Just end this fucking world, pls just get over with it.
Im done
Just end this fucking world, pls just get over with it
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What in the ever loving fuck?
Being gay needs to go back to being about doing coke in discos instead of being a nauseating weaboo bitch.
All of these LGBT internet artists draw the exact same. I met a "non-binary" webcomic artist on a dating website once and this looks exactly like something she's draw. To the point that I'm actually surprised her signature isn't on it.
is this like hedgehog personalities but for obnoxious tumblr faggots? shit is edgier than coldsteel
nothing personnel, kid
Fuck this gay earth
And everyone in it
Just found that picture, if anyone can find more pls post
It probably won't reproduce.
>cringey gay shit exists
just imagine holding a conversation with your 13 year old self
the only difference here is that these folks never grew out of it
I remember when anime used to be my thing, not the latest liberal jamboree.
its thoughts, opinions, and ideas will, though.
This was always pretty jarring to me.
>Japs are nationalistic and zenophobic as fuck
>Average lib is all "Le anime XD I can dress CUHRAZY NOW"
>Anime shows any signs of jap culture they don't like
>"THIS...IS....NOT OKAY ;_;"
What anime show signs of jap culture libs dont like?
Anything with a black man. Anything.
I don't understand why they like anime (an artstyle focused around making things pretty) when all they do is make ugly shit
Anything with sexualized women in heterosexual relationships, especially if said women are MILFs or lolis.
Mostly making fun of blacks or gays
Whats even more funny is for instance, Zelda is literally white nationalism: the game. Most anime shows subtraits that show how superior societies are without Blacks/spics/Muslims.
>Just end this fucking world, pls just get over with it. Im done
I concur.
Does he think people actually care?
Literally anything involving dads raising women, anything that involves the parents pushing women into getting married, anything that involves train molestation at all, since it it involves telling women not to get themselves molested, anything that involves gay men, because gay men are like gay women here, where the parents just go "Yes yes, that's nice but you better get married soon and to a woman"
Basically they have no sense of the small social justice garbage libs love to virtue signal about so much.
Why liberals haven't boycotted all anime because of this is beyond me. Japan simply has no fucks to give when it comes to the portrayal of black people.
If god was a black woman, it makes perfect sense why out world is so fucked up.