Do you like Shirou Emiya?

Do you like Shirou Emiya?

I don't hate him

He's alright

He is a cool guy with a cool life and a cool goal.
I suppose i like him.

He's pretty cool.
He goes well with Seibah.

I like him.

Prisma made me like him.

He's a pretty good vehicle for exploring the themes of Fate, but he's not a compelling or interesting character.

I love him.

My first anime boy crush. His constant struggle to protect everyone and keep everyone safe (no matter how threatening) in a literal death war is endearing. Wish he had more merchandise though.

aaaa gaaaaaay

As a person? Yeah, he's pretty cool, super nice, and likes to help people. Would hang out with.

As a character? I only like UBW Shirou. He really reaches his ultimate potential, and finds a way to accomplish his goals without sacrificing anything. Fate Shirou is a pushover who gets a lucky shot in on Kotomine at the end. HF Shirou sacrifices all his ideals for a girl. I hate HF Shirou for that.

For a eroge main character from the early 2000s he's rather well written and compelling.
Hell, I think he's one of the few protags that go in an adventure that, to a degree, deconstructs the average battle shounen protag.
What I like the most of the analysis made through his character is that you ultimately get a positive view on heroism (even if you're shown the path isn't as glorious as your average story makes it sound), rather than some cynical view on it (like what most Cape comic authors who failed to understand the point of Watchmen do).

On the other hand, Shiroufags are an annoying bunch.

>On the other hand, Shiroufags are an annoying bunch.


I'd let him cook for me

They're powerlevel fags who, for some reason, seem to believe Shirou/Archer are the most powerful character in the Fate series. Not all Shiroufags may fall under this, but plenty do.

Then you have the Shiroufags who go around parroting how he's some super deep character, and whilst his character does explore some themes relevant to how heroes are portrayed in shounen manga, his character itself isn't particularly complex.

At least the HF Shiroufags are mostly gone. I still remember how those guys kept on repeating some fake quote from Wikipedia, about HF being like an adult, just because he dropped his ideals.

To be honest he seems like a cool guy to hang out with. He's a realistic type of nice

He can be pretty badass, so yeah.

I am Emiya Shirou

He's annoying as fuck. Not sure if want to hang out with.

It's weird how righteous he is portrayed when the series spends so much time explaining why his ideals are flawed.

Yes he's like me: intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.

I love him (no homo). I would like to be friends with him.