked up. The concept of "nation" is fucked up family is fucked up work is fucked up books and news are fucked up language is fucked up, and because they fucked everything male up, we are by default fucked up.
But we are wasting their time, wasting their money. We are upsetting them and making them reconsider their choices. We are walking away from traditional male roles and spaces and its causing a slow collapse because we won't play ball. We are evil and the only way we will ever get things back to normal is to do fucking nothing. I dont need to tell anyone here how to be a shit so just keep doing what yer doing. The knees will bend. Call it the sleepingpill.
>How can we reclaim masculinity?
Stop apologizing for being a man. For wanting to have sex with multiple women, for being aggressive, for wanting to dominate others, for wanting to be strong. That's masculinity. That's literally the reason the species has survived this long and achieved the marvels that we have.
Looks like a nazi era barracks shower room. Why DOES the Eternal Teuton into homoerotica?
>muh jinetik legahsee
>Masculinity is about taking power into your own hands, and having the testosterone to fuel the pride and competitiveness that leads to innovation, and is responsible for everything you see around us.
MGTOW is about realizing that you as an individual man don't wield any power and can't compete in society, that you are totally insignificant, easily replaceable by other men or machines, and no one else actually cares about your health and happiness. You only worth to others is as a tool, a workhorse, a provider, protector, builder and sustainer, a human doing. And you are even conditioned socially and biologically to equate your own self worth with your utility, and vehemently antagonize men who reject or don't live up to masculine ideals, as you do so here.
>Being a man is about taking what you want, not cowering in the corner complaining about sour grapes.
Being a MGTOW is about realizing that you will be killed, maimed or imprisoned if you just "take what you want" and saying fuck it, being a man is not worth doing, and the grapes really are sour. What is the reward for being a man? Fucking nothing. Engaging in any kind of "real masculinity" in the current year is a literal suicide mission. But after all, self sacrifice and throwing yourself into harms way to defend your "honor" and "manhood" is the apex of masculinity.
These places exist, and they're called strip clubs. I just wish classier "gentlemen's clubs" were more of a thing. More modestly-dressed women as waitresses (yet enough to get an eyeful), expensive meals and whiskey, a quiet atmosphere...
>Is it possible to have male only spaces in 2017? How can we reclaim masculinity?
Bathhouses aren't gay. They're just used by gays for homosex.
I've been thinking about an all male exercise club of some type, do some jogging and body weight exercises in the park for like 45 min then spend like 15 min talking about men's/individual issues(pretty much a copy of F3).
We fucked up, we where meant to get to the top of dominance hierarchies then get pussy, not get pussy to get to the top of hierarchies. Just because the sexual revolution fucked everything up doesn't mean you have to go be a genetic dead end. Masculinity are just traits useful in multiple hierarchies/show dominance, stop being so black pilled mate.
I would prefer to not see Trotsky naked, thank you!