Japanese vice prime minister said Japan is considering killing all incoming North Korean refugees in case of war
Japanese vice prime minister said Japan is considering killing all incoming North Korean refugees in case of war
Seriously they should.
A nation who knows how to deal with refugees.
This is why I love japan more than most European shitbag countries. Even jacked up on soy they have more balls, principles and common sense than muh western civilization
Hitler had the right motives, yes.
Why would NK refugees go to Japan? Wouldn't they much rather go to China?
Japan once again knowing how to handle invading foreigners.
They should do it to all foreigners. Including, and especially, Americans.
Holy shit that's an awesome .gif
I remember that episode too.
Look at this leaf. He's so defeated with himself that he accepts his existence as a lowly shitposter
Eat another burger, Tyrone.
Still the honorary Aryans.
eat more dog and refugee dick, chang
He didn't say like that.
Your post will mislead, whether intentionally or not.
Priase The japs
The best part is that was a different guy who said that. There is more than one /ourguy/ in the nip government
Burgers starting shit why should they have to pay the price.. he's right
Taro Aso is /ourguy/
Thank you
Wondered about OPs honesty
Too much retarded loser fuckery going on just now. Jealousy is such a motivator.
Have a look at this propaganda poster as a reward, Mini Moto.
To be fair, I saw a documentary about one of the last remaining Korean schools in Japan. They haven't even attempted to assimilate. There were literally posters of Kim Il-Seung, and Kim Jong-Il on the school walls, they took frequent trips to North Korea (this was stopped by the government, however), they referred to North Korea as 'The Fatherland', and, for Christ's sake, they received all of their funding from North Korea. There was also an interview with a senile Korean woman who had a hate-boner for the Japanese despite living in Japan for most of her life, and she was preaching this shit to a bunch of young kids.
Great idea, we should do that to shitskins here in europe as well
north korean refugees would never do this, unless they were to secretly work with the government, but i bet they wouldnt be able to stand one minute in japan
technically we wouldnt have a corrupt congress but no one can really say that
I wonder who's gonna get more refugee frags - nip military or nk border patrol.
Here they go killing more asians, and then they ask why they end full of foreigners.