Bests of Summer 2016

Does Sup Forums agree with this?

Anything I am forgetting?

Aren't we in Spring season?

>avoids MC in class
>best """"bro""""

Good point. Duly noted.

This is what I made a few years ago for comparison. Just trying to brainstorm a few more entries for the current season.

Damn, that was a good season.

It really was. I thought maybe it was me because I couldn't think of more than 12 "bests" for this season, but I think this season just isn't that good, overall.

>Best Malware

Stuck in a shitty anime.

Can we just have a thread about this little girl?






>Best hair
>not Josuke
The rest is good though

Post pic

Where is the best midget?

>these shows are a couple years old

Fuck I want off this ride

2014 was such a lovely year for anime.

That's a man, you faggot.

Here you go


that hair is shit though

Sorry, I thought you referring to an actually good character that I just couldn't remember. This faggot will not make it on the chart.

Where the fuck is Rem?


Isn't Puck a guy


Best lesbians.




also, forgetting macross is a crime

Best hamburger.

Best Seamen

Real best animal girl right here.


Best seamen demon

Look at the drawing she's holding up.

OP here. Good points.

I wish the PuPiPi manga would get scanlated again. I liked the anime and I want to see how it ends.


That... does look like a comfy show.

You forgot Keit-ai.


You forgot best smug.

Best frog

Best Tentacle

oldfag here, been a cave for months, good to see jojo still animated, is rohan going to be in this season?


At nighttime, she turns into a QT.

>best idiot

Eh, shit characters in shit anime don't really make the cut.

It really is. It's comfy as fuck.




ya jus my opinion bro don b mad or nuttin man

That's a big double standard considering how shit Big Order is.

Big Order has good characters in a shit anime.

>best idiot
People actually watch that shit?
>best tsundere
even for tsundere standards she's a shitty one
>Beste bro
>not best pig
>anything from mayoiga even remotely good at anything aside being garbage
>liking westaboo cartoon tighs

I don't like the hair either but That's just a matter of personal preference.

>Big Order has good

Watching it has clearly damaged your brain, user.

Who is the tsundere from?
Kono Bijutsubu?


>it's impossible to enjoy stupid anime

Take this elitist shit elsewhere.

I want to fuck this loli.

There's a difference between enjoying something and calling it good.

Big Order can be enjoyable as a trainwreck, but it is not good by any stretch of the word.

They dropped the Pig gag after like two episodes and wrote her into a background character. Bro is as good as we're going to get.

Wrong. Rin is a good idiot character.

Just because you want to dominate her mind and fuck her doesn't make her a good character.

Says the guy who watches garbage like Anne Happy.

It's fine to enjoy shitty shows but you should have at least SOME standard. Mayoiga and big order have no redeeming values.

The fact that she's written well enough to evoke that desire in you is proof that she's a good character.

>bad anime
>bad characters
Not the same concept. Look at . LOTS of those girls were stuck in shitty anime.

Best Slut

I said there were no redeeming values, which includes characters. But if you're seriously going to defend mayoiga you're beyond salvation. Honestly, anyone could make up better characters and likely a better story in just a few hours time.

Oh, YOU were the one who said that? I guess that makes it true, then. Argument finished. You may close the thread.

>tfw only watching macross delta

Well Macross is pretty gay.

Is Delta even gayer?

I thought it was pronounced triangle.

>not a single person disputing that machi is a rape victim

>best calves

>that whole OP filled with mostly utter garbage
>calls anne happy garbage
Go fuck yourself with your shit taste

Anne Happy is garbage and all the characters in it are crap.

How does it feel being so retarded?

>says the guy who watches crap like big order and mayoiga

Sansha Sansou does everything that Anne Happy does, but about a hundred times better.

>butthurt Anne Happy fags mad their trash isn't in an arbitrary best list


Those anime aren't anywhere near as bad as Anne Happy. And what the fuck does watching something have to do with anything? If you don't even watch Big Order or Mayoiga but claim that they are somehow bad, then that just makes your opinion worthless, which it is, but on pragmatic grounds, it's a self-defeating claim.

>Does Sup Forums agree with-

>Eh, shit characters in shit anime don't really
make the cut.
>Watching it has clearly damaged your brain, user.
>Go fuck yourself with your shit taste

Don't ever change your charming ways, Sup Forums.

>Anne Happy is garbage
It's okay user, one day you'll know the truth of this world as well. We'll be here waiting to hear about your joy once you're able to appreciate happiness. Until then, just remember that we're cheering you on!

They are rather equivalent and both are amazing. This is one of the most healing seasons we've gotten in awhile when you throw in a few others like Flying Witch. Luluco got kind of dark, but it was hilarious about it in the same way that an earlier episode had a first love justice orgasm execution.

Fuck off nerd

Why are sanshafags so bitter?
I watch both shows, and when I check the thread sanshafags are always bitching about annehappy and happyfags are just being happy.
I initially though it was the same people in both these threads but thats clearly not the case.
They're both good, while I personally enjoy annehappy more, it always feels like the sanshafags who do not watch other SoLs have the need to deride other shows so they can feel better about themselves and delude themselves on thinking theyre not missing out on anything

Just because it's a SoL anime doesn't mean it's automatically "healing." This is a schoolgirl gag comedy that isn't funny. I bet you thought Seitokai Yakuindomo was good too.

Nobody is bitter. We just have taste.

>Chaika is too years old
>Post this image; can't even remember the name of Kate's Anime


>calls sanshafags "bitter"
>proceeds to derail the thread with a shitposting temper tantrum just because one person didn't like his favorite anime
>can't figure out why all his posts are getting negative responses
Dumb fucking cunt.

What? Speak English.

>all his posts
That was my first post in this thread
Just visit any sansha thread and theyre always bitching about unhappy.
Doesnt seem anything other than bitter, like this guy

Lovepon should also be best armpits

Somewhere in the garden, where all plants belong.

Next up is RHCP arc, Rohan shouldn't be too far behind

i watched the first few episodes of both of them and it was enough for me to realise they are both shit
all the while youre the one claiming unhappy is shit when you havent even seen it
your post just describes you

>That was my first post in this thread
It's funny that redditors think they can pull this shit on Sup Forums just because their name field says "anonymous." When summer ends, if you stay, you'll eventually realize how transparent it is when a single person is throwing a shitposting temper tantrum.

What makes it healing are the episodic plots about overcoming adversity with the power of friendship, combining one's blessings with others to eliminate curses, and accepting that making mistakes doesn't make one unlikable. Plus the ultra-comfy ED.
You'll understand when you're luckier, happier, more miraculous, and loving (attack!) I believe in you. I look forward to laughing together with you in that wonderful future.